6В01506 «география» білім беру бағдарламасының элективті пәндер каталогы каталог элективных дисциплин образовательной программы 6В01506- «география»

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КЭД Гео 13.03.23ж. соңғысы (1)

Module code:PESGKW
The name of the module:Physical Economic and Social Geography of Kazakhstan and the World
Code of discipline: GWE/
Name of discipline: Geography of the World Economy
Semester: 5
The number of credits: 5
The teacher of discipline:
1. Mamadiyarov M.D.
2. Izenbaev B.

Brief description of the discipline: A branch of economic geography that studies the territorial location of the world economy and its industries by socio-economic formations, by individual countries, by large areas, as well as patterns that determine trends in the location of the world economy.
Tasks of the discipline;Students are taught the main stages of the formation of world economic geography;
Brief description of the discipline:The geography of the world economy The purpose of the discipline is to study the current state of all industries and the main branches of the world economic system from the moment of its formation to the present, uniting the totality of the national economies of the countries of the world.
Prerequisites:Introduction to economic and social geography, Social and economic, political geography of the world
Postrequisites:Geography of the modern world, Global geography, Service geography
Expected learning outcomes of the subject (LOS):
LOS 1 the student knows the factors influencing the location of the world economy.
understand structural changes in the geography of the world economy
LOS 2 is able to make forecasts depending on the location and development of the world economy.

LO 9
LO 11

Модульдің коды: PESGKW
Модуль атауы: Қазақстан мен дүниежүзінің физикалық, экономикалық және әлеуметтік географиясы

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