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Сабаққа байланысты видео: Anatomy and Physiology of the nervous system

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Сабаққа байланысты видео: Anatomy and Physiology of the nervous system
Видеодан сөздік жазу
10 – 15 сөз (10 ұпай )
5 -9 сөз (7 ұпай)
1 -5 сөз (4 ұпай)
The nervous system consists of the brain, the spinal cord and an enormous network of nerves.
The spinal cord runs from the brain and down through the backbone.
The brain is a very complex organ. Its biggest part is the cerebrum which is responsible for our personality, memory, intelligence, emotions and feelings, speech, the ability to move.
The smaller cerebellum controls balance, coordination and movements.
The brainstem is responsible for all the brain’s messages and controls a lot of automatic body functions such as breathing, heart rate and digestion.
The thalamus carries messages from the eyes, ears, nose and fingers to the cerebrum.
The hypothalamus controls many automatic processes, for instance, temperature and appetite.
The pituitary gland is tiny but it is responsible for hormones.
Nerve cells are called neurons.
They look like long thin threads with fingers at each end.
These “fingers” are called dendrites.
When a neuron gets a message, it produces a tiny electric signal which releases chemicals and the signal passes from the dendrites of one neuron to the next, At last, the message reaches the brain.
Thus, the nervous system is the control system of our body and it influences our health.
Тапсырма 1. Worksheets (студенттерге таратпа қағаз) 3 тест – 6 ұпай

Тапсырма 2.
Make up the sentences from the parts:
1. the, is, system, our, system, control, of, nervous, body, the
2. movements, controls, balance, small, coordination, cerebellum, and, the.
Дұрыс жауап:
1. The nervous system is the control system of our body.
2. The small cerebellum controls balance, coordination and movements

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