Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов минск 2010 ббк утверждено на заседании

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Presentation skills

1. Study some ideas on making a presentation in Speaking File pp. 229-230. And do the following exercises.

a) Here are the introductions to two different presentations. Separate the two presentations and put them in the correct order.


At the end I will suggest practical ways in which you as managers can motivate both yourselves and the people who work for you.


Good morning ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to our sessions on the dynamics of motivation.


Then I will give a short demonstration of our prototype and explain what we have already achieved.


Please feel free to raise questions at any time on technical or financial aspects of the project and I shall do my best to answer them.


To begin with, I shall outline the main goals of the project.


I would like to ask you to keep any questions you may have until the end, when I hope we will also have time to discuss your personal experiences and particular work situations.


Finally, I shall move on to the major commercial applications and potential returns on investment.


I will then turn to what we really mean by motivation, and look at the internal and external factors that play a part in creating it.


Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. I would like to talk to you this afternoon about why we feel our interactive video project is worth investing in.


I shall start by looking at why motivation is so important and why the ability to motivate is a vital management skill.

Presentation 1

Presentation 2

b) Read this introduction to a presentation. Choose the correct words or phrases in italics.

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen and welcome (1) in/to/for our seminar on corporate property management. I would like to (2) begin/starting/commence by (3) drawing/telling/outlining some of the main (4) explanations/matters/issues in corporate property management (5) so that/for/in order you will be able to judge whether your company is devoting sufficient time to this question.

I will then (6) look/turn/change to some of the legal and financial (7) queries/aspects/pieces of property management, and will (8) tell/look/explain how your companies may be affected by current and future legislation. I will (9) illustrate/give examples/discuss of the kinds of problems our clients have faced and explain what was done to solve them.

I will finish (10) by/with/in giving a brief resume of the the consultancy service that we offer, and I will explain what you (11) need/shall/should do if you would like to look into the matter further.

As we are rather (12) hurried/pressed/short for time, I would be grateful if oyu could (13) rest/stay/save any questions you may wish to (14) rise/raise/arise until the end, when I will (15) do/make/have my best to answer them.

Business Game 'Sell a Region'

2. Work in the teams of two or three people. Each team should choose your own county/region.

3. Research on the following aspects for your presentation:

  • places to stay in (buildings, facilities)

  • history and culture

  • places to visit

  • transport and travel

  • leisure and sport

  • entertainment

  • connections with other parts of the world

  • amazing facts you never knew about (the region/country)

4. Prepare and then deliver a team presentation 'selling' your region to people who are seeking new ways to invest their money.

5. a) Vote on the best presentations using the following assessment sheet.


Give a score of 1 – 5 for each category: 5 = outstanding 1 = poor



1. Will it get the target audience’s attention?

2. Will it capture their imagination?

3. Does it have a clear, effective message?

4. Will it persuade the target audience to invest money in this project?

5. Will the target audience remember the presentation?

1. Was it interesting? Did it impress you?

2. Was it clear?

3. Was there enough eye contact?

4. Was the pace too quick, too slow, or just right?

5. Was the language fluent, accurate, and appropriate?

6. Was the voice clear enough? Was it varied in pitch or monotonous?

b) Decide who is the best in the following categories: best property description; star presenter; best historical item; best entertainment item; best amazing fact; Wow! factor; etc.

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