Гуманитарный издательский

XXXVI. a) Watch Film Segment One

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XXXVI. a) Watch Film Segment One 
“Surprise for Dinner” for
general content. b) Watch the film segment again to find English
equivalents to the following:
я очень голоден; обед подан; мясное блюдо; баранья отбивная;
жаркое; съедобный; рыбные консервы; яичница; очень вкусный
(восхитительный); гореть; подгорать; сюрприз; в восторге; ничего
не поделаешь; выиграть по лотерее.

c) Answer your teacher’s questions on the content of the film segment. d)
Listen to the sound track recording of Segment One. Get ready to describe the
situation of the segment and to reproduce the dialogue between Mr. and Mrs.
Brown at table.
XXXVII. a) Make up a dialogue on the following situation:
You ask your friend if he is hungry and when he is going to
the canteen. You are very busy and you can’t leave the office
earlier than 3 o’clock. You ask him to buy a cake and two apples
for you.
b) Get ready with a situation for your fellowstudents to give it in
the form of a dialogue.
XXXVIII. Find English proverbs concerning meals. Provide them with
Russian equivalents, ask your fellowstudents to illustrate them.
XXXIX. Describe: a) your Sunday breakfast; b) your dinner at home;
c) the procedure of laying the table for dinner.
I. a) Repeat the sentences after the tape. b) Make them interrogative
and negative.
II. Change the sentences into indirect speech. Begin each of them
with He asks me 
He asks me 
He asks me 
He asks me 
He asks me ...
III. Supply short answers according to the model.
M o d e l : I am hungry. — So am I.
IV. Translate the sentences into English using the given word combi

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