6В01506 «география» білім беру бағдарламасының элективті пәндер каталогы каталог элективных дисциплин образовательной программы 6В01506- «география»

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КЭД Гео 13.03.23ж. соңғысы (1)

Name of discipline:
Semester: 3
The number of credits: 6
The teacher of discipline:
1. Urazbaev А.К.
2. Izenbaev B.

Purpose of discipline:to give students deep and systematic knowledge of the economic and social geography of the republic, i.e., the peculiarities of the distribution of its natural resources in the economic sphere and the ways of their development, the peculiarities of the development of economic regions, and economic relations with other countries.
Tasks of the discipline;Students are taught the main stages of the formation of the economic and social geography of Kazakhstan;
Brief description of the discipline:Economic-geographical and geopolitical position of Kazakhstan. The role and place of the Republic of Kazakhstan environment in the world community. Administrative-territorial division of the RK. Natural resource potential. Population and ethnic composition, labor force. Economy Of Kazakhstan. International relations of Kazakhstan. Economic regions of Kazakhstan.
Prerequisites:Introduction to economic, social and political geography,
Physical geography of Kazakhstan,
Postrequisites:Pedagogical practice
Expected learning outcomes of the subject (LOS):
LOS 1 Knows the characteristics of the nature of Kazakhstan and the diversity of natural resources, their impact on the location and development of industries ;
LOS 2 Acquainted with the structure of the economic complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

LO 1
LO 9

Модульдің коды: PESGKW
Модуль атауы: Қазақстан мен дүниежүзінің физикалық, экономикалық және әлеуметтік географиясы
Пәннің коды: KIIDG 2219
Пән атауы: Қазақстанның индустриалды-инновациялық даму географиясы

Достарыңызбен бөлісу:
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