
Ex. 3. The following words are taken from the text. Match a word in col- umn A with its definition in column B

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Ex. 3. The following words are taken from the text. Match a word in col- umn A with its definition in column B.


  1. bang

  2. impact (v)

  3. afterwards

  4. unassisted

  5. rupture (v)

  6. uneventful

  7. don

  8. reveal

  9. discharge (v)

  10. exit

  1. hit something with great force

  2. not helped by anyone or anything

  3. in which nothing unusual or dangerous happens

  4. the action of releasing a substance such as a liquid or gas

  5. put on

  6. a sudden loud noise

  7. show something that previously could not be seen

  8. get burst or broken apart

  9. go out, leave

  10. at a later time

Ex. 4. The words in the chart below have all appeared in the description of the emergency depressurization. Use your dictionary to find the other parts of speech.












Ex. 5. Use the words in the previous exercise in the correct form to fill in the gaps.

  1. Some passengers were in need of medical . . . . . . . . . . .

  2. The doctor told the injured passenger to take a deep . . . . . . . . . . and then to out.

  1. The wind was increasing to gale . . . . . . . . . . .

  2. The investigators reconstructed the chain of leading to the acci-


  1. A band of high is moving across the area.

  2. The cabins of modern passenger aircraft are . . . . . . . . . . in order to create an environment which is physiologically suitable for humans.

  3. One of the hand fire extinguishers was . . . . . . . . . . .

Ex. 6. Think of all possible word combinations with the following words in columns A and B.


    1. external a) compartment

    2. depart b) depressurization

    3. shortly c) the fuselage

    4. don d) afterwards

    5. rupture (v) e) into the flight

    6. level (v) f) inspection

    7. overhead g) the aerodrome

    8. rapid h) the aircraft

    9. 55 minutes i) an oxygen mask

Ex. 7. Complete the second sentence so that it is as similar in meaning as possible to the first. Use the word given (it must not be changed) and some other words.

e.g. Oxygen masks dropped from the overhead compartments shortly after the loud bang.


Oxygen masks automatically deployed shortly after the loud bang.

  1. The flight crew should put on oxygen masks as a first and immediate step in case of rapid depressurization.


In case of rapid depressurization the oxygen masks immediate-
ly by the flight crew.

  1. The flight crew started a descent to an altitude at which they and the pas- sengers could breathe without supplementary oxygen.


The flight crew began altitude.

  1. A Mayday distress radio call was made by the captain on the regional air traffic control frequency.


The captain to the regional ATC.

  1. The landing was uneventful.


The crew managed . . . . . . . . . . .

  1. The aircraft taxied to the terminal unassisted.


The aircraft taxied . . . . . . . . . . .

  1. There were no reported injuries among the passengers.

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