Научное медицинское общество геронтологов и гериатров украины

Vorobyova A.K.1, Alinkina E.S.1, Misharina T.A.1, Fatkullina L.D.1, Burlakova E.B.1, Khokhlov A.N.2

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Vorobyova A.K.1, Alinkina E.S.1, Misharina T.A.1, Fatkullina L.D.1, Burlakova E.B.1, Khokhlov A.N.2

1Laboratory of Physico-Chemical Fundamentals of Biological System Regulation,
N.M. Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics of RAS and 2Evolutionary Cytogerontology Sector, School of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Carvacrol-bearing essential oils (EO) are well known biologically active preparations widely used to improve health, mental abilities, and well-being. Recently we found that one of them, the savory EO, had a positive effect on the average life-span of AKR mice with the high incidence of spontaneous leukemia. Besides, we have shown that one more carvacrol-bearing preparation, the oregano EO, obtained from Origánum vulgáre (its composition is very similar to the composition of the savory EO), increases the average life-span of long-living BALB/c mice. To clarify the possible cytological mechanisms underlying the effects we had studied the oregano EO in experiments on transformed cultured Chinese hamster cells. In the preliminary investigations we evaluated various concentrations of the oil in terms of its cytotoxic or mitogenic effects by analyzing the cell culture density on the 4th day of growth. The concentrations in the growth medium studied (on carvacrol basis) ranged from 1∙10-15 to 5∙10-4 M. As a result the concentrations of 2.5∙10-5 and 2.5∙10-4 M were chosen for the further cytogerontological experiments because the former seemed to be 100 % non-toxic and the latter induced just about 50 % reducing in the final cell density. The preparation at 2.5∙10-5 M was shown to have no effect neither on colony-forming ability of the cells nor on saturation density (an index of cell culture “biological age”) or “stationary phase aging” of the culture (aging-like degradation of cells in the stationary phase of growth). In contrast, oregano EO at 2.5∙10-4 M abruptly diminished colony-forming ability of the cells and influenced as a “pro-aging” factor on the saturation density and the death rate in the stationary phase modifying respectively the culture survival curve. Basing on our conception of aging and the data obtained we assumed that the beneficial effect of oregano EO on the mice life-span could be realized at the organismic level only but not related to any anti-aging activity manifesting at the cellular level and improving cell viability.


Yablonskaya O.I.1, Ryndina T.S.2, Voeikov V.L.1, Khokhlov A.N.2

1Department of Bioorganic Chemistry and 2Evolutionary Cytogerontology Sector, School of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Hydrated fullerene (HyFn) is the molecule of C60-fullerene (C60) encased in a stable shell of water molecules, providing hydrophilic properties to this complex and its solubility in aqueous solutions. HyFn, as well as chemically modified fullerenes and fullerenes solubilized in water in other ways, is known to have a broad spectrum of biological activities both in vivo and in vitro with no signs of toxicity. HyFn and various chemically modified fullerenes in aqueous environment exhibit a peculiar chemical activity – on the one hand, they can be regarded as strong antioxidants, on the other hand – as electron donors for oxygen, i.e. prooxidants. Given that C60 is not very active chemically and that in HyFn it is surrounded by a water shell, it could be assumed that the entire pattern of HyFn activity is due to unique properties of the water shell formed around C60. There are also some evidences of influence of HyFn at ultra-low concentrations on biochemical processes and free-radical reactions occurring in vitro. Previously, we have shown the effect of HyFn at ultra-low concentrations on redox processes in human whole blood as well as in aqueous bicarbonate solutions. In the present study we investigated effect of HyFn aqueous solution on the growth and "stationary phase aging" (accumulation of "age" changes in cultured cells during cell proliferation slowing down within a single passage and subsequent "aging" in the stationary phase of growth) of transformed B11-dii FAF28 Chinese hamster cells. The final calculated concentration of HyFn in the growth medium after serial dilutions of its original solution was equivalent to 10-19 M. It is paradoxical, but, in contrast to the known data about absence of HyFn cytotoxicity at higher concentrations, in our experiments it inhibited cell proliferation and accelerated the process of "stationary phase aging" of the cell culture. Moreover, addition of HyFn aqueous solution at this calculated concentration to the cells that had already reached the stationary phase of growth caused a rapid (within no more than 24 h) death of a significant part of the cell population. Perhaps, the observed features of HyFn at ultra-low concentration are determined by some special properties of the water surrounding C60, namely, its ability to serve as an electron donor and acceptor regulating redox processes in aqueous systems, especially those in which oxygen is involved. At the moment we cannot to rule out the possibility that HyFn at ultra-low concentrations affect transformed cells only. Therefore in our further studies we plan to carry out the similar experiments on normal fibroblasts possessing limited mitotic potential. Probably, the anti-aging effect of fullerenes revealed by other researchers in experimental animals is related to their antitumor and antibacterial activities.


Bal Ra., Türk G.a, Tuzcu M.a, Yilmaz O.a, Ozerkan I.a, Kuloglu T.a, Gür S.a, NedzvetskyV.b, Tykhomyrov A.c, Andrievsky G.c, Baydas G.d, Naziroglu M.e

a − Firat University, Elazig, Turkey; rbal@firat.edu.tr; b − National University of Dniepropetrovsk, Dniepropetrovsk, Ukraine; nedzvetskyvictor@gmail.com; c − Institute of Physiologically Active Compounds LLC, Kharkov, Ukraine; yard@kharkov.ua; d − Bingol University, Bingol, Turkey;
e − Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is considered to be a premature aging process and characterized by producing male sexual dysfunction. Searching for the agents that could alleviate diabetes-induced impact on reproductive system is yet the important area of inquiry. The present study was performed to evaluate whether antioxidant hydrated C60 fullerene (C60HyFn) alleviate testicular dysfunction induced by streptozotocyn (STZ)-diabetes in rats. Sexually mature Wistar male albino rats were taken for experiment and divided into four groups as follows (n = 6 per group): (1) control group (untreated animals), (2) C60HyFn-treated nondiabetic group, (3) STZ-diabetic group, and (4) C60HyFn-treated diabetic group. Diabetes in animals of 3-rd and 4-th groups was induced by a single intraperitoneal injection of a buffered solution of STZ at a dose of 50 mg/kg body weight. Once sugar levels achieved consistent value after STZ injection (more than 300 mg/dl), rats in the 2-nd and 4-th groups were treated with C60HyFn (in the form of drinking water) at the dose of 4 μg/kg daily for 5 weeks. In diabetic rats, levels of serum testosterone, testicular reduced glutathione (GSH) and alpha-tocopherol were significantly reduced and testicular lipid peroxidation level was increased (p < 0.001). Treatment of diabetic rats with C60HyFn resulted in significant corrective effects on these parameters towards the control levels. Furthermore, C60HyFn treatment in diabetic and nondiabetic rats resulted in considerable elevations of some important polyunsaturated fatty acids. However, administration of C60HyFn to diabetic animals did not make any significant change in blood glucose level. In diabetic rats, relative weights of right cauda epididymis, seminal vesicles, prostate, sperm motility and epididymal sperm concentration were significantly less than those of control group, but which were restored in the fourth group treated with C60HyFn (p < 0.001). Marked histopathological changes including degeneration, desquamation, disorganisation and reduction in germinal cells, interstitial oedema and congestion were evident in the testis of diabetic rats, but C60HyFn treatment resulted in recovery of histopathological changes. In conclusion, we have presented for the first time substantial evidence that administration of C60HyFn significantly reduces diabetes-induced oxidative stress and associated complications such as testicular dysfunction and spermatogenic disruption.

The long-term dietary treatment with 2-oxoglutarate prevents the reactive astrogliosis development in old gerbils

Ushakova G.A.1, Kovalchuk Y.P.1, Kovalenko T.N.2, Osadchenko I.A.2, Skibo G.G.2, Pierzynowski S.G.3,4

1Dnepropetrovsk National University named by Oles Gonchar, Gagarin ave. 72, 49050, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine;

2Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, Bogomoletz str.4, 01024, Kiev, Ukraine;

3SGPlus, Vimpelgatan 21, S-211 14 Malmo, Sweden;

4Lund University, Helgonavägen 3b, S-223 62 Lund, Sweden

Aging is associated with many physiological alterations such as changes in metabolism and food intake, and brain dysfunction may represent a crucial cause linking homeostatic and cognitive dysfunction. A loss of neuronal components and coupling between components of neuronal networks is characteristic of aging. Normal brain aging is associated with development of reactive astrogliosis and deficits in learning and memory. The nutrition plays an important supportive role in the management of the critically ill neurological patient, especially for old persons. Many age-dependent diseases are caused by free radical-mediated neurotoxicity induced by inhibition of mitochondrial dehydrogenases (specially, alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase), followed by a decrease in neuronal mitochondrial transmembrane potential and ATP, prior to neuronal death.

The main purpose of the study was to investigate the glial reaction in the old gerbil brain after long-lasting dietary effect of 2-oxoglutarate as a food compounds.

For long-lasting feeding (during 6 month) we used 36 Mongolian gerbils, which were randomly selected into 3 groups at start of experiment: 1 – adult (6 month of age), 2 – old (18 month of age) with standard diet, 3 – old (18 month of age) with diet including 1 % Ca AKG+1 % Na2AKG. Animals were decapitated at the end of experiment under weak anesthesia, three brain areas were isolated: cerebellum, thalamus and hippocampus, which were subsequently used to obtain cytozol and cytoskeleton protein fractions. The level of S100b (calcium-binding protein) and GFAP (glial fibrillary acid protein) was determined by solid-phase competitive inhibitory ELISA. Statistical processing of results was carried out using SPSS 10.0 for Windows, the difference was considered reliable at p <0.05.

The experimental data indicate a stable level of astrocyte specific proteins in thalamus and cerebellum of gerbils aged 6 months and 2 years. A significant increase in the S100b level in old gerbils (2,1±0,6) µg/ml compared with adults (0,6±0,09) µg/ml was determined in the hippocampus indicating the development of reactive astrogliosis. Dietary treatment with 2-oxoglutarate 2 % in dry feed for 6 months inhibited the hyperactivation of astrocytes in old animals. The level of S100b protein in these animals was (1,22 ± 0,18) µg/ml. The same alteration was shown for GFAP distribution in hippocampus.

Analysis of the data indicates the absence of probable changes in metabolism of astrocyte specific proteins in thalamus and cerebellum in old gerbils, but also established a violation of integrative brain functions, information homeostasis in securing and optimizing by the hippocampus. Long-lasting dietary treatment with 2-oxoglutarate (main component of glutamate-glutamine cycle of astrocytes) prevents the development of reactive astrogliosis in the hippocampus relating to the processes of aging.



Alinkina E.S. 75

Andrievsky G. 76


Bal R 76

Baydas G. 76

Burlakova E.B. 75


Fatkullina L.D. 75


Gür S. 76


Khalyavkin A.V. 71

Kharkovlyuk-Balakina N. 71

Khokhlov A.N. 72, 74, 75

Kovalchuk Y.P. 77

Kovalenko T.N. 77

Krutko V.N. 71

Kuloglu T. 76


Lemeshko Victor V. 73


Misharina T.A. 75


Naziroglu M. 76

NedzvetskyV. 76


Osadchenko I.A. 77

Ozerkan I. 76


Pasyukova E. G. 73

Pierzynowski S.G. 77


Roshina N. V. 73

Ryndina T.S. 75


Shilovsky G.A. 74

Shram S.I. 74

Skibo G.G. 77

Symonenko A. V. 73


Türk G. 76

Tuzcu M. 76

Tykhomyrov A. 76


Ushakova G.A. 77


Voeikov V.L. 75

Vorobyova A.K. 75


Yablonskaya O.I. 75

Yilmaz O. 76


Андриевский Г.В. 9

Архипова Л.В. 36

Ахаладзе Н.Г. 9


Бабенко Н.А. 10

Багрий А. С. 16

Баева Т.И. 18

Бажинова А.И. 24

Бальва О. В. 11

Бальва О.В. 69, 70

Белослудцев К.Н. 12

Белослудцева Н.В. 12

Белошицкий В.В. 43

Беспятых А.Ю. 65

Беспятых А.Ю. 46

Битютская О.Е. 47

Божков А. И. 45

Божков А.И. 12, 27, 42, 52

Бондаренко Л. А. 13

Бондарь В.В. 47

Брусков В.И. 21, 25

Бурлаков А.Б. 14

Бурлакова О.В. 14

Бурчинська М.К. 37

Бутенко Г. М. 11

Бутенко Г.М. 69, 70


Вайсерман А.М. 15, 24

Василегина Ю.И. 46, 65

Васильєв Р.Г. 37

Винокурова Л.В. 18

Вовчук И.Л. 44

Войтенко В. 15


Гавалко Ю. В. 16

Гаврилюк В.Б. 36

Галочкина Е.А. 21

Гармаш С.А. 21

Гарькавенко В.В. 17

Герман Е.Ю. 18

Голиченков В.А. 14

Голтвянский А.В. 19

Гончарова Н.Д. 20

Горбань Є.М. 20

Горбач Т. В. 13

Гриб О. Н. 16

Гриненко Т.В. 61

Гудков С.В. 21, 25


Давыдов В.В. 22

Деев А. И. 23

Дереча Л.Н. 51

Дзюба В.Н. 47

Диордиева С.И. 61

Длубовская В.Л. 38, 52

Дроздова Л.А. 28

Дубилей Т. 34, 62

Дяченко Л.М. 54


Есипов Д.С. 23, 46, 65


Жерносеков Д.Д. 61


Забуга О.Г. 24

Заднепровская Н. А. 13

Звягинцева О.В. 24


Иваненко М.О. 27

Иванов В.Е. 21, 25

Ищук В. А. 67

Ищук В.А. 33


Каднова Н. А. 35

Кадукова Е.М. 26

Калашникова Ю.В. 29

Карп О.Э. 21

Квитницкая-Рыжова Т.Ю. 43

Кириченко С.В. 54, 59

Клименко П.П. 70

Климова Е. М. 39

Климова Е.М. 24, 27, 28, 29

Клюс К.А. 46, 65

Ковалева М.К. 31, 42

Козак В. А. 13

Козлова Е.В. 40, 49

Кольтовер В.К. 32

Коляда А.К. 24, 32

Коркушко О.В. 33

Корниенко Е.М. 51

Королев Ю.Н. 14

Королева С.Ю. 14

Кошель Н. 34

Кошель Н.М. 24

Красникова О.В. 67

Кременцова А. В. 35

Криворучко Т.В. 52

Кричковская Л.В. 35

Кузнецова Ю.А. 42

Куликов А.В. 36

Куликов Д.А. 36

Куликова П.А. 36

Кулиш С.Н. 27

Кульчицький О.К. 37

Кургузова Н.И. 38, 52


Лавинская Е. В. 39

Леонов Ю.І. 70

Леонова И. С. 45

Леонова И.С. 40, 49

Лішневська В.Ю. 40


Малаш Л.І. 20

Малеев В.А. 42

Мармий Н.В. 46, 65

Машков А.Е. 36

Мензянова Н.Г. 31, 42

Мехова Л. 15

Мигован С. 34

Миронова Г.Д. 12

Михальский С.А. 43

Мотрук Н.В. 44


Нагорный А.В. 45

Налобин Д.С. 46, 65

Наумов А.Д. 26, 55

Невредимова Т.С. 46, 65

Недзвецкий В.С. 54

Никитченко Ю.В. 12, 42, 47, 48

Новікова С.М. 37


Овсянникова Т.Н. 47

Омельченко В.С. 35


Павлова О.А. 35

Падалко В.И. 40, 49

Парасюк О.І. 40

Пасюкова Е. Г. 35

Пестрицкая Е.А. 36

Пинелис В.Г. 12

Пішель І. М. 11

Пішель І.М. 69, 70

Под`яченко O.В. 20

Потапенко Р.І. 37

Прасол В.А. 29

Прокопенко Н.А. 50


Рогаткин Д.А. 36

Рока-Мойа Я.М. 61

Россихин В.В. 51

Рощина Н. В. 35

Руденко В.В. 22, 54

Рушкевич Ю. 34

Рыбина О. Ю. 35

Рытик Д.С. 35


Сергиенко Л. Ю. 13

Сидоров В.И. 52

Слесарев В.В. 36

Смирнова В.С. 21

Смирнова Г.Н. 36

Соколик В.В. 53

Соляник И.В. 54

Сташкевич Д.Г. 55

Стороженко Г.В. 56

Страшнюк В.Ю. 57

Стрижельчик Н. Г. 58

Ступина А.С. 59

Суворова А.Д. 52

Супруненко Е.А. 46, 65

Сурин А.М. 12

Сухаренко Е.В. 59

Сушко С.Н. 26


Тимофийчук О.А. 60

Тимохина Н.И. 26

Тихомиров А.А. 61

Топольнікова Н.В. 20

Трудовишников А.С. 12

Тушинская Т. 62


Уманська К.С. 69

Усачева А.М. 21


Хаблак Г.В. 59

Хавинсон В.Х. 33

Халявкин А.В. 63

Харченко В.С. 64

Ходоров Б.И. 12


Цыбулько Е. А. 35


Черевко А. Н. 13

Черников А.В. 21

Чернышева М.Б. 65

Чернышева М.Б. 46

Чешко Т.М. 66


Шатило А.В. 53

Шатило В. Б. 67

Шатило В.Б. 33

Шахова Е.Г. 67

Швец В.Н. 22

Шеверьова В.М. 69

Шестопалова Н.Г. 18

Шитіков Д. В. 11

Шитіков Д.В. 69, 70

Шкорбатов Ю.Г. 66

Шкумат М. С. 11

Шкумат М.С. 69, 70


Юсова Е.И. 61


Яковенко М.Г. 51

Янкова Т.М. 69

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