6В01506 «география» білім беру бағдарламасының элективті пәндер каталогы каталог элективных дисциплин образовательной программы 6В01506- «география»

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КЭД Гео 13.03.23ж. соңғысы (1)

Module code: ZZG
The name of the module:Zhalpy zhandyk geography
Code of discipline:PG /
Name of discipline: Population Geography
Semester: 7
The number of credits: 6
The teacher of discipline:
1. Urazbaev А.К.
2. Izenbaev B.

Course description:The subject of geography of the population and its tasks. Features of the population on the globe, the constant growth of the population, its analysis; migration of the population and its geography; race of mankind, religious composition, labor, types and forms of settlement.
Tasks of the discipline;knows the population, laws and is able to distinguish the traditions of the peoples of the world.
Course aim: A systematic view of the geography of the world population, a complete description of modern spatial features of population dynamics, levels of natural movement and migration, composition, population distribution and geographical forms of its placement in the world, in certain regions and countries, including Kazakhstan.
Prerequisites: Introduction to economic, social and political geography, physical geography of continents and oceans
Postrequisites: Geography of the modern world, economic, social and political geography of the world
Expected learning outcomes of the sudject (LOS):
LOS 1 Аpply the acquired knowledge and skills in related disciplines, apply them in different spheres of life;
LOS 2 Gets a General idea of the subject geography of the population;


Модульдің коды: ZZG
Модуль атауы: Жалпы жаһандық география
Пәннің коды: KKSG/4312
Пән атауы: Қызмет көрсету саласының географиясы
Семестр: 7

Достарыңызбен бөлісу:
1   ...   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91

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