6В01506 «география» білім беру бағдарламасының элективті пәндер каталогы каталог элективных дисциплин образовательной программы 6В01506- «география»

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КЭД Гео 13.03.23ж. соңғысы (1)

Module code:SGSLG
The name of the module: Special Geographical Subjects and Local Geography
Code of discipline:LHS /
Name of discipline: Local History at School
Semester: 7
The number of credits: 5
The teacher of discipline:
1. Mamadiyarov M.D.
2.Tokmurzaev B.

Course description: teaches a comprehensive study of one region through the school subject of local history. Socio-economic, political, historical and cultural development of the region, as well as familiarizing students with the basics of organizing its natural character.
Tasks of the discipline; All this makes up the student's knowledge of local history.
Course aim:The student should know the main thematic questions on local history based on certain scientific principles, as well as be able to track and identify links between the history course studied at the university and the knowledge and skills acquired during the study of their native land. Has the skills of independent research work on the study of historical and cultural monuments of the region.
Prerequisites: For this course, students must study at a secondary school in local history.
Postrequisites:Physical geography of Kazakhstan, Economic and social geography of Kazakhstan
Expected learning outcomes of the sudject (LOS):
LOS 1 Earns to determine its location in the geographical environment and the history of the settlement of a certain part of the area.
LOS 2 Learns the concepts of toponymy of the area, distinguish and clarify the features of a particular area or region.

LO 12

Модульдің коды: SGSLG
Модуль атауы: Арнайы географиялық пәндер және өлкетану географиясы
Пәннің коды: EENM/4309

Достарыңызбен бөлісу:
1   ...   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   ...   91

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