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1.Өмірбекова Қ.Қ., Оразаева Г.С., Тулебиева Г.  Логопедиялық сабақта  ұлттық 
ойындардың қолдану.  - Алматы: Абай  атындағы  Қазақ  ҰПУ.- 2011. -76  б. 
2.Төтенов Б.Қазақтың ұлттық ойындары.- Алматы, 1993.-

9 б. 
3.Кішібаева Д. Ұлттық ойындардың пайдасы // Бастауыш мектеп.- 2000.- 52 

 56 б. 
4.Жайлауова М, Сексенбаева З. Дидактикалық  ойындар және оларды  пайдалану // 
Бастауыш мектеп.- 2004, №6, 28 

 30 б. 
5.Дайрабаева А.Е. Қазақстанда  дидактикалық ойындардың дамуы.- Алматы, 1994. 
УДК  37.01       
Kapina E.A. 
K. Jubanov Aktobe regional state university 
В статье рассматриваются вопросы этнокультурного образовательного 
пространства в высшей школе. Так же дан анализ этнокультурного образования, 
культуры речи как основных факторов воспитания и формирования национальных 
ценностей личности. 
Мақалада этномәдени білім беру кеңістігі қарастырылады. Ұлттық құндылықтар 
этномәдени білім беруді қалыптастырудың  негізі болып табылады. 
Кілт сөздер: білім, этномәдениет, тәрбие, тұлға. 
Ключевые слова: образование,  этнокультура, воспитание, личность. 
For short period of the development of an independent Republic of Kazakhstan.There has 
been done many innovative and progressive things in the sphere of education. The educational 
programmes and plansare being reviewed, new textbooks and school appliances are being 
created. A great attention is being paied to the humanitarian subjects. National traditions and 
customs are being returned in an educational process. Simultaneously, we consider that 
organization of new school, declorating primacy of general personality, till conception of “pure” 
national school, is driven under the process of upbringing and education into cultural and 
traditional frames of one nation.  
According to our point of view, education is universality of general human mission, and 
the aim of school is –educating of “sitizen of the world”, and it is right. But the evident mission 
is the transmitting national, moral, spiritual principles of each nation and ethnisity. 
How to “use” all these arguments and find “the golden key” of harmony? 
World practice shows that state politics of realization of ethnocultural interest basing 
upon schools with national culture. All these schools need an expansion of ethnocultural 
educational space. 
In order to expand ethnocultural educational space we offer you the following structure of 
educational stages in substantional context. 
On the very first stage we solve the problem of ethnical identification. Ethnocultural 
educational space in this case- is the atmosphere in the family. The child get acquainted with the 
history of nation, its culture, national customs and traditions. The perception of national culture  
is revealed through fairy-tails, folk-songs, myths. 
Cultures are what make countries unique. Not everyone agrees on the meaning of culture. 
It means the outlook or opinion of an entire society that can be reflected in their words, books, 

and writing, religion, music, clothes, cooking. A family may have a specific culture that sets it 
apart from similar workplace. 
A family may have a specifific set of values, morals or beliefs that differ from other 
families of the same ethnic background. It is very important that the child is brought together 
with its parents, relatives, its nation and ethnisity. 
Great attention must be paid to the ethnical stereotypes like: lazyness, stinginess and 
unceremoniousness. Excellent weapon against national conceit is – ethnical self-irony. 
Decisive role of ehnocultural education belongs to family especially to mother. The child 
gets a respectful relationship towards its native culture through mother’s milk it drinks. The main 
goal of ethnocultural education is to make the children pride with their nation calling 
themeselves “kazakh germans”, “kazakh russians” 
“kazakh uigurs ”, “kazakh ukrains”.  
A great part of ethnocultural education- is Institutional education. The main goal is –
educating. Ethnocultural education is being realized at kindergartens, school and high schools. 
Its compulsory condition is a studying of native and state language. These languages must be 
tought through games, writing a letter and reading.  
Ethnocultural educational space can be effectively created at schools, becouse the 
children get much knowledge here especially at this age.  
Cultural identification is one of the most complex forms of self-determination of an 
individual. It implies not only awareness, but also high level of appraisal of cultural foundations 
of a person’s own life. 
1.Абдуллаев М. Национальное своеобразие и основные ифакторы развития эстетической 
культуры. Автореферат дис.. док.филос. наук. Ташкент, 1994. 
2. «Атамекен» бағдарламасы // Егеменді Қазақстан, 1991.-27тамыз 
3. Агаев А.Г. Межэтнические и межконфиссиональые конфликты в современном мире 
//Зарубежное военное обозрение, 1994. №7 
4. Америка 2000: Стратегия развития образования // Учительская газета,1992,-19мая. 
5. Абузарова Н.А. Студенчество в системе национальных отношений, УФА, 1996. 

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