Учебная программа для начальной школы (1-4 классы) в рамках обновления содержания среднего образования (пробный вариант для апробации в 30-ти пилотных школах). Астана, 2015. 26 с

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Английский язык. Учебная программа для начальной школы (1-4 классы) в рамках обновления содержания среднего образования (пробный вариант для апробации в 30-ти пилотных школах). – Астана, 2015. – 26 с.

Данная учебная программа разработана

АОО «Назарбаев Интеллектуальные школы» совместно с Национальной Академией образования имени И.Алтынсарина и учителями общеобразовательных школ
Table of Contents


General Information



The importance of the English language programme in the Curriculum



The aim of the English language programme



Implementation of the trilingualism policy



Description of the organisational requirements for the English language programme



Pedagogic approaches for the English language programme



Developing respect for diversity of culture and opinion in the English language programme



Competence in the use of digital technologies in the English language programme



Developing communication skills in the English language programme



Assessment in the English language programme



The English language programme content and learning objectives system


The English language programme content




Learning objectives system

Long-term plans



  1. General Information

1 The importance of the English language programme in the Curriculum

The study of English offers attitudinal, cultural, social and educational advantages for the individual and for society. Learning English can help learners to develop positive attitudes to other cultures as well as increase awareness of their own culture.

Learning English through modern, communicative methods provides opportunities for learners to develop interactive skills and to learn through interaction with others thus becoming good communicators. The learners who emerge proficient in English and with good communication skills will contribute positively to Kazakhstani society.

An ability to communicate in English is crucial in the modern world of mass global communication. Young people should be able to read, write and communicate in English as well as understand their teachers and peers at the high level. English is the language frequently used in communication, science, business, entertainment, travel and sport. A good knowledge of English provides young people with access to these areas and enables them to continue their educational, economic, social and cultural development.

English is the international language of business and one of the main languages of the OSCE and UN, so as Kazakhstan becomes more connected with the Western world, English becomes increasingly important. As routes become more travelled, Kazakhstan’s historical and natural sites will attract more visitors and more foreign investment and, as the tourist industry grows in Kazakhstan, English will be the medium through which Kazakhstanis will communicate with visitors from overseas in both formal and informal settings. Kazakhstanis are also travelling more and as they travel around the world, they will be able to acquaint English speakers with Kazakhstan and its culture. As members of this more international global community it is vital that Kazakhstanis and Kazakhstani learners are able to communicate proficiently in English.

A knowledge of English can:

  • increase learners’ confidence in communicating in different situations

  • give learners access to higher education in Kazakhstan and abroad

  • enable learners to progress professionally and to access advanced training

  • broaden learners’ access to news and information currently distributed in English

  • allow learners to access English language literary works in their original form

  • help learners to contribute to Kazakhstan’s continuing development

  • enable learners to represent Kazakhstan in both Kazakhstan and overseas

  • encourage learners to learn about different cultures and so foster international relations

  • become lifelong learners, building on skills, learning strategies and knowledge learned in school.

Learning English in primary school awakens children’s interest in the world. Children are able to acquire language in a variety of ways such as active games, songs, poems, project works etc. English teachers at primary level can help children in their early years to develop an awareness of language and encourage an enjoyment for language learning. This will also increase children’s confidence and lay the foundation for continued development in later years.

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