Гуманитарный издательский

XXVIII. Retell the following jokes, use indirect speech

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XXVIII. Retell the following jokes, use indirect speech:
1. E n g l i s h p r o f e s s o r : What is the difference between
an active verb and a passive verb?
S t u d e n t : An active verb shows action and a passive verb
shows passion.
2. P r o f e s s o r : Can you tell me anything about the great
scientists of the 17th century?

S t u d e n t : They are all dead, sir.
3. F r i e n d : And what is your son going to be when he’s
passed his final exam?
F a t h e r : An old man.
4. Two men were talking in a train.
“Are you going to Milberry’s lecture today?” said one.
“Oh, yes, I am,” replied the other.
“Take my advice and don’t. I hear he is a very poor lecturer.”
“I am afraid, I must go,” said the other. “I’m Milberry.”
5. During a lecture a wellknown lecturer on economics men
tioned the fact that in some parts of the world the number of men
was larger than that of women, and he added humorously:
“I can therefore recommend the ladies to emigrate to that
part of the world.”
A young lady who was sitting in one of the last rows stood up
full of anger. She was leaving the room rather noisily, when the
lecturer remarked.
“I don’t mean that it must be done in such a hurry as that.”
XXIX. a) Read the following text. Explain the usage of tenses in
i t . b ) R e n d e r t h e t e x t i n i n d i r e c t s p e e c h . c ) M a k e u p s h o r t b i t s o f
conversation on the analogy of those given below:
The Brown Family at Breakfast
Part I
A r t h u r : Has the post come yet, Robert?
R o b e r t : Yes. There were only two letters, one for you and
mother, and one for me.
E i l e e n : Nothing for me?
R: Of course not.
E: Why ‘of course not’?
R: Well, you never write to anyone. You’ve never written a
letter in your life.
E: I have.
R: You haven’t.
J a n e: Now you two, stop arguing and get on with your
Part II
A: Who was our letter from, Jane?
J: Edith. Here it is.

A: Have you read it?
J: Yes.
A: Well just tell me what she says.
J: Don’t you want to read it?
A: I’ve left my glasses upstairs. Have they moved yet?
J: Yes. They moved last Tuesday.
A: How do they like the new house?
J: They love it.
A: Good.
J: They’ve bought one or two new pieces of furniture.
A: Have they got rid of that awful old sofa?
J: Yes. And they’ve bought some new chairs for the kitchen.
Part III
A: Have they started on the garden?
J: Oh, yes. They started on that weeks ago, I suppose.
They’ve done the front garden. They haven’t touched the back
at all.
A: Well, at least they’ve made a start.
J: They’ve been very lucky with their neighbours.
A: In what way have they been lucky?
J: Well, they were very kind on the day Anne moved.
A: What did they do?
J: Sarah (that’s the wife’s name) looked after the two boys
the whole day...
A: How nice of her!
J: And Tom (that’s the husband) helped Peter to lay the
A: Hm, hm.
J: He’s even offered to help Peter with the garden.

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