Адилбекова забираш ашимхановна қазалы қаласы мен уезiнiң әлеуметтiк-экономикалық және мәдени дамуы

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Of the thesis submitted for the scientific degree of candidate of historical sciences on specialty 07.00.02 – History of the Homeland (History of the Republic of Kazakhstan)


Social -economic and cultural development of the city of Kazaly and its county (1847-1917 historical aspect)
of author’s abstract dissertation theses for the degree of candidate of historical sciences.

Dissertation research is devoted to the social-economic and cultural development of Kazaly town and its county for the period from 1847 to 1917 with a new perspective. Also the history of Syr-Darya region to the middle of XIX century and the construction on its lower stream some castles and fortifications of military Hiva and Kokan khanates is discussed, the establishment of military entanglements of Russia on the banks of the Syr Darya, and the history of Kasaly town is fully investigated.

Actuality of the research. One of the unexplored cities of Syr-Darya district is the town of Kasaly, which from the very beginning of its formation made a significant contribution to the economic potential of the region. After the administrative reform in 1867, when the region became a district center in Kazalinsk, a new round of changes in the socio-economic and cultural-educational processes was brought in. Kasaly became a transit town at the transportation of goods to Central Asian Khanate Hiva, Bukhara and Tashkent, and Russia. An analysis of works devoted to the history of cities shows that the history of cities of Kazakhstan on lower Syr Darya (the beginning of the XIX and XX centuries.) remains so far unexplored to October revolution of 1917. Many of the thesis are devoted to exploring the history of cities, located in northern, western and north-eastern regions of Kazakhstan and practically the study of history of the city on the Syr Darya Casaly remained relevant .In this connection the actuality of the theme is very necessary and important from historic point of view.

The purpose and objectives of the study. The main purpose of the dissertation research is in objective, historical study of the socio-economic and cultural development of Kazaly and its county for the period from 1847 to 1917. In accordance with the target the following objectives were considered:

- to explore the history of Kazaly region in complex;

- to reveal the causes and methods of military colonization of this region by Russian empire;

- to show the development of trade and economic relations and the role of Kazaly in it;

- to reflect the activity and state of local educational institutions;

- to explore the development of economic, social and economic processes of the late XIX and early XX centuries;

- to consider the demographic development of Kazaly residents in comparison;

- to show the importance of events in the socio-political life of Kazaly and its county.

The scientific novelty lies in the fact that in the nation's historical science and in terms of new scientific paradigm, the socio-economic and cultural development of Kazaly and its county is investigated for the period from 1847 to 1917 on the basis of the periodical press, the data from individual studies, and archival documents.

- archival data on the history of Kazaly and its county were introduced into scientific use for the first time;

- from the scientific point of view, as a separate scientific problem, the history of development and education of Kasaly and its county is discussed for the first time;

- binding orders of Kazalinsk urban economic governance about passengers and transport of Kazaly residents, and city rules for them were analyzed as well;

- real archival data on the work of Kazalinsk city Health Committee and Charitable Committee were adduced;

- creation of Kazalinsk urban consumer society, the duties of offices, formed in Kazaly, in order to develop trade relations between Russia and Central Asian states, as well as data concerning the provisional rules of urban public pawnshops were reviewed;

- archival evidence on the opening of schools and libraries, the construction of mosques and funds allocated for the maintenance of schools in Kazaly in the second half of XIX century were listed; formation of society advocates of education and organization of popular readings at the beginning of XX century;

- in 1917 in Kasaly the local party organizations Shura-and-Islam was founded. The work also contains data on Kazalinsk Imams.

Regulations issued to defence:

- lower stream of the Syr Darya from ancient times is a hotbed of nomadism and colonization. This area, where one of the tribes of the Kazakhs’ Younger Juz settled, represented a major region, which made a major contribution to the formation of the Kazakh people. In 1847, after Raimsk consolidation was built, the conditions for the military expansion of imperial Russia in the Syr Darya and southern Kazakhstan were created.

- In 1867, after the administrative reform, this region became a significant foothold in the conquest of Central Asia. The region served an important economic role in the politics of colonization. There was widespread settlement in the region of Orenburg and Ural Cossacks and Russian peasants. Thus, this Kazalinsk county became one of the regions where Russia has carried out its policy of colonization.

- construction of the railway Orengburg-Tashkent at the beginning of XX century led to the transformation of Kazalinsk county located in the Syr-Darya area, a major railway station. The revolutionary disturbances in social and political life at the beginning of XX century have opened new ways for development of the region.

- the works, carried out in the field of education of Kazalinsk County in the late XIX and early XX centuries led to the literacy of the local population. However, Tsarist Russia used well-educated people in its interests.

The structure of work. The thesis consists of a list of abbreviations, introduction, three chapters, conclusion and list of used literature and applications.

Қазалы қаласы мен уезiнiң әлеуметтiк-экономикалық

және мәдени дамуы

(1847-1917 жж. тарихи аспектiлері)

07.00.02 - Отан тарихы

(Қазақстан Республикасының тарихы)

Тарих ғылымдарының кандидаты ғылыми дәрежесiн алу үшiн

дайындалған диссертацияның
23.10.2009 қол қойылды. Пішімі 60х841/16.

«SvetoCopy» қағазы. Көлемі 1,5 п.л. Таралымы 100 дана.

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