Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов минск 2010 ббк утверждено на заседании

Self-study section. Grammar revision

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Self-study section. Grammar revision

Complete the story below with prepositions of time.

…..1 the summer last year, I think it was ……2 August, my car kept breaking down. I bought it second hand. I went to the same garage that I'd bought it from. The car salesman said that it would take five days to get it fixed. This was …..3 the Monday and we agreed that I would be back to pick it up …..4 the Friday. So I went to pick the car up ……5 the Friday – and I had to take time off work. I turned up …..6 9.30 in the morning. The salesman hadn't arranged for any of the work to be done and he was on holiday …..7 a week. So we agreed that the work would be done the following Tuesday. I dropped the car off …..8 the Tuesday …..9 9.30 on the way to work. Fortunately, when I turned up …..10 the evening, all the repairs had been finished. Three weeks later, they had the cheek to send me a customer service evaluation questionnaire – and they wanted the answers …..11 the end of the week!

If you have any difficulties in doing this task or want to brush up your grammar skills please refer to Grammar File p. 188-193.

Social skills

Telephone complaints

1. Study the phrases in the box.


Dealing with complaints

Making the complaint

I’m ringing to complaint about...

I’m sorry, but I’m not satisfied with...

Unfortunately there’s a problem with…

Showing understanding

Oh dear! Sorry to hear that.

Mmm, I see what you mean.

I’m sorry about the problem/delay.

Getting the facts

Explaining the problem

The CD player doesn’t work.

There seems to be a problem…

We haven’t received the…

Could you give me some details please?

What happened exactly?

What’s the problem exactly?


It really isn’t good enough.

I’d like to know why…


Making excuses

It’s not our policy to replace items.

It’s not our fault that it hasn’t arrived.

I’m afraid that’s not quite right.

If you don’t replace the product, I’ll complain to the manager.

If you can’t deliver on time, we’ll have to contact other suppliers.

Promising action

OK, I’ll look into it right away.

I promise you I’ll check the details and get back to you.

2. Complete the dialogue below with appropriate phrases in Ex. 1.


Hello. Electrical goods department.


Oh, hello. I’m …………….. the video recorder I bought from your store six months ago.


Oh, …………. . Could you give me some details, please?


There ……………. when you try to take the video out of the machine. I want to exchange it for a new video recorder.


I’m afraid it’s not …………….. . We’ll send it to the manufacturer for repair.


It really …………. . It’s the second time it’s happened. …………….. exchange it for a new machine, ………………. Have to take further action.

3. Work with a partner. One of you is Production Manager for a power tools manufacturer. The other is a supplier of components. Role play the following telephone call (see Unit 2 to revise some common phrases).

Production Manager


Ring your supplier to complain about some electric motors (order № PV205) which have a number of defects (don’t fit, not up to usual standard, etc.).

  • Deal tactfully with the complaint.

  • Show understanding.

  • Get the facts.

  • Promise action.


1. Read the background given.

Western Airport, in the British Midlands, is operated by the Western Airport Authority (WAA). In the last five years the number of passengers it handles has greatly increased. Many airlines now use the airport for long-haul flights to North America and the Far East.

Unfortunately the growth in business has brought problems. A recent survey showed that passengers had many complaints about the terminal. Several airlines have threatened to route their aircraft through other airports unless WAA take action to improve the situation.

WAA must decide how to deal with the complaints and consider what action should be taken. Changes should not require great expenditure as WAA have cash flow problems at present.

2. Now read passengers’ complaints.

Complaints about the terminal

1. The terminal is hot and noisy. Queues at check-in are long, and delays are common.

2. Some of the gates are a long way from the Departure Area. ‘We walked miles to get to our plane.’

3. After disembarking, passengers couldn’t find the luggage collection hall. ‘We wandered around for ages.’

4. The baggage conveyor system often breaks down. ‘When this happens, the staff just look worried and shout into their mobile phones.’

5. The ground staff don’t know enough about the terminal. ‘They can’t answer a simple question like, ‘Where’s the BA check-in?’.’

6. Some passengers say the security officers are too strict. Because they are so thorough, flights are sometimes delayed. Also, when they search passengers and luggage the scanning equipment does not work properly. ‘One officer thought the Christmas pudding in my hand luggage was a bomb!’

Complaints about the restaurant and bars

The restaurant and bars are run by Airfare, a food company which has a five-year contract with the airport. They are used by four types of customers: business people, tourists, airport employees, and groups (sports teams, clubs, associations, etc.).

Complaints made by customers were as follows:

1. ‘The restaurant menu is unimaginative. The main dishes are either steak, ham or chicken. Surely the airport can do better?’

2. Airport staff, who use the restaurant frequently, say the meals are too expensive.

3. Smoking areas are not large enough, and there is no clear division from non-smoking areas.

4. Passengers can’t relax because they don’t know when they have to board their planes.

5. There is nowhere for passengers to put their hand luggage. ‘I was afraid someone would steal it, so I couldn’t enjoy my drink.’

6. The bar staff look unhappy and overworked. Some are rude to passengers. ‘Bar staff seem to expect a tip after serving every drink.’

3. Now read your tasks.

Task 1

You are a representative of one of the following:

a) the Customer Relations Department of WAA, b) a major airline, c) Airfare

1. Consider the complaints and come up with ideas for dealing with them.

2. Hold a meeting of all three groups. Decide what action to take to improve customer service. The meeting should be led by the Manager of the Customer Relations Department (see Speaking File pp. 223-227).

Task 2

You are either:

a) the Manager of the Customer Relations Department, b) a dissatisfied customer

The Customer Services Department Manager telephones an important customer who often uses the airport to tell them about the plans for improvements. The customer is very unhappy with the poor customer care at the terminal. They are tired of listening to excuses for the delays, noise, poor food, etc. This time, they expect to receive more than promises. An expensive free offer is the least they expect. Role play the situation. (see Useful Language boxes in Units 2 & 7)

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