Гуманитарный издательский

b) Listen to the replies and repeat them in the intervals

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b) Listen to the replies and repeat them in the intervals.
13. Listen to the verbal context and reply in the intervals.
14. In order to fix the intonation of disjunctive questions in your mind,
ear and speech habits repeat the replies yourself until they sound perfectly
natural to you.

15. Listen to a fellowstudent reading the replies. Tell him what his
errors in intonation are.
16. Read the drill sentences according to the given models. Observe the
difference in meaning.
M o d e l s : The 
text is 
easy, | 
isn’t it?
text is 
easy, | 
isn’t it?
1. She is better today, isn’t she? 2. There is a lawn in front of
your house, isn’t there? 3. There are many new houses in your
street, aren’t there? 4. The New Year is the most favourite holi
day in our country, isn’t it? 5. Great Britain is an island, isn’t it?
6. The Alps are higher than the Urals, aren’t they? 7. The Missis
sippi is the longest river in the world, isn’t it? 8. You don’t speak
Hungarian, do you? 9. You don’t take beer, do you? 10. You
can’t speak German yet, can you? 11. You have learned this
poem by heart, haven’t you? 12. You are fond of skating, aren’t
you? 13. We must pay right now, mustn’t we? 14. They
shouldn’t be late, should they? 15. She can understand nearly
everything, can’t she? 16. It’s my turn, isn’t it?
17. Read the following conversational situations according to the
models, suggested for replies. Concentrate your attention on the intonation
of the replies. Say what meaning is rendered by them.
M o d e l 1: It’s 
horrid, | 
isn’t it?
Verbal Context
If only the day had been warmer.
Very cold, wasn’t it?
The work will never be ready
Never, will it?
in time.
Where could we get the book?
It’s very difficult, isn’t it?
It’s a seat in the gallery.
She won’t be able to see, will
Mary’s broken the skijumping
Marvellous skijumper, isn’t
It looks like rain.
It does, doesn’t it?
What a delightful family the
They’re so friendly, aren’t
Smiths are!
Where did you meet him then?
In High Street, didn’t we,

They thought we’d missed our
They were quite mistaken,
weren’t they?
What a boring evening!
Jack’s no sense of humour,
has he?
None of us wants to go.
Someone will have to go,
won’t they?
He rarely goes to the club these
He used to enjoy it so, didn’t
You can’t do it like that.
Then I must try some other
way, mustn’t I?
The parcel hasn’t come.
We’d better enquire at the
station, hadn’t we?
So you’ve finished.
Now it’s your turn, isn’t it?
It wasn’t his fault this time.
But he should drive more
slowly anyway, shouldn’t he?
M o d e l 2: It’s 

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