
none It was reported injured. During the external inspection of the aircraft a sizeable rupture was found in the fuselage. revealed

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It was reported injured.

  1. During the external inspection of the aircraft a sizeable rupture was found in the fuselage.


The a sizeable rupture in the fuselage.

  1. One of the oxygen cylinders in the forward hold burst and made a hole in the cabin floor.


The depressurization was caused the cabin floor.

Ex. 1. Read the description text "Qantas Flight 30" on p. 6 again and an- swer the questions.

  1. What aircraft type was involved in the incident?

  2. Was it operating a domestic flight? Do you remember the destination?

  3. Did they arrive there uneventfully?

  4. At what stage of the flight did the incident occur?

  5. What actually happened?

  6. How did the passengers react?

  7. What actions were taken by the flight crew?

  8. Why was it vitally important to descend the aircraft to 10,000 feet as soon as possible?

  9. What happened on landing?

  10. Why was the aircraft stopped on the runway?

  11. What did the external inspection reveal?

  12. What had caused the rupture in the fuselage?

  13. Where exactly was it?

  14. How many passengers and crew members were hurt?

Ex. 2. Role Play.

  1. Imagine you are the captain of Qantas 30 flight. Declare an emergency and inform ATC of what has happened and say your intentions.

  2. You are a cabin attendant of that flight. Inform the passengers of the emergency situation and try to calm them down.


Ex. 1. You are going to listen to another incident description. Before you listen, study the following definitions of the words from the story.

suck (v) pull something or somebody with great force in a par- ticular direction
window frame (n) supporting structure of a window
restrain (v) stop somebody or something from doing something, es- pecially by using physical force
frostbite (n) a medical condition in which parts of the body, espe- cially the fingers and toes, become damaged as a result of extremely cold temperatures
fracture (n) a break in a bone
dislocation (n) a medical condition in which a bone is put out of its normal position in a joint

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