Хаттама рәсімдеу №1 Тапсырма. Қозғыштықтың өлшемдері мен олардың анықтамысын жазу

Task № 6. Draw a diagram of the change in excitability in different phases of the action potential (the task must be complete in English)

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Task № 6. Draw a diagram of the change in excitability in different phases of the action potential (the task must be complete in English).

a - MP - excitability before irritation

б - local response, slight depolarization - increased excitability;

в - the degree of "peak of action potential", the period of depolarization - the period of absolute refractory;

г - period of rapid depolarization - the period of relative refractory;

д - negative trace potential - supernormal period;

e - positive trace potential - subnormal period;

г, д, e - period of repolarization.

Task № 7. Write a name of the image and fill out the table with a phases (the task must be complete in English).

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