Бағдарламасы 7 ақпан 2014 ж. 09. 00 Тіркеу Тау-кен металлургия ғимараты

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Date: Friday, February 7, 2014


11.00 - 11.10

Film presentation on K.Turysov’s professional and personal life

11.10 - 11.17

Conference Opening

Zhexenbek M. Adilov Welcome speech of Rector of KazNTU after K.I.Satpaev, Professor, Academician

11.17 -11. 24

Zhurinov M. – President of National Academy of Science, Academician

11.24 - 11.31

Ybyraiym N.М. Chairman of Committee of Science of MES RK

11.31 - 11.38

Bekzhanov G.R. – President of Academy of mineral resources of RK, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor

11.38 - 11.45

Baymakhanova G.A. Deputy of Majilis Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan

11.45 - 11.52

Naribaev K.N. NAS RK Academician

11.52 - 11.59

Nurabaev B.K.– Chairman of Committee of Geology and Subsoil Use of MINT RK

11.59 - 12.06

Daukyev S.J. «DATA YNVEST» company President,

NAS RK Academician

12.06 - 12.13

Nurjanov G.J. Chairman governement of Kazgeology

12.20 - 12.27

Appolonov E.M. Rector of State Marine Technical University of St.Petersburg, Russian Federation

12.27 - 12.34

Dr. Gerard Fries PhD, CATKO company General Director

12.34 - 12.41

Askar Munara Director of Center of Earth Science, Nazarbayev University

12.41 - 12.55

Certificates awarding ceremony of Karatai Turysov Scholarships

(1-Scholar, 1- PhD student, 1-MSc. student, 1- undergraduate student)

12.55 - 13.00

Plenary session Closing



Room 316, Petroleum Building, 3d floor
Chairman: Bessimbaev E.T., Professor

Rysbekov K.B., Professor

Secretary: Shukmanova A.A., PhD students

Adilov Zh.M., Zhunusova G.Zh. (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Development of geological, mining and metallurgical industries of Kazakhstan: current state and perspectives.

Bekzhanov G.R. (President of Academy of Mineral Resources RK)

Satpayev school of geologists.

Baymahanova G.A. (Majilis Deputyof the Parliament of RK)

High quality geological formation - the basis of the country's competitiveness.

Nurabaev B.K. (Chairman of Committee of Geology and Subsoil use of MINT RK)

Kuldeev E.I., Baybatsha A.B. (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Exploration and development of training in the light of the implementation of the strategy "Kazakhstan - 2050".

Omirserikov M.S. (Institute of Geological Sciences named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

About geological study of subsoil.

Ergaliev G. (Institute of Geological Sciences named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Paleontological science in Kazakhstan, necessary or not?

Scremin Peggy (Diretor French-Kazakh center "Geo-Energy" in Almaty, the expert of the French Embassy in Kazakhstan)

Development of French-Kazakh center "Geo-Energy": a model of successful cooperation with industrial partners.

Askar Munara (Director, Center for Earth Science JSC Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan)

Desing making geological centre research «Kazgeologi» RK foundation into Nazarbaiev University

Apollonov E.M., Alexandrov V.L. (St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, Russia)

Role of the University in addressing the priorities of the Russian Arctic shipbuilding.

Gerard FRIES (Director Franco Kazakhstan center "Geo-Energy" in Almaty, the expert of the French Embassy in Kazakhstan)

Geodynamic of the Eastern margin of the Precaspian basin during Upper Palaeozoic (Devonian to Permian).

Mirlas V.M. (Israel), Vladimir Kulagin (RSU Zonal GG.M.TS) Kuldeeva E.M. (KazNTU KISatpayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Study of the process of infiltration of groundwater recharge for forecasting the prospects of artificial restocking.

Simonian G.S. (Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia)

Geoenvironmental aspects of eor

Potseluyev A.A., Director of Research and Innovation Center kosmogeologicheskih research "Kosmogeologiya", Tomsk, Russia; Baibatsha А.B., KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan; Ananyev Y.S., Research and Innovation Center kosmogeologicheskih research "Kosmogeologiya", Tomsk, Russia; Zhitkov V.G., Head of "Spetsgeostroy", Tomsk, Russia.

Identification ore-controlling geological structures according data of remote sensing

Zholtaev GJ., Ensepbaev T.A. (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

New technologies in the study of petroleum systems of sedimentary basins of western Kazakhstan

Seitov N. (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Fundamental role of science in "innovation" applied research in geology

Kalitov D., Myrzakhmetov M., Zavaley V. (LLP «Geoterm» Production Company», KazNTU after K.I.Satpayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Preparation of rational use and water resources conservation in Kazakhstan

Begalinov A.B. (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Nnnovatsionnye technology of mining production

Nurpeisova M.B., Kyrgyzbaeva G.M. (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

High standard "green economy"

Nurpeisova M.B., Rysbekov K.B. (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Development of innovative methods of geomonitoring to predict dangerous anthropogenic phenomena during the development of subsoil

Shautenov M.R., Peregoudov V.V., Akkazina N.T. (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Development of gravitational capture apparatus fine free gold from ores and manmade materials

Dauletbakov T.S., Dosmukhamedov N.K. (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Environmental security and resource-ferrous metallurgy.

Selenova B.S., Eligbaeva G.J., Boyko G.I. (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Prospects for deep processing of oil in Kazakhstan

Zeylik B.S., (Institute of Geological Sciences named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Shock - explosive tectonics: new technology forecasting mineral deposits and the problem space preservation and protection of the earth to sustain life on the planet

Paragulgov H.H., Fazylov E.M., Prikhodko D.E., Mussina E.S. (Institute of Geological Sciences named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Formation of pre-Mesozoic sediments South Torgai sedimentary basin and their oil and gas prospects

Alinaov M. Sh. (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Water Resources of Kazakhstan in the context of sustainable development strategies


Room 503, Main academic building, 5th floor
Chairman: Zholtaev G.Zh , Professor

Assanov M.A., Professor

Secretary: Ermekbaeva G., senior lecturer

N.Seitov., Zhunusov A.A., (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Major structural attitudes of the earth crust of Kazakhstan and brief description of them.

Kabylbayev D.D., Zholtaev G.Z., Elemanov B.D., (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan; ТОО «Таrbаgаtаy Oil», Kokchetau, Kazakhstan)

Geological and geodynamical specifications of sarybulak oil & gas field.

Smabayeva R., Zholtaev G., (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Geological structure and prospects of oil-and-gas content of northern part of the southern torgay basin.

Zholtaev G.Zh., Biteuva S.A., Saparbekova B.M., Kassymova N.K., (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan; NK «Kazoilgaz», Astana Kazakhstan)

Geodynamic conditions of formation of oil and gas fields in the post-salt complex in the south of the caspian syncline.

Nursultanova S.G. (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Geodinamics of junction areasoutheast of caspian basin, northern and ustyurt bozashi in the late permian-triassic time.

Utebalina K.R., Nursultanova S.G. (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Features of a geological structure and development of fields with hardly removable stocks of oil.

Zholtaev G.Zн, Biteuova SA, Kasymova N.К., (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

The history of the traps on the east of Makat.

Bekbotayeva A.A., Baibatsha A.B., Bekbotayev A.T., Mushinsky A., (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan; Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland)

Study of ore minerals of zhezkazgan copper sanstone deposite under electron microscope using eds method.

Issayeva L.D., Assubayeva S.K., Sarsenbaeva A.N. (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

3d model of the ore mineralization on kundybay deposit (north Kazakhstan).

Kurmanov B. Nurmagambetov A. (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Felationship of the stress-strain state parameters of northern tien shan with seismicity

S. Baкdauletкyzy, Zh.B. Ospanova, E.Y. Seitmuratova, (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

The modern state of study of geodynamics and metallogeny of the Zhungar-Balkhash plicate system.

Schukmanova А.А., Azimova Е.Zh. (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Geological and geophysical model of east Kumkol

Omirbekov A.A.. Abishev B.M., (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Eatures of tectonic structure of southern turgay

M.M. Kaldybekova, Ya.K.Arshamov, (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Porphyry-copper deposits Zhongar-Balkhash fold system

S.A. Nizamudinova, Ya.K.Arshamov, (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Geological features and conditions of education quartz sands of north-eastern Aral region

Zh.B Ospanova, S. Baкdauletкyzy, N. Shadiev, E.Y. Seitmuratova, Ya.K. Arshamov, (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Characteristics of subsurface formations gold-silver mineralization zholaman-arkharly betbastauskoy-gold structure (southern part of the ili-balkhash volcanic-plutonic belt)

Mustapaeva S.N., Baibatsha A.B., Zhaimina V.J., Belka Z., (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan; Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland)

The visean-serpukhovian boundary faraminifera in zhanakorgan secion the big karatau mountains (south kazakhstan)

Azmuhametov N., Zhumagazhinov T. Nurmagambetov A. (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Direct definition the maintenance of uranium a method of knd

E.Y. Seitmuratova, H.A. Bespayev, AB Diarov, Ya.K. Arshamov, R.T. Baratov, Institute of Geological Sciences named after K.I.Satpaev Almaty, Kazakhstan

Priority geological-industrial types of gold deposits in Kazakhstan

Idirisiv R., (Аstsna, Kazakhstan)

Cycle, cycling of material (matter) and the earth development

Sagyntayeva G.N., Zhaparhanov S.Zh.

Geological and structural-tectonic features zhezdy manganese mines in central Kazakhstan

Toktabaev T.S., Zhunusov A.A., (KazNTU named after K.I.Satpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Geological structure and genetic features of Bankalin porphyry copper field

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