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Эффект сверхоправдания (Overjustification effect)

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Эффект сверхоправдания (Overjustification effect). Если платить людям за то, что они и так с удовольствием делали, то они будут рассматривать свои действия как управляемые извне, а не внутренне мотивированные.
Эффект спящего (Sleeper effect). Отсроченное влияние сообщения; имеет место, когда мы помним само сообщение, но забываем причину недоверия к нему.
Эффект ссылки на себя ((Self-reference effect). Тенденция эффективно обрабатывать и хорошо запоминать информацию, относящуюся к самому себе.
Я-структура (Self-schema). Вера в себя, которая организует и направляет обработку информации, касающейся самого себя.
Altemeyer В. Enemies of freedom: Understanding right-wing authoritarism.
Baron R.A., Richardson D.R. Human aggression.
Berkowitz L. Aggression: Its causes, consequences, and control.
Buss, D.M. The evolution of desire: Strategies of human mating.
Cialdini R.B. Influence: Science and practice.
Clark M.C. Prosocial behavior.
Dawes R.M. The self-healing personality: Why some people achieve health and others
succumb to illness.
Eagly A.H. Sex differences in social behaviour: A social-role explanation.
Eagly Л.Н., Chaiken S. The psychology of attitudes.
Fiske S.T. Taylor, S.E. Social cognition.
Fisher R., Ury W.L., Patton B.M. Getting to yes: Negotiating agreement without giving in.
Fogelman E. Conscience and courage: Rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust.
Gilovich T. How we know what is isn't so: The fallibility of human reason in everyday
Gikey L. Shantung compound.
Grobe J., Hinde, R. Aggression and war: Their biological and social bases.
Hans V.P. Judging the jury.
Harvey J. Odyssey of the heart: The search for closeness, intimacy, and love.
Hendrick C, Hendrick S.S. Liking, loving and relating.Удим l.L. Crucial decisions:
Leadership in policy making and crisis management.
Hendrick C, Hendrick S.S. Romantic love.
Hunt M. The compassionate beast: What science is discovering about the humane side
of humankind.
Huston A.C. Big world, small screen: the role of television in American society.
Janis l.L. Groupthink: Psychological studies of policy decisions and fiascos.
Johnson D.W., Johnson R.T. Learning together and alone: Cooperative, competitive and
individualistic learning.
Jones J.M. The psychology of racism and prejudice.
Kassin S.M., Wrightsman L.S. The American jury on trial: Psychological perspectives.
Kelman H.C., Hamilton V.L. Crimes of obedience: Toward a social psychology of
authority and responsibility.
Leary M.R. Self-presentation: Impression management and interpersonal behaviour.
Loftus E., Ketchman K. Witness for the defence: The accused, the eyewitness, and the
expert who puts memory on trial.
Lonner W.J.,Malpass R. Psychology and culture.
Maital S. Minds,markets,and money: Psychological foundation of economic behaviour.
Milgran S. Obedience to authority.
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'iller A.G. The obedience experiments: A case of controversy in social science.Petty
.E., Krosnick J.A. Attitude strength: Antecedents and consequences.
liner S. P., О liner P.M. The altruistic personality: Rescuers of Jews in Nazi Europe.
aulus P.B. The psychology of group influence.
ennbaker J. Opening up: The healing power of confiding in other.
erloff R.M. The dynamics of persuasion.
eterson CBossio L.M. Health and optimism.
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ruity D.G., Rubin J.Z. Social conflict: Escalation, stalemate, and settlement.

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