Ч.І. (для рівня B1 +) / За загальною редакцією проф. Корольової А. В. Київ 2007 Видавництво Національного педагогічного університету ім. М. П. Драгоманова

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Parts of a house:

Attic/loft – горище, мансарда; може бути перетворене на житлове приміщення (loft/attic conversion)

balcony балкон

basementпідвальне приміщення, не має вікон, використовується для роботи чи як житлове

ceiling – стеля

cellar – погріб

chimney - труба

door двері

drive – під'їзний шлях

fireplace – камін

floor – підлога


landing – площина на сходах

porch портик


thatched roofсолом'яний дах

tiled roof – черепичний дах

stairs, staircase сходи

shed – сарай

shutter – віконниці

storey – поверх

terrace or patio – патіо (paved area between house and garden for sitting and eating, etc.)


Bathroom – ванна кімната

Bedroom – спальня

bedsitting-room / bed-sitter – спальня і вітальня в одній кімнаті

corridor - коридор

dining-room – їдальня

hall – хол

kitchen – кухня

sitting-room/ living-room/ lounge – вітальня

lavatory/WC - туалет

study – кабінет

utility room – комора


a doormat – килимок

a doorstep – поріг

a doorway – вхід, парадне

a spy hole – вічко

a dressing table – тумба

a mirror – дзеркало

a telephone – телефон

a light switch - вимикач

a doorbell – дзвоник

stairs - сходи

pictures - картини
Modern conveniences:


central heating




hot and cold running water



2. Вивчить словосполучення та вирази.

To rent a flat/house наймати квартиру чи будинок

To own a house володіти будинком

It's a dream of a flat/house – Це будинок-мрія

A housewarming party – новосілля

To be within easy reach of something – бути розташованим недалеко від чогось

To be satisfied with – бути задоволеним чимось

To have very easy access to – мати легкий доступ до чогось

To have a view over something – мати гарний вид

To look over a park (to overlook) – мати гарний вид на парк

To move to/into a new flat/house – переїхати у нову квартиру / дім

To furnish a room – меблювати кімнату

To get on well with neighbours – жити в злагоді із сусідами

To live in a quiet neighbourhood – жити у тихому районі

Recreation facilities – умови для відпочинку і розваг

To wire the house – зробити проводку у домі

An estate agent – рієлтор, агент з нерухомості, American realtor

3. Прослухайте, прочитайте діалоги по ролях, звертаючи увагу на нові слова та вирази модуля.

Dialogue 1.

Costas Where do you live?

Mary I live in a house in the country in Surrey in the south of England. It’s an old farmhouse, about two hundred years old, with very thick walls, so it’s warm in winter and cool in summer, but it’s difficult to look after because it’s so old.

Costas How many rooms are there?

Mary There are four bedrooms, two quite big, one smaller and one is tiny. They all have wonderful views over the countryside.

Costas Do you live there alone?

Mary Well, I live with my animals. I have three dogs and five cats! What about you? Do you live in the country?

Costas I live in Athens in a flat on the fourth floor.

Mary How does it feel to live in a flat?

Costas There’s a kitchen where I cook and eat, a living room with a balcony, and two small bedrooms. The house I live is about five years old – you see, I’m not a fan of old buildings. The flat is comfortable, and the neighbourhood is nice. I don’t live in the city centre as there’s too much traffic, and the thin walls let the sound through.

Mary For me life is too hectic in a city.

Costas It is. But the flat looks over a park and the shops are within easy reach.
Dialogue 2.

Susan Do you live in London?

Diane Yes, I live in a large house in North Kensington. It’s a Victorian family house, which has recently been divided into four flats. My husband, daughter and I share one flat on the first floor.

Susan How many rooms does it have?

Diane It’s a two-bedroom flat with a large living room and small kitchen.

Susan Is it a nice area you live in?

Diane It is a very nice part of London. It has a lot of local amenities like local school, local parks, a shopping mall, and it’s very easy access to other parts of London.

Susan Do you own the flat?

Diane No, we rent it from our friends.

Susan Do you get on well with your neighbours?

Diane Oh, yes, perfectly well. We know all the people in the other flats.

Dialogue 3

Mr Andrews is looking for a new house. He's tired of living in the city and he wants to live in a quiet village. He's with the estate agent now.

Estate Agent Well, Mr Andrews. This is the semi-detached house that I told you about. . . Number 51,

Almond Road.

Mr Andrews Hmm . . . when was it built?

Agent It was built in 1954.

Mr Andrews Is that a new roof? It looks new.

Agent It is nearly new. It was put on last year. You can see that the house is in very good condition.

Mr Andrews It's quite an old house. I'm worried about the electrical wiring. Has it been rewired?

Agent Yes, it has.

Mr Andrews Oh, when was it done?

Agent Five years ago. Also, it's been redecorated. Central heating has been put in, and a new garage has been built.

Mr Andrews Oh, when was that done?

Agent Only last year. It's built of brick and has a tiled roof. . .

Mr Andrews It's a long way from a big town. It's important for me to see the mail before I go to work. When is it delivered?

Agent It's usually delivered at about 7.30.

4. Порівняйте англійські та українські прислів”я. Розіграйте ситуацію з одногрупником таким чином, щоб остання фраза була запропонованим прислів”ям.

East or West, home is best. – В гостях добре, а дома краще.

There is no place like home. – В гостях добре, а дома краще.

An Englishman’s home is his castle. – Дім англійця – його фортеця.


5. Використовуючи запропоновану інформацію, опишіть будинок а) на малюнку, в) родичів закордоном, с) рекламу в газеті, d) будинок своєї мрії

  1. 25 Orchard Lane. Cottage. Built: 1946. Stone/ thatched roof. Central heating: 1979. Rewired: 1975.

  2. 57 Oxford Avenue. Terraced house. Built: 1985. Brick/ flat roof. Repainted: 2003.

  3. 62 Harvey Street. Semi-detached house. Built: 1968. Brick/ tiled roof. New roof: 1985. Redecorated: 1990.

  4. 29 Primrose Drive. Detached house. Built: 1937. Brick/tiled roof. Sauna: 1987. Redecorated: 1987.


6. Тепер утворіть діалог між агентом по продажу нерухомості та клієнтом, який шукає будинок.
Agent Well, here we are. This is the cottage I told you about. It’s 25 Orchard Lane.

Mr/Ms … I see the house is very old. When was it built?

Agent _____________________________________________________________

Mr/Ms … Well, the house is very solid. It’s made of stone, isn’t it?

Agent __________________________________________________________

Mr/Ms … Does it have modern conveniences? Does it have central heating?

Agent __________________________________________________________

Mr/Ms … I'm worried about the electrical wiring. Has it been rewired?

Agent __________________________________________________________

  • _______________________________________________________________________

  • _____________________________________________________________________

  • _______________________________________________________________________

  • _______________________________________________________________________

  • _______________________________________________________________________

  • _______________________________________________________________________

  • _______________________________________________________________________

  • _______________________________________________________________________

  • _______________________________________________________________________

  • _______________________________________________________________________

7. Попрацюйте у парах. Дайте інформацію про свій будинок, де ви жили у дитинстві.

Housing survey

1. What kind of home do you live in?

[ ] apartment [ ] house [ ] other ___________________

2. How long have you been living there? Since _____________ (month / year)

3. How far from work / University is it? About ______________ (distance / time)

4. How big is it? About (square meters)

5. How many rooms does it have? ______________ rooms total

6. Does it have ...?

[ ] air conditioning [ ] a microwave

[ ] central heating [ ] a dryer

[ ] a dishwasher [ ] a view

[ ] a washing machine [ ] a pool

7. Are there any ... in your neighborhood?
[ ] restaurants [ ] movie theaters

[ ] supermarkets [ ] recreation facilities

[ ] shops [ ] parks

8. Is your neighborhood ...?

[ ] crowded [ ] clean

[ ] safe [ ] quiet

8. Уявіть, що ви директор інституту і повинні надати необхідну інформацію про житлові умови студентів журналістам. ( робота у парах)

How many students . . .?

  • live in apartments?

  • live in houses?

  • live close to University?

  • live more than five miles from University?

  • live more than twenty miles from University?

  • have recreation facilities in their neighborhoods?

  • live in quiet neighborhoods?



9. Виберіть правильний варіант.

1. They live in a(n) house which stands by itself in a field.

a) attached b) detached c) detaching d) semi-detached

2. My brother lives on the eleventh floor of that …….. of flats.

a) block b) building c) house d) tower

3. Our house isn't joined to the other houses in the street: it's ……. .

a) attached b) disconnected c) detached d) divided

4. The new police station is to be built …….the main square.

a) close b) near c) neighbourhood d) side

5. His bedroom …..the park.

a) overlooks b) oversees c) overtakes d) undergoes

6. We are into our new house on Monday.

a) arriving b) entering c) moving d) transporting

7. The best person to approach if you are looking for a house is an estate ........ .

a) agent b) clerk c) official d) representative
10. Використовуючи вокабуляр модуля, поясніть різницю між цими словами. Обгрунтуйте свою думку, утворивши речення з цими словами.

a mansion/palace/castle


b cottage/bungalow/villa


c detached house/semi-detached house/terrace house

11. Прочитайте пояснення та скажіть одним словом.

  1. A house which has only one storey._____________________________________

  2. A very large house._____________________________________________________

  3. A set of rooms for one family to live in, usually in a house or building which is divided into several sets of such rooms.__________________________________________________________

  4. One of a row of similar houses joined together by their side walls._________________________

  5. A room which is used for living and sleeping in.________________________________________

12. Дайте пояснення слів та обсудіть, де і для чого вони знаходяться в будинку.

  1. attic

  2. basement

  3. cellar

  4. lavatory/toilet

  5. loft

  6. lounge

  7. study


13. Перекладіть речення, використовуючи слова,словосполучення модуля.

  1. Наша попередня квартира була маленька, а наша нова квартира тепліша і затишніша. Це - мрія, а не квартира. 2. Скільки кімнат у вашій квартирі? - Я наймаю однокімнатну квартиру у центрі міста. 3. Я вважаю, що жити у своєму домі краще, ніж у квартирі. – На жаль, я не можу з вами погодитися. 4. Я завжди мріяв мати свій дім. На першому поверсі у мене знаходяться кухня, їдальня й вітальня, а на другому – дві спальні. Діти люблять грати на свіжому повітрі у саду. 5. Завтра у нас новосілля. Ми переїжджаємо на нову квартиру. Це квартира з усіма зручностями. 6. Мої родичі незадовільнені своєю квартирою, тому що вона холодна, й вони хочуть переїхати в нову квартиру, що розташована дуже близько від місця роботи дядька. 7. Ми живемо в багатоповерховому будинку. Кімнати дуже зручні. 8. Вікна нашего дома виходять на невеличкий сад, в якому ми вирощуємо різні квіти.

14. Доповни речення словами, які підходять за смислом.

  1. He is a real prince, and his family has lived in this……… since the 14th century.

  2. I've always dreamed of moving to the country and living in an old ………...

  3. They don't live in a house, they live in a modern …….. of ……… .

  4. A family house standing on its own is called a ………….. house.

  5. We love our old house so much that we never want to ………… to a new one.

  6. Many new apartments have been built in our ……………. Our little old house is now surrounded by monstrous sky-scrapers.

  7. You'll find the garden-chairs in the at the bottom of the garden. Bring them up and we'll have a drink on the …………………… and watch the sunset.

  8. I've moved to a now I can't manage the stairs any more at my age.

  9. Leave your car in the , just in front of the garage. It'll be safe there.

15. Підготуйте та розіграйте запропоновані ситуації.

Student A

Student B

Imagine you have put the following advertisement in today’s newspaper.

You are looking for a house or a flat to rent for 2 weeks in the summer. You see the following advertisement in the newspaper.

HOLIDAY home to let.

Summer months.

Phone 865432.

Evenings only.

Imagine the home to let is your own house. Student B is interested in renting your home and will phone you about it. If Student B is interested, arrange a day and time when he/she can come and see your house / flat. Think about the following:

You decide to phone up Student A to find out more details. Think of at least 10 questions. If you are interested in the house or a flat, arrange a day and time when you can come and see it. Think about the following:

Where the house / flat is situated.

How big it is (rooms, etc.).

When it is free.

How much the rent is (per week).

Its state (modern, old, spacious, etc.).

Any amenities (distance to the beach, access, shops, garage, etc.).

16. Уявіть, що ви берете інтерв”ю а) у кінозірки, в) молодят, с) студентки, які описують будинок своєї мрії.

a) My ideal home would be a … with …. and ….

b) It would have a view overlooking …

c) The rooms would be painted ….

d) On the floor I’d have …

e) The most beautiful room would be …

f) I’d share my home with …


17. Подумайте, що для вас означає „ будинок, квартира”. Напишить твір – роздум.

18. Перевірте, як ви запам”ятовуєте слова модуля:

А. Поверніть послідовність літер

Tcedhdae euhso __________________

Gobwnual __________________

Ltaf _______________

Tcagteo ______________

Lailv _____________

Amnions _____________

В. Пригадайте, скільки літер в слові і запишить його.

C( 8 )_______________ l(6)_______________

L(8)_________________ d-r (6 - 4)_______________

S(5)______________ и.. r. ( 7. 4.)
19. До кожного з п”яти питань виберіть правильний варіант відповіді.

1. The trouble with living in a _________ is that we can hear the noisy neighbours through the walls on both sides of us.

a) detached house

b) semi-detached house

c) terraced house

d) bungalow

2. They lived in a ... in the country.

a) A castle

b) A cottage

c) A flat

d) A block of flats

3. The Queen appeared with her family on the balcony of the ... .

a) Cottage

b) Flat

c) Palace

d) Bungalow

4. It was a late eighteenth-cen­tury ... .

a) Semi-detached house

b) Mansion
c) Flat

d) Bungalow

5. I left my bag at ....

a) House

b) Mansion

c) Flat

d) Home

20. Знайдіть зайве слово. Аргументуйте свій вибір.

A. House, cottage, bungalow, bed-sitter, mansion, palace

B. Detached house, semi-de­tached house, two-roomed flat, terraced house

C. Block of flats, house, building, flat, cottage

D. Palace, mansion, bungalow

E. Study, cellar, living-room, dining-room, kitchen.

F. Accessible, ceiling, comfy, cosy, cluttered, cramped.

21.Робота у парах. Уявіть себе а) агентом по продажу нерухомості, в) незадоволеним життям покупцем, с) сімейною парою похилого віку, d) авантюристом. Всі вони намагаються продати чи купити нерухомість. Використовуючи запропоновані слова, словосполучення, розіграйте запропоновані ситуації.
WEST KINSINGTON, large 2 bed garden flat, fully furnished, well decorated. TV, washing machine, dish-washer, 2 mins tube.
A beautiful choice and best selection of self-contained rooms with own kitchens and showers/WCs, and bed-sits with own kitchens situated in the North London area, all with modern, luxury furniture. Cleaning, full-time maintenance and phones are all part of the service.
DOCKLANDS/ CITY /TOWER BRIDGE Wide range of luxury furnished/unfurnished flats inc. warehouse conversions and waterside properties with secure parking, fully furniched kitchens, modern baths, some with leisure facilities and river views. Easy access to City.
ST. MAWGAN, CORNWALL, idyllic 3 bed 400 year cottage, greenhouse, workshop, 4 acres, orchard, stream.


22. Поверніться у дитинство та прочитайте знайомий вірш. Перекладіть.


  1. This is the house that Jack built.

  2. This is the corn that lay in the house that Jack built.

  3. This is the rat that ate the corn that lay in the house that Jack built.

  4. This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the corn that lay in the house that Jack built.

  5. This is the dog that worried the cat that killed the rat that ate the corn that lay in the house that Jack built.

  6. This is the cow with the crumpled horn that tossed the dog that worried the cat that killed the rat that ate the corn that lay in the house that Jack built.

  7. This is the maiden all forlorn that milked the cow with the crumpled horn that tossed the dog that worried the cat that killed the rat that ate the corn that lay in the house that Jack built.

  8. This is the man all tattered and torn, that kissed the maiden all forlorn, that milked the cow with the crumpled horn, that tossed the dog, that worried the cat, that killed the rat, that ate the corn, that lay in the house that Jack built.

  9. This is the priest, all shaven and shorn, that married the man all tattered and torn, that kissed the maiden all forlorn, that milked the cow with the crumpled horn, that tossed the dog, that worried the cat, that killed the rat, that ate the corn, that lay in the house that Jack built.

  1. This is the cock that crowed in the morn, that woke the priest all shaven and shorn, that married the man all tattered and torn, that kissed the maiden all forlorn, that milked the cow with the crumpled horn, that tossed the dog, that worried the cat, that killed the rat that ate the corn, that lay in the house that Jack built.

  2. This is the farmer who sowed the corn, and owned the cock that crowed in the morn, that woke the priest all shaven and shorn, that married the man all tattered and torn, that kissed the maiden all forlorn, that milked the cow with the crumpled horn, that tossed the dog, that worried the cat, that killed the rats that ate the corn, that lay in the house that Jack built.

23. Прочитайте текст, перекладаючи слова з української на англійську, вивчіть його напам”ять.

This is my house. It is very nice and cozy. There is a (парадне) ____________________, ( поріг) ___________________ in front of my house. There is a wide ( лифт )_____________ and (сходи) _____________ around it. There is a ( дзвоник ) _______________ on the wall, (килимок) __________________ near the door and ( вічко ) _______________________in my door. When I enter the hall I see (тумба ) ________________, ( дзеркало) ____________________, (вимикач ) ____________________, ( лампа)__________ and some (картини ) _____________________ on the wall. I like to speak in the arm – chair and speak on (телефон ) ____________________.

24. Доповніть діалог та інсценуйте його.

- ________________________________________________________!

- ________________________________________________________!

- ________________________________________________________!

- _______________________________________________________!

- What is there in front of the house?

- _________________________________________________________________

- Is there a wide lift there?

- _________________________________________________________________

- What is there around a lift?

- ________________________________________________________________

- What can we see on the wall near the door?

- _________________________________________________________________

- Where is the spy hole?

- _________________________________________________________________

- What do you see when you enter the hall?

- _________________________________________________________________

- How do you speak on telephone?

- ________________________________________________________________

Іменники — це слова, що означають предмет­ність. Іменники можуть бути:

— назвами предметів і живих істот: a cat, a book,

— назвами речовин і явищ природи: tea, music, rain, snow,

— назвами якостей: kindness, bravery та інші.

За своїм значенням іменники поділяються на:

1. Загальні (Common Nouns), які означають цілі класи предметів: a day, a woman, a flat.

2. Власні (Proper Nouns), які є іменами і назвами єдиних у своєму роді осіб і предметів:

— особові власні імена: John Brown, Mary Smith.

— географічні назви: London, Paris.

— назви вулиць, площ, провулків, газет, журналів, го­телів, музеїв: Piccadilly Circus, The Astoria hotel.

— назви днів тижня, місяців, національностей, мов: Sunday, June, Englishman, English.

ЧИСЛО ІМЕННИКІВ (The Number of Nouns)

Іменники в англійській мові поділяються на обчислювальні (countable nouns) й необчислювальні (uncountable nouns).

Countable nouns

  • Мають однину і множину (singular and plural form): window – windows;

  • Приймають a / an / the / my, etc. у однині

(This is my pen. I paid the bill.)
Uncountable nouns

  • Не мають множини (no plural form):

flour, yoghurt, butter, meat, cheese, coffee, lemonade, oil, petrol, wood, plastic, silver, china, beauty, help, freedom, love, education.

Звичайний спосіб утворення множини іменників – додаванням закінчення -s або -es.

Вимова закінчення -s або es:


Після дзвінких приголосних і голосних (e.g. days, dogs, birds),


Після глухих приголосних (e.g. books, coats)


Після c, x, z, s, ss, ch, sh,

(e.g. horses, roses, judges, brushes).

Особливості написання іменників у множині:

після -s, -sh, -ch, -x таz -es bus – buses, dish – dishes, box – boxes

після -y -ies baby – babies, party – parties

але після -ay, -ey, - oy -ys day – days, boy – boys

після -f, -fe -ves shelf – shelves, knife – knives

але після -f, -fe - fs, -fes roofroofs, safesafes, beliefbeliefs

Особливі випадки утворення множини

Стародавні форми (зміна голосного у корені слова): man—men, woman—women, tooth—teeth, foot—feet, mouse—mice, goose—geese, louse—lice, ox—oxen, child—children, brother—brethren.

Запозиченні форми: agendum—agenda, analysis—analyses, bacterium—bacteria, basis—bases, crisis—crises, criterion—criteria, datum—data, hy­pothesis—hypotheses, phenomenon—phenomena, stratum—strata, thesis – theses.

Іменники, що не змінюють форми у множині: a sheep—sheep, a swine—swine, a deer—deer, a fish—fish, a craft—craft, a counsel—counsel (=legal adviser, barrister).

Деякі іменники мають тільки форму множини. Це іменники, що позначають:

об'єкти одягу, що мають дві частини, e.g. trousers, pants, shorts, trunks, pyjamas, drawers, braces (з такими словами часто вживають a pair of …, e.g. a pair of jeans),

інструменти, що мають дві частини, e.g. scissors, spectacles, glasses, tongs, pincers, scales, fetters (з такими словами часто вживають a pair of …, e.g. a pair of scissors),

назви деяких ігор (e.g. billiards, cards, dominoes, draughts)

та інші іменники (e.g. riches, contents, oats, thanks, clothes, troops, goods, whereabouts, bowels, surroundings, savings, belongings, winnings, home-comings, proceedings).

Деякі іменники мають закінчення s, але вживаються тільки у однині: news, summons. До цієї групи відносяться також іменники із закінченням -ics: physics, mathematics, phonetics, optics, ethics, politics: e.g. Athletics is my favourite sport. What time is the news on television?

Наступні іменники, що мають закінчення –s у однині, залишаються незмінними в множині: a means—means, a (gas) works— (gas) works, a barracks—barracks, a headquarters—headquarters, a series—series, a species—species.
1. Утворіть множину.

  1. Flower

  2. Woman

  3. Address

  4. Sandwich

  5. Foot

  6. Potato

  7. Knife

  8. Umbrella

  9. City

  10. Boat

  11. Holiday

  12. Dress

2. Утворіть однину.

  1. Lips

  2. Rabbits

  3. Lines

  4. Kites

  5. Types

  6. Countries

  7. Heroes

  8. Halves

  9. Melodies

  10. Lorries

  11. Children

  12. Wives

3. Вставте is чи are.

  1. ................. the shop open? 6 Where my camera? 11 Who those men?

  2. …………the shops open? 7 Where my glasses? 12 Who that woman?

  3. My hands cold. 8 Where the children? 13 Who those people?

  4. My nose cold. 9 Your coat dirty. 14 Mice small animals.

  5. My feet cold. 10 Your jeans dirty. 15 Where the scissors?

4. Виправте помилки в реченнях.

  1. She's a very nice person. ....OK

  2. I need a new jeans. I need a new pair of jeans. I need some new jeans. ………………………..

  3. I've got two brother and four sister

  4. It's a lovely park with a lot of beautiful tree

  5. There are a lot of sheep in that field

  6. Do you make many mistake when you speak English?

  7. She's married and she has three childs

  8. Most of my friend are students

  9. He put on his pyjama and went to bed

  1. We went fishing but we didn't catch many fish

  2. There were three persons in the car, two women and a man

  3. I like your trouser. Where did you get it?

  4. The town centre is usually full of tourist

  5. This scissor isn't very sharp

5. Виберітьправильну форму дієслова.

  1. Gymnastics is / are my favourite sport.

  2. The trousers you bought for me doesn’t / don’t fit me.

  3. Fortunately the news wasn’t / weren’t as bad as we had expected.

  4. Can I borrow you scissors? Mine isn’t / aren’t sharp enough.

  5. Physics was / were my best subject at school.

  6. This is / are an important news for me.

  7. Some people is / are always late.

  8. Three people was / were killed in the accident.

  9. I need my glasses, but I can’t find it / them.

  10. A lot of people watch / watches television every day.

Відмінки іменників (The Case of Nouns)

В англійській мові розрізняють два відмінка: загальний відмінок (the common case) і присвійний відмінок (the genitive (possessive) case).

Загальний відмінок не має спеціальних відмінникових закінчень, а присвійний відмінок має закінчення 's: e.g. the child—the child's father, an hour— an hour's walk.

Закінчення 's має таку вимову:

[z] – після дзвінких приголосних і голосних,

e.g. boy's, girl's;

[s] після глухих приголосних, e.g. student's, wife's;

[ız]після c, x, z, s, ss, ch, sh, e.g. prince's, judge's.

Самостійно апостроф (-‘) використовується з іменниками у множині, e.g. soldiers', parents', workers', а також з власними назвами, що закінчуються на -s, e.g. Archimedes' Law, Sophocles' plays, Hercules' labours.

Апостроф -'s використовується у наступних випадках:

з власними назвами (John's bed, Mary's job, Segovia's pupil, etc.),

з іменниками, що позначають особу (my friend's visit, the boy's new shirt, the man's question, etc.),

зі збірними іменниками (the party's platform, the team's victory, the government's policy, etc.),

з назвами тварин (the dog's barking, the lion's cage, etc.)

та з деякими іншими іменниками, що позначають неживі об'єкти та абстрактні поняття:

з іменниками, що позначають час (a day's work, a few days' trip, a two years' absence, a moment's pause, a seven months' pay, etc.),

з іменниками, що позначають відстань та міру (a mile's distance, a shilling's worth, etc.).

У деяких випадках апостроф вживається з географічними назвами континентів, країн, міст та університетів (Europe's future, the United States' policy, London's water supply, etc.), з локативними іменниками (the island's outline, the city's white houses, the school's history, etc.) та з деякими іншими іменниками (the sun's rays, the ship's crew, the play's title, Nature's sleep, etc.).

6. Перефразуйте речення, використовуючи присвійний відмінок.

  1. The pen that belongs to Jack.

  2. The camera that belongs to my friend.

  3. The book that belongs to her children.

  4. The shoes that belong to the girl.

  5. The flat that belongs to the family.

  6. The car that belongs to the manager.

  7. The coat that belongs to his brother.

  8. The watch that belongs to the teacher.

7. Перефразуйте вирази, використовуючи присвійний відмінок.

  1. The pen of our teacher

  2. The window of this room

  3. The bicycle of Tom

  4. The friend of her child

  5. The back of the chair

  6. The order of the captain

  7. The bags of her family

  8. The bank of the river

  9. The arrival of actors

  10. The father of Nelly

8. Виконайте вправу за зразком.

Examples: the door/the room – the door of the room, the mother/Ann – Ann's mother

l. the camera/Tom 5. the newspaper/today

  1. the eyes/the cat 6. the toys/the children

  2. the top/the page 7. the name/your wife

  3. the daughter/Charles 8. the name/this street

9. the name/the man I saw you with yesterday

the new manager/the company

the result/the football match

the car/Mike's parents

the birthday/my father

the new headmaster/the school

the garden/our neighbours

the ground floor/the building

the children/Don and Mary

the economic policy/the government

the husband/the woman talking to Tom

the house/my aunt and uncle

9. Перефразуйте словосполучення.

e.g. the shore of a lake – the lake shore holidays in winter – winter holidays

a house made of brick – a brick house

  1. A gate made of iron

  2. A dress made of silk

  3. A town situated near the border

  4. Winds blowing from the west

  5. The leader of the party

  6. A conference held in Paris

  7. A strike in London

  8. The policy of the government

  9. A farm where chicken are raised

  10. The movement for peace

  11. A gallery where pictures are shown

  12. A mistake in spelling

Keys to the Exercises

Ex. 8. 1b, 2a, 3c, 4b, 5a, 6c, 7a.

Ex. 9. a) Mansion is a large grand house, palace is a large grand house which belongs to a king or queen, and castle is a large strong building with thick walls, built in the past to protect the people inside from being attacked.

b) Cottage is a small, old house, especially in the country, bungalow is a house built on only one level, and villa is a large house with big gardens or a rented house in a holiday resort/tourist area.

c) Detached house is not joined to any other house, semi-de­tached house is joined to one other house, and terraced house is joined to several houses to form a row.

Ex. 10. 1 bungalow, 2 mansion, 3 flat, 4 terraced house, 5 a bed sitting room.

Ex. 12. 1. Our previous flat was small, but our new flat is warmer and cosy. It’s a dream of a flat. 2. How many rooms are there in your flat? – I rent one-roomed (bedsitting room) flat in the city centre. 3. I think that living in a house is better (more preferable) than living in a flat. – I am afraid I can’t agree with you. 4. I always dreamt of a house. On the ground floor there is a dining room, a living room and a kitchen. On the first floor there are two bedrooms. Kids love playing in the fresh air in the garden. 5. Tomorrow we are having a housewarming party. We are moving to a new flat. It’s a flat with all the modern conveniences. 6. My relatives are not satisfied with their flat as it is cold, and they want to move into a new flat situated within an easy reach of my uncle's place of work. 7. We live in the multi-storey building. The flats are very comfortable. 8. Our windows look over a little orchard where we grow different flowers.

Ex. 13. 1 palace, 2 cottage, 3 block of flats. 4 detached, 5 move, 6 neighbourhood, 7 shed, patio, 8 bungalow, 9 drive.

Ex. 17. Detached house, bungalow, flat, cottage, villa, mansion.

Ex. 18. 1c, 2b, 3c, 4b, 5d.

Ex. 19. a) bed-sitter, b) two-roomed flat, c) flat, d) bungalow, e) cellar, f) ceiling.

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