6В01506 «география» білім беру бағдарламасының элективті пәндер каталогы каталог элективных дисциплин образовательной программы 6В01506- «география»

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КЭД Гео 13.03.23ж. соңғысы (1)

Пререквизиты: общее землеведение, физическая география материков и океанов, физическая география Казахстана
Постреквизиты: антропогенное ландшафтоведение, ГИС
Ожидаемый результаты обучения предмета (РОП):
РОП 1 Может применять концепцию ландшафта и ландшафтной структуры;
РОП 2 Поселение и фракция. Может анализировать высотные пояса и широтную поясность;

РО 1
РО 6

Module code:SSAE
The name of the module: Subjects of Specialization and Additional Education
Code of discipline:LS 2224
Name of discipline: Landscape Science
Semester: 3
The number of credits: 4
The teacher of discipline:
1. Mamadiyarov M.D.
2. Izenbaev B.

Brief description of the discipline: Basic concepts and concepts of landscape science. Introduction to landscape science and physical and geographical zoning, its types and principles.
Tasks of the discipline; Landscapes of Kazakhstan and their protection. Gets acquainted with the types and principles of physical and geographical zoning.
Course aim: the landscape task is to identify patterns of formation, structure, development, evolution of landscapes, regional differences and landscape integration, as well as to identify internal relationships between their components and parts, metabolism and energy, changes in the properties of the landscape that arise under the influence of human activity by natural factors
Prerequisites: general burial, physical geography of continents and oceans, physical geography of Kazakhstan
Post-requisites: anthropogenic landscape science, GIS
Expected learning outcomes of the sudject (LOS):
LOS 1 Forms an idea of the landscape and landscape structure;
LOS 2 Settlement and facia. Knows about altitude zones and Latitudinal zonin


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