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Unit 7. Leadership


1. Which of these statements do you agree with? Explain your reasons.

A manager should:

1 know when your birthday is.

2 know where you are and what you’re doing at all times during working hours.

3 not criticise or praise.

4 not interfere in disagreements between members of staff.

5 not ask people to do things they’re not prepared to do themselves.

6 be available at all times to give staff advice and support.

7 keep their distance from staff and not get involved in socialising outside work.

8 use polite language at all times.

9 work longer hours than their staff.

10 comment on the personal appearance of their staff.

2. Mothers and fathers often have different ways of managing their families. How would you describe the management styles of your parents?

words for reference: dominant, decisive, violent, diplomatic, flexible, inspiring, interested, organised, supportive, ruthless, impulsive, open, demanding, critical, stubborn, well-balanced, realistic, rational, aggressive, understanding, uncaring, protective, determined, ambitious, risky

Reading 1

1. Discuss these questions before you read the text.

1 What qualities do you need to run a company effectively?

2 Which business leaders do you admire? Why?

3 As a leader, how would you motivate your employees?

4 Do you think leaders are born or made?

5 What is the difference between a manager and a leader?

2. Match these words with the definitions.

1 subordinate

a) having a higher position or rank than someone else

2 authority

b) a range of different people or things; variety

3 superior

c) the power you have because of your official position

4 encourage

d) to change or make someone or something change

5 diversity

e) the ability to continue trying to achieve what you have decided to do even when this is difficult

6 determination

f) the ability to change or be changed easily to suit a different situation

7 insight

g) someone who has a lower position and less authority than someone else in an organisation

8 flexibility

h) to say or do something that helps someone have the courage or confidence to do something

9 alter

i) the ability to understand and realise what people or situations are really like

3. Read the text. Compare your ideas with the ones expressed in the text.

Management and Leadership

Business managers can tell their subordinates what work to do and how to do it because they are given that authority by their companies. A subordinate, in theory, agrees to take direction from his or her superiors as one of the conditions of employment. In addition to authority, a manager must also use leadership to produce a truly effective organisation. Leadership may be defined as the ability to influence the attitudes and behaviour of others through skill in personal relations and without the use of force. Many have held that leaders must be born with these skills, but modern practice views leadership as resulting from a combination of talent, training, and experience.

To be an effective leader, a manager must use complex intellectual and social skills to deal with different kinds of people in a wide variety of situations. An effective manager must be able to adapt his or her style and approach1 to many different situations. In addition to these, certain personal traits2 are often found in good leaders:

  • Being a leader requires dealing with other people. A leader must be sensitive to the needs and feelings of others and must genuinely3 respect those feelings. Effective leaders know how to communicate and how to encourage others to communicate.

  • Leaders must have emotional and social maturity4. They must accept their own feelings and control their own behaviour. They must remain rational when angry and not be defeated5 by frustration and stress. They must be able to accept diversity and disagreement in others.

  • Good leaders must be intelligent. They must be able to analyse complex situations and discover relationships, causes, effects, and solutions.

  • Good leaders need self-motivation. In the position of leader, men and women will be subjected to stress and anxiety, rewards may be intangible6 or delayed. Only a strong inner determination to succeed allows people to function well in this role.

  • Leaders must have an instinctive insight into what it takes to make others respond willingly to their directions. Many who have desirable leadership traits do not succeed in it. Many others, who do not bear the outward signs of leadership, have proven to be effective leaders.

Managers need great flexibility to be good leaders. They must be able to alter their leadership behaviour to suit different situations, despite what certain theories say about one management style being more effective than others.

Management styles range from autocratic to participative. The autocratic manager makes decisions and imposes them on subordinates. Employees are required to obey7. If they do, they will be rewarded, usually with money; if they do not, they will be punished. Participative managers invite employees to take part in the decision-making process. They encourage initiative and self-direction in others. They try to provide their subordinates with positive motivators, such as opportunities to satisfy their need for achievement.

In practice, the best managers must be flexible enough to shift from the autocratic to the participative role as required in specific situations. In emergencies, where much is at stake8 and rapid decisions are needed, as on a battlefield or when fighting a fire, autocratic leadership may be most appropriate. In normal management situations, where long-term relationships occur and individuals must continually develop new skills, participative management seems to be most effective.

Notes: approach1 – подход, trait2 – черта, genuinely3 – искренне, maturity4 – зрелость, defeated5 – побежденный, intangible6 – нематериальный, obey7 подчиняться, at stake8 – на кону

Vocabulary Focus

4. Study the meaning and use of the following words. Then fill in the gaps with these words.


force – to make someone do something they do not want to do, especially by threatening them

skill – an ability to do something well, especially because you have learned and practised it

training – the process of teaching someone or being taught the skills of a particular job or activity

adapt – to gradually change your behaviour and attitudes so that you get used to a new situation and can deal with it successfully

disagreement – a situation in which people express different opinions about something and sometimes quarrel

accept – to agree that what someone says is right or true

suit – to be acceptable or convenient for a particular person or in a particular situation

impose on – to force someone to have the same ideas or beliefs as you

obey – to do what someone in a position of authority tells you to do, or to do what a law or rule says you must do

reward – to give something to someone because they have done something good or helpful

punish – to make someone suffer because they have done something wrong or broken the law

1. Hospitals are being ___ to close departments because of lack of money. 2. The children are finding it hard to ___ to their new school. 3. Colonial settlers ___ their own culture and religion on the countries that they conquered. 4. She was an executive with good negotiating ___. 5. She was generously ___ for her work. 6. I ___ full responsibility for the failure of the plan. 7. You'll have to ___ the rules if you want to live here. 8. Just because we've had a few ___, it doesn't mean we aren't still friends. 9. Finding a date that ___ us all is very difficult. 10. The oil company was found guilty on ten counts of pollution, and was ___ with a $250 million fine. 11. New staff have a week's ___ in how to use the computers.

5. Match the English and Russian equivalents.

1 authority

a) требовать

2 take direction


3 result from

c) охотно, с готовностью

4 variety

d) подвергаться, подчиняться

5 require

e) выполнять указания

6 be subjected to

f) быть следствием

7 willingly

g) разнообразие

8 range from

h) власть, полномочие

6. a) Express in one word.

a) a special natural ability or skill

b) able to understand other people's feelings and problems

c) knowledge or skill gained while doing a job

d) power to have an effect on the way someone or something develops, behaves, or thinks without using direct force or commands

e) the ability to make decisions and take action without waiting for someone to tell you what to do

f) the reason that makes someone do something/something which encourages you to work harder, start new activities etc

g) to be careful not to do anything against someone's wishes, rights etc

h) to change or make someone or something change

i) to do what you have tried or wanted to do

words for reference: influence, experience, talent, sensitive, respect, succeed, alter, initiative, motivator

b) Complete these sentences with words from the list above.

1. The chance of a higher salary gives young people the ___ to work harder. 2. The President is expected to ___ the constitution. 3. Nothing can ___ the fact that the refugees are our responsibility. 4. She used her ___ with the chairman to get me the job. 5. Don't keep asking me for advice. Use your ___. 6. Karl has considerable ___ in modern methods of diagnosis.

c) Make some sentences of your own using the remaining words.

7. a) Complete the following table with appropriate forms of the words.


Noun (thing)











b) Complete the following sentences using forms of the words from the table above.


1. Major will __ the Conservative Party at the next election. 2. Strong and effective ___ might have made the team more successful. 3. Do you know who is the ___ software provider in the domestic PC markets?


1. Jack is an intelligent pupil, but he lacks ___. 2. The profit-sharing plan is designed to ___ the staff to work hard. 3. They're a really good bunch of students – highly ___ and very intelligent.


1. They have made a lot of efforts to __ a reconciliation between the warring factions. 2. The ads were simple, but remarkably ___. 3. Inflation is having a disastrous ___ on the economy.


1. Haldene ___ him in his work. 2. The results of the survey have been very ___. 3. I could never have achieved this without the ___ of my husband and family.


1. Beth remained calm, showing a ___ way beyond her 16 years. 2. John has always shown a __ attitude to his work. 3. He has ___ a lot since he left home.


1. Reform had not yet been achieved, but it remained the party's ___ priority. 2. Mr Larsen seems to think it's too risky and I ___ with him. 3. We had an ___ that Ms Holst would keep me informed of any changes.


1. This candidate has an impressively ___ range of interests and experience. 2. Many wheat farmers have begun to ___ into other forms of agriculture. 3. Does television adequately reflect the ethnic and cultural ___ of the country?


1. I think she'll get the job that she wants – she's very ___. 2. She has a great ___ to succeed. 3. The people who live in the area should be allowed to ___ their own future.

8. Put an appropriate preposition/adverb in the following gaps if necessary.

1. One of our secretaries deals exclusively ___ customers' complaints. 2. This simply shifts the cost of medical insurance __ employer __ employee. 3. Their present-day problems are resulting ___ past errors. 4. The government has responded ___ public pressure by abolishing the new tax. 5. The campaign has certainly succeeded ___ raising public awareness of the issue. 6. There were 120 students whose ages ranged ___ 10 __ 18. 7. We have decided to impose sanctions ___ countries that break the agreement. 8. Our new project was designed to provide young people ___ work. 9. There's a growing need ___ new housing in many rural areas. 10. Under these new arrangements, the emphasis has shifted __ state provision __ personal responsibility. 11. Don't let me influence ___ your decision.


9. Read the text again. Answer the questions.

1. What is leadership?

2. According to the text, are leaders born or made?

3. Which factors make a good leader?

4. Which personal traits are essential for an effective leader?

5. What does it mean "to have social and emotional maturity"?

6. Which styles of leadership are mentioned in the text?

7. Which style is the best one?

8. Different business situations call for different management styles. Which kinds of situations need to be tightly managed and which loosely managed?

10. Expand the sentences.

1. Modern practice views leadership as ...

2. To be an effective leader, a manager must ...

3. Managers need great flexibility...

4. Management styles range from ...

5. In practice, the best managers must ...

11. Make a short summary of the text. See Writing and Speaking Files pp. 207-209, 227-228.

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