Олег Викторович Мосин

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Oleg V. Mosin

Dr. Oleg Mosin was born 12.12.1966 in the town of Kaluga, Ukraine. The Russian scientist, researcher of water, biochemist, Ph.D. (1996), honored Worker of Science and Education, Associate Professor. He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology in 1992 and later on in 1996, he graduated the post-graduate studies from Moscow State Academy named after M.V. Lomonosov on biotechnological methods of preparation of stable isotope labeled compounds labeled with stable isotopes of deuterium and 13C. In 2005, he graduated from the Moscow State University of Service (RSUTIS). The dissertation thesis: "Development of methods for biotechnological production of proteins, amino acids and nucleosides labeled with stable isotopes 2H and 13C with high degrees of isotopic enrichment." Later he worked at the Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology named after MV University under the leadership of the founder of the Soviet and Russian school of biotechnology ScD, Academician V.I. Svets, where he studied the physicochemical properties of deuterium oxide, deuterium isotope effects in biological systems, the problems of adaptation of cells to various biological objects of deuterium oxide and the development of methods for the preparation of deuterium-labeled natural biologically active compounds, and later he worked in various Russian research institutes and educational institutions, he lived abroad. He is currently a research consultant conducted by the Research Center of Medical Biophysics (SRCMB) (Sofia, Bulgaria) of the joint international project: "Nature, ecology and longevity."

The scientific work is devoted to the study of the deuterium isotope effects in biological objects of different taxonomic affiliation, cellular adaptation to deuterium and deuterium-labeled biotechnology natural compounds.

The research interests include the study of the structure of water (heavy water), questions of midget impacts on water (electromagnetic fields), magnetic water treatment, water purification from heavy isotopes of deuterium, the using natural mineral sorbents (shungite, zeolite) in the water treatment methods, biosynthesis of deuterium-labeled natural products, including polypeptides, deoxyribonucleic acids, amino acids, fatty acids, sugars and nucleosides metabolism deuterated substrates, the functional activity of the molecules of deuterium-labeled compounds in environments with a high content of deuterium, genetic and physiological mechanisms of adaptation of various biological objects to deuterium oxide, isotopic effects of deuterium in biological systems and molecular evolution.

His research deals with preparation of isotopically labelled cell compounds with using microbial strains; biological adaptation to heavy water; preparation of [2H]-and [13C]-amino acids with high levels of enrichment via bioconvertion of methanol/13C-methanol/deuteron-methanol and heavy water in methylotrophs Brevibacterium methylicum and Methylobacillus flagellatum; the studying of L-Phe biosynthesis by facultative methylotroph Brevibacterium methylicum in the presence of heavy water; biosynthesis of bacteriorhodopsin labeled with deuterium on the residues of aromatic amino acids of [2,3,4,5,6-D5]phenylalanine, [3,5-D2]tyrosine and [2,4,5,6,7-D5]tryptophan; the growth of Bacillus subtilis and biosynthesis of inosine on highly deuterated media, containing heavy water and deuterated biomass of methylotrophic bacterium B. methylicum; electron impact mass-spectrometry and NMR in evaluation of levels of enrichment in labelled cell compounds, and cell adaptation to heavy water.

According to the research conducted by O.V. Mosin it was published 260 scientific papers and monographs on the biosynthesis of deuterium-labeled natural compounds, the structure of water, on the water treatment, applied several Russian patents on the production of deuterium-labeled amino acids and nucleosides. It was studied the mechanism of physiological adaptation of cells to deuterium oxide; it was developed a method for cell adaptation to deuterium; it was performed the biosynthesis of biologically active compounds labeled with deuterium using various producing strains, including amino acids, proteins, nucleosides, lipids and carbohydrates of high deuteration level; it was studied the growth, morphological and biosynthetic parameters of adapted to the deuterium oxide prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, it was established a mathematical model of the interaction of natural fullerene containing mineral shungite with molecules of water.

He has the joint research projects with Sc.D., Prof. Ignat Ignatov, director of the Research Center of Medical Biophysics (SRCMB) (Sofia, Bulgaria) on the structure and isotopic composition of water, the problems of longevity, molecular evolution, the origin of life and the use of gas discharge glow effect of biological objects in the electric fields of high intensity frequency (Kirlian effect) in biomedical diagnostics.

He is a winner of the Presidential Award in 1995 and the Professor M. Marinov Prize (Bulgaria) (2010), a member of the Japan Society for Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Bioscience (1999) and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (2014). He was awarded the medal "For contribution to perpetuate the memory of the defenders of the Kaluga in honor of 335th anniversary of the birth of Peter the Great" (2009) and the medal of Alfred Nobel for the development of science and innovation (2014). The member of the Russian United Democratic Party "Yabloko" (2009).

Short biography

The Russian scientist, biochemist, researcher of water, engineer of technology (1992), candidate of Science (Ph. D in Chemistry), assistant professor. Dr. Oleg V. Mosin was bourn in 1966 in Kaluga town (USSR) in military family. In 1996 he graduated post-graduate studies from Moscow State Academy named after M.V. Lomonosov on biotechnological methods of stable isotope labeled compounds and further worked under the leadership of prominent Soviet and Russian scientist the founder of Soviet and Russian school of biotechnology Doctor of Sciences, academician, professor Vitaly I. Shvetz where he studied many living objects to resistance to highly deuterium content in growth media. His dissertation thesis was entitled of “The developing of various biotechnological methods for the preparation of proteins, amino acids and nucleosides labeled with stable isotopes - 2H and 13C with highly levels of isotopic enrichment. The scope of his scientific interests comprising deuterium, water (heavy water) and its structure, the questions of keeping an information by water, stable isotopes and their application in biotechnology, application of various microbial objects for the preparation of cell compounds labelled with stable isotopes 2H, 13C, 15N, including proteins, amino acids and nucleosises; biosynthesis and metabolism of isotopically labeled compounds; biological adaptation to heavy water, effects of heavy water on living objects, molecular evolution and origin of life, water treatment technologies and using natural carbonaceous minerals as shungite for water treatment technologies. His research deals with preparation of isotopically labelled cell compounds with using microbial strains; biological adaptation to heavy water; preparation of [2H]-and [13C]-amino acids with high levels of enrichment via bioconvertion of methanol/13C-methanol/deuteron-methanol and heavy water in methylotrophs Brevibacterium methylicum and Methylobacillus flagellatum; the studying of L-Phe biosynthesis by facultative methylotroph Brevibacterium methylicum in the presence of heavy water; biosynthesis of bacteriorhodopsin labeled with deuterium on the residues of aromatic amino acids [2,3,4,5,6-D5]phenylalanine, [3,5-D2]tyrosine and [2,4,5,6,7-D5]tryptophan; the growth of Bacillus subtilis and biosynthesis of inosine on highly deuterated media, containing heavy water and deuterated biomass of methylotrophic bacterium B. methylicum; electron impact mass-spectrometry and NMR in evaluation of levels of enrichment in labelled cell compounds, and cell adaptation to heavy water. Dr. Oleg V. Mosin is a winner of the President Prize (1996) for distinguished successes in studies and scientific research and the Prize of Prof. Marinov (Bulgaria, 2010). Awarded with medal "For contribution to perpetuate the memory of the defenders of Kaluga after 335-th birthday of Peter the Great "(2009) and the medal of Alfred Nobel (2014). The member of the Russian United Democratic Party "Yabloko" since 2009 (№ 50-002380). Included in the encyclopedia of famous people of Russia.

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