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IV. Translate the following sentences into English

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IV. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Я жду вас уже двадцать минут. 2. Ученые работают над этой
проблемой много лет. 3. Джин всю жизнь мечтает поехать кудани
будь на восток. 4. Я перевожу статью с самого утра. 5. Она спит
уже очень долго. Пора ее будить. 6. Анна и Роджер ссорятся с
самого утра. 7. Мы живем в этой маленькой деревушке целую не
делю. 8. Вы слишком долго обсуждаете этот вопрос. 9. Вы давно
здесь живете? 10. Неужели он действительно так долго занимает
ся? 11. Ты уже уложила вещи? Такси уже десять минут ждет нас.
12. Он всегда интересовался физикой. Сейчас он работает над но
вой проблемой. Он работает над ней уже два месяца. 13. Н. пишет
очень хорошие повести. Недавно он закончил одну повесть и сей
час пишет новую. Он пишет ее больше месяца и говорит, что пи
шет ее с удовольствием. 14. Мы здесь уже с начала месяца, но все
это время погода плохая. 15. Дождь идет с самого утра.

After W. S. Maugham
The farm, an oldfashioned stone house, was built in 1673,
and for three hundred years the people had been born and died
in it and had farmed the surrounding land.
George Meadows was a man of fifty and his wife, Mrs.
George, was a year or two younger. They were both fine people
in the prime of life. Their three daughters were lovely and their
two sons were handsome and strong. They had no notions
about being gentlemen and ladies; they knew their place, were
happy and deserved their happiness, as they were merryindus
and kindly.
The master of the house was not George, but his mother, who
was twice the man her son was, as they said in the village. She
was a woman of seventy, tall, upright, with gray hair and a wrin
face. Her eyes were bright and shrewd and she had a sense
of humour. Her word was law in the house and on the farm. In
short, she was a character.
One day Mrs. George met me in the street and told me that
they had received a letter from their Uncle George, whom them
all thought dead. The letter informed them of his coming. “Just
fancy,” she said, “he hasn’t been here for fifty years. And old
Mrs. Meadows sits there and smiles to herself! All she says is
that he was very goodlooking, but not so steady as his brother
Tom!” Mrs. George invited me to look in and see the old man.
I accepted the invitation with joy, as I knew the story of Uncle
George Meadows and it amused me because it was like an old
ballad. It was touching to come across such a story in real life.
More than fifty years ago, when Mrs. Meadows was Emily
Green, a young charming girl, George and his younger brother
Tom both courted her. When Emily married Tom, George had

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