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Английский сессия

Participle prepositions

  • Phrase prepositions

    Simple Prepositions

    Simple prepositions are words like atforinoffonover, and under. These common prepositions can be used to describe a location, time or place.
    Some examples of common prepositions used in sentences are:

    • He sat on the chair.

    • There is some milk in the fridge.

    • She was hiding under the table.

    • The cat jumped off the counter.

    • He drove over the bridge.

    • She lost her ring at the beach.

    • The book belongs to Anthony.

    • They were sitting by the tree.

    • We are running in the gym today.

    • The sun is above the clouds.

    • She lives near her workplace.

    • She drew the picture with a crayon.

    • He swam at the lake.

    • I walked down the street.

    • We located the key for the lock.

    • The car went through the tunnel.

    • I got a package from a friend.

    • I have liked that song since 1999.

    • She put the flowers by the window.

    • The food was placed on the table.

    Double Prepositions

    Double prepositions are two simple prepositions used together, often indicating direction. Some examples are intouponontoout offrom within.

    • Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess.

    • The baby climbed onto the table.

    • It is up to us to find the answer.

    • The loud noise came from within the stadium.

    • She never leaves without her phone.

    • The bird sat atop the oak tree.

    • The caterpillar turned into a butterfly.

    • I was unable to get out of the appointment.

    Compound Prepositions

    Compound prepositions (or complex prepositions) consist of two or more words, usually a simple preposition and another word, to convey location. Some examples are in addition to, on behalf of, and in the middle of.

    • She sat across from Marie.

    • I attended the meeting on behalf of my company.

    • We were in the middle of the storm.

    • He has gym class in addition to his regular classes today.

    • He picked up the penny from beneath the couch.

    • Aside from singing, she also plays the piano at the bar.

    • My car is parked in front of the mailbox.

    • The weather will be good this weekend according to Tom.

    Participle Prepositions

    Participle prepositions have endings such as -ed and -ing. Examples are words such as consideringduringconcerning, provided.

    • She is interested in anything concerning horses.

    • He works one job during the day and another at night.

    • The dog kept following him home.

    • All the neighbors were there including the new one.

    • The principal was asking questions regarding her behavior.

    • Considering his age, he did a great job.

    • He was frustrated at the situation.

    • The teacher said no talking during class.


    Phrase Prepositions

    Phrase prepositions (or prepositional phrases) include a preposition, an object, and the object's modifier. Examples include phrases like on timeat homebefore class, and on the floor.

    • I will get to the conference on time.

    • The baseball game was canceled after the heavy rain.

    • John found his homework under the bed.

    • The children loved the gifts from their grandparents.

    • He succeeded with a little help.

    • We met to discuss the project before class.

    • She left muddy footprints on the clean floor.

    • According to his wishes, his funeral will be private

    3. You must take these powders for

    an empty stomach - Мына ұнтақты аш қарынға ішіңіз.-Вы должны принимать эти порошки на
    голодный желудок.
    Large blood loss can cause shock- Көп қан жоғалту адамды есінен тандырады. / Большая потеря крови может вызвать шок.

    17 Билет
    1.When you catch a cold you feel miserable and you shiver and sneeze. You have a sore throat high temperature, running nose. You have to go in bed. Usually the doctor comes and examines you. She Looks at you tongue and throat, she asks you undress and listens to you heart and lungs, examines your whole body. Then the doctor asks you some question.

    2.The most common time expressions in the present simple are: usually, always, never, on Wednesdays, every Wednesday, twice a week, once a month, in general, every other day.
    Time expressions made up of one word are placed between the subject and the verb in positive sentences and questions and between the auxiliary verb and main verb in negative sentences.
    1 is
    2 are
    3 is

    18 билет

    1.( Gr. Cheir surgery - and ergon - action) - to study the diseases to be treated mainly through the operation of medicine ( prevention, diagnosis, treatment ), surgery techniques and methods, techniques search clinical activities. It is known that surgery has developed since ancient times, as did the fields of medicine, therapy and obstetrics .
    2.Pronouns matter the number , name , appearance , their names, but one of them does ( nouns , adjectives , and the number of names ) used instead of the word class . [1] Pronouns express a particular concept or idea in a general way. The exact meanings of pronouns are determined by the preceding sentence or the general speech valley.
    3.Her sister is a nurse
    We like that college very much.

    19 билет

    Desmurgy (from the Greek words desmos - bunch, dressing, ergon-action) - the doctrine of dressings, principles and rules of the overlay.
    Under the bandage understand the complex tools that are used to protect wounds pathologically altered skin from exposure to various environmental factors. In the narrow sense of dressing is a means to secure or retain wound dressings. The process of imposing it on the wound is called racking.
    2.The Prepositions. Give the examples.
    A preposition is a word or group of words used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships, or to introduce an object. Some examples of prepositions are words like "in," "at," "on," "of," and "to."
    Prepositions in English are highly idiomatic. Although there are some rules for usage, much preposition usage is dictated by fixed expressions. In these cases, it is best to memorize the phrase instead of the individual preposition.
    To refer to a direction, use the prepositions "to," "in," "into," "on," and "onto."
    She drove to the store.
    Don’t ring the doorbell. Come right in(to) the house.
    Drive on(to) the grass and park the car there.
    3. Доктор можно войти? Ты можешь сделать иньекцию?
    Doctor can I come in?
    Can you get an injection?

    Pneumonia symptoms can vary from so mild you barely notice them, to so severe that hospitalization is required. How your body responds to pneumonia depends on the type germ causing the infection, your age and your overall health.

    The signs and symptoms of pneumonia may include:

    • Cough, which may produce greenish, yellow or even bloody mucus

    • Fever, sweating and shaking chills

    • Shortness of breath

    • Rapid, shallow breathing

    • Sharp or stabbing chest pain that gets worse when you breathe deeply or cough

    • Loss of appetite, low energy, and fatigue

    • Nausea and vomiting, especially in small children

    • Confusion, especially in older people

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