ЖҰмабеков жамбыл азмуханұлы ұлытау өңірінің тарихи географиясы

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Object of dissertational research Ulytaus region in XV - the end of XIX centuries.

Object of research - historical and ethnical processes of Ulytau region in XV - the end of XIX centuries.

The purpose of dissertational work is research of historical geography of Ulytau region in XV - the end of XIX centuries.

The purpose has defined problems of dissertational research:

  • to characterize political aspect of historical geography of Ulytau region;

  • to reveal value of cultural-historical monuments of Ulytau region;

  • to show the system of administrative-territorial order of Ulytau region in ХІХ century;

  • to define specificity and value of nomadic cattle breeding;

  • to analyse development of agriculture and trades;

  • to investigate caravan ways and trade relations of Ulytau region.

Chronological frameworks of research of the dissertation cover the period since XV century till the end of XIX century. The bottom border of a chronological framework is caused with formation of the Kazakh khanate, top - with introduction of new structure of administrative-territorial management of Ulytau region in XIX century.

Territorial frameworks of research includes Ulytau and Arganaty mountains, reservoirs of the rivers Tersakkan, Kengir, Zhezdy, Sarysu, Shu, sands of Moiynkum, Zhetykonyr which form the united historical region.

Scientific novelty of work is defined that historical geography of Ulytau region for the first time in native historical science is the object of self-study research. The new archival documents characterizing historical geography of region are entered into a scientific turn. Sociopolitical value of historical monuments of region is analyzed. The ethnic structure, the basic areas of Kazakh kins' settlements , principal kinds of economy in region, routes of caravan roads are defined.

The undertaken analysis has allowed revealing the general and especial historical geography of Ulytau region.

The scientifically-practical importance consists in that materials of dissertational work and conclusions containing in it can be used at studying of problems of national history. Results of research can be applied also in working out and reading of training courses on history of Kazakhstan, in study of local history, in historical geography.

Work approbation. The basic results of research found reflexion in 20 publications among which 2 - scientific monographs in the co-authorship, 18 - in materials of scientific conferences and scientific collections, from them 5 - in materials of the international conferences, and also 6 articles are published in the scientific journals recommended by CCSES of MES RK.

The positions which are taken out on protection:

1. Processes of formation and genesis of the Kazakh statehood are closely interconnected with Ulytau region which was a symbol of statehood for nomads. Historical monuments of Golden Horde period, located in region territory, had great value for the Kazakh people. XV-XVI centuries in Ulytau was one of the centres of association of the Kazakh khanate, along with Zhetysu and Southern Kazakhstan. The political importance of region remained to a full gain of Kazakhs near Syrdarija cities and carrying over of capital to Turkestan.

2. XVIII century the Ulytau region had great value for the Kazakh people in struggle with Dzungar conquerors. 1726 in fight on river Bulanty the Kazakh home guard has broken dzungar army and has released Ulytau and adjacent territories that has predetermined success of Anyrakajsky battle. The river Sarysu served as natural border between Kazakhs and dzungars till 50th years of XVIII century the Ulytau region served as a place of gathering of representatives of three Kazakh djuz for discussion of foreign policy questions.

3. The historical geography of Ulytau region in XIX century is closely connected with Kenesary Kasymov's revolt. The basic events of revolt occurred in Ulytau region. The choice of region has been connected by a place of association of the risen Kazakh kins with feature of a geographical arrangement. The Ulytau region was boundary territory of areas of the Siberian and Orenburg Kazakhs. Remoteness from administrative centres, military strengthening have allowed K.Kasymov to maneuver within Younger and Average, partially in territory of the Senior djuzs. After the termination of revolt of K.Kasymov in territory of Ulytau region struggle against a colonial policy of Russian empire led by Koshkarbai Sarjanov continued.

4. Formation of ethnic structure of Ulytau region occurred in a current of the long period and has come to the end in beginning ХІХ century. In XVIII century region territory occupied Average tribes of djuz, that in the subsequent has defined ethnic structure of the given region. In ХІХ century a southern and average part of region occupied tribes from a sort najman-baganaly and baltaly, northern - argyn-tortuyl. In pool of river Sarysu some kins from Younger djuz.

5. In XIX century administrative-territorial structure of Ulytau region during administrative reforms some times underwent changes. In 1839 the region territory has been included in structure of Kokchetau, and in 1845 in Kusmurynsky external district. In 1859 the Ulytau region was in conducting neogenic Atbasarsky district which on reform of Temporal regulations 1867-1868 have been transformed to Atbasarsky district. Administrative-territorial reforms have made essential impact on a political life of a society.

6. In Ulytau region traditional kinds of economy functioned: nomadic cattle breeding and аryk agriculture. The nomadic cattle breeding prevailed in an economy. Patrimonial groups had winter parking within the rivers Chu, Sarуsu, in sands of Zhetykonyr, on summer place - left in northern areas Ulytau mountains. The cattle breeding of Ulytau region differed prevalence of a livestock of sheep and a camel in comparison with other regions of the Central Kazakhstan. In southern areas of region on rivers Chu, Sarуsu and in mountain areas Ulytau were available agricultural economy. However agriculture had the limited character for satisfaction of requirements of local population in bread.

7. In territory of Ulytau region routes of caravan ways, most significant of them Sarysu and Kendirlik road lay. Caravan ways connected Central and Northern regions of Kazakhstan to shopping centers of Central Asia. In ХІХ century's trade relations the important role played fairs which provided with the necessary goods and gave the chance to realize agricultural products and subjects of trades.

The dissertation structure consists of the list of designations and reductions, the introduction, three chapters, the conclusion, the list of the used sources and appendices

Басуға 28. 05. 2010 ж. қол қойылды. Пішімі 60х84 1/16. Офсеттік қағазы.

Көлемі 1,75 ес.-б.т. Таралымы 100 дана. Тапсырыс №__

Е.А.Бөкетов атындағы ҚарМУ баспасының баспаханасында басылып шықты.

100012, Қарағанды қ., Гоголь көшесі, 38

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