Ii – Курбангалеева Т. Н., Харькова Ю. С

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түріУчебно-методическое пособие
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Yesterday we wrote a test. I was late for the classes. When I entered the classroom, the students of our group were writing the test. They had been writing it for a half an hour. Some of them had already finished the test and had given it to the teacher.

Teст-минимум 10

  1. b

  2. c

  3. b

  4. c

  5. b

  6. a

  7. a

  8. b

  9. b

  10. b

Test 10

  1. had

  2. arrived

  3. sat

  4. discovered

  5. had lost

  6. had been working

  7. wasn’t

  8. was getting

  9. was trying

  10. was laughing


  1. We had seen the play before we discussed it.

  2. We saw the play and then discussed it.

  3. I was in London last year. I had not been there before.

  4. He did not like the letter, which he had been trying to write for two hours.

  5. When we came, he had already returned and was writing something in his study.

  6. He had finished his work and was sitting on the terrace.

Раздел 11

Упражнение 11.1

  1. Could

  2. Can

  3. Could

  4. Could

  5. Was able to

  6. Be able to

  7. Been able to

  8. Be able to

  9. Can

  10. Be able to

Упражнение 11.2

  1. can’t

  2. be able to

  3. couldn’t

  4. could

  5. can, be able to

Упражнение 11.3

1) can’t, can

2) can’t

3) be able to, can’t

4) couldn’t

5) could

Тест-минимум 11


1) can, was not able to;

2) been able to;

3) be able to;

4) can, can't;

5) can't, will be able to;

6) can;

7) be able to;


1)Can she be working now?

2)He can not be waiting for us now.

3)Where could she be going?

4)She can not be at home now

5)Could something have happened out there to keep her away?

Тест 11


  1. You could have gone to the library yesterday.

  2. He can lift this weight.

  3. Can you see anything?

  4. I could not solve the problem.

  5. You could have bought this book; it was on sale.

  6. He could have guessed it.

  7. Perhaps this young man will be able to help you.

  8. She was not able to answer.

  9. Can I sit with you for a little?

  10. Can I come in?


  1. been able to;

  2. couldn't;

  3. to be able to;

  4. could;

  5. could (not);

  6. can;

  7. were able to;

  8. could

Раздел 12

Упражнение 12.1

  1. Можешь сесть за первую парту.

  2. Можно закрыть окно? – Да.

  3. Можно открыть дверь? – Нет.

  4. Дети могут поиграть на компьютере после школы.

  5. Он, возможно, сейчас в офисе.

  6. Она, возможно, приедет в воскресенье.

  7. Он может выйти из кабинета.

  8. Возможно, он завтра увидит их в колледже.

Упражнение 12.2.

(отрицательная форма)

  1. He may not open the door.

  2. My little sister may not watch TV.

  3. She may not take the book.

  4. You may not eat this cake.

  5. You may not change the plan.

  6. The children were not allowed to stay out till 9 o’clock.

  7. The girls will not be allowed to take part in the competition.

  8. You may not take the books with you.

(вопросительная форма)

  1. May he open the door?

  2. May my little sister watch TV?

  3. May she take the book?

  4. May you eat this cake?

  5. May you change the plan?

  6. Were the children allowed to stay out till 9 o’clock?

  7. Will the girls be allowed to take part in the competition?

  8. May you take the books with you?

Упражнение 12.3.


  1. You were allowed to change the plan.

  2. The children were allowed to stay out till 9 o’clock.

  3. The girls were allowed to take part in the competition.

  4. You were allowed take three books with you.


  1. You will be allowed to change the plan.

  2. The children will be allowed to stay out till 9 o’clock.

  3. The girls will be allowed to take part in the competition.

  4. You will be allowed to take three books with you.

Упражнение 12.4.

  1. I might go to Tim’s party but I might not go anywhere.

  2. They might catch a taxi but they might not come.

  3. I might invite Sarah but I might not invite Tony.

  4. She might buy some jeans but she might not buy anything.

Упражнение 12.5.

  1. May I watch/see the film? – Yes, you may.

  2. He may/might watch/see the film. He didn’t watch/see it yesterday.

  3. He was allowed to watch/see the film.

  4. May I play computer games? – No, you may not. It’s too late.

  5. May I phone/call you tonight?

  6. I may/might come to see you tonight.

  7. He may/might come later.

  8. He may not/might not remember his promise.

  9. He might/may be at work now.

  10. He may/might know the truth.

Teст-минимум 12

    1. might

    2. may

    3. may

    4. may

    5. may not

    6. allowed to

    7. may not

    8. May

    9. may

    10. Was he allowed

Test 12

      1. a

      2. b

      3. a

      4. b

      5. a

      6. b

      7. c

      8. a

      9. b

      10. a

      11. a

      12. b

      13. b

      14. c

      15. a

Раздел 13

Упражнение 13.1

  1. They have to train before the game.

  2. You must train regularly.

  3. You must help your friend.
    You have (have got) to help your friend.

  4. Do you have to do it?

  5. Не must bring this book.

Упражнение 13.2

  1. have to

  2. do you have to

  3. had to

  4. don’t have to

  5. didn’t have to

Упражнение 13.3

    1. he must be at school now.

    2. She must be come tomorrow.

    3. But he had to wait a quarter of an hour.

    4. Must we come to school tomorrow?

    5. You do not have to learn the poem by heart.

Тест-минимум 13


  1. Can

  2. Must

  3. needn't

  4. has to

  5. need

  6. should


  1. I had to study.

  2. He had to come yesterday.

  3. He must have been late.

  4. We have to do this

  5. He has a headache. He has to take a pill.

Test 13


  1. It was already twenty minutes past eight. You had to go or you could be late for the first lesson.

  2. We had to ring them up and find out what had happened.

  3. There had to be a way out.

  4. It was quite clear to everybody in the family that he had to start getting ready for his examination instead of wasting time.

  5. It was impossible to do anything in such a short time. I had to ask the chief to put off my report.

  6. I didn't mean that you had to do everything they told you.


  1. I did not have to do the drawing.

  2. Нe won’t have time to finish work by Friday and he will have to spend the weekend.

  3. She must not water the garden. The ground is very dry.

  4. There was no choice and they had to agree.

  5. She must be waiting for us at home.

  6. She must wait for us at home.

  7. We will have to return and tell everything.

  8. She had to apologize though it was unpleasant for her.

Раздел 14

Упражнение 14.1

  1. He is not to wait for me.

  2. I was not to buy food, and my brother was not to buy drinks.

  3. I am not to bring the disks, and my friend is not to bring the slides.

  4. We are not to do this work by tomorrow.

  5. The UK Prime Minister is not to visit the USA next month.

  6. Rose was not to meet me at Oxford and drive me to the Smiths.

  7. My nephew and his wife are not to join us.

  8. I was not to be at End House at nine o’clock.

  9. She was not to go back to London.

  10. It was not to happen to us.

Упражнение 14.2

  1. We are to be there at 2. He will be waiting for us.

  2. What time are we to be at the station? – At 9, but there’s no need to hurry, the train leaves at 9.30.

  3. As I was to be there at 5, I had to take a taxi.

  4. I was to meet my friend at 6.

  5. The train is to arrive in 5 minutes.

  6. They are to come on Sunday.

  7. The meeting is to start at 7.

Teст-минимум 14

  1. is to

  2. am to

  3. were to

  4. am I to

  5. is it to

  6. am to

  7. are to

  8. is to

  9. were to

  10. was I to

Test 14

  1. c

  2. b

  3. a

  4. c

  5. b

  6. b

  7. c

  8. c

  9. a

  10. c

Раздел 15

Упражнение 15.1

  1. You should (ought to) have a holiday. You shouldn’t (oughtn’t to) work so hard.

  2. You should (ought to) go to the dentist. You shouldn’t (oughtn’t to) eat so many sweets.

  3. You should (ought to) take an aspirin. You shouldn’t (oughtn’t to) be so nervous.

  4. You should (ought to) take some medicine. You shouldn’t (oughtn’t to) smoke so many cigarettes.

  5. You should (ought to) tell him that you need it. You shouldn’t (oughtn’t to) give it to him.

Упражнение 15.2

  1. Do you think I should give it back to the shop?

  2. Do you think I should ask my boss for more money?

  3. Do you think I/we should wait a bit longer or go without him?

  4. Do you think I/we should wake her up?

  5. Do you think I/we should go with her?

  6. Do you think we should take a taxi?

  7. Do you think I/we should buy a new one?

Упражнение 15.3

  1. You should(ought to) go to bed earlier tonight to get up earlier tomorrow.

  2. It’s too late. You shouldn’t (oughtn’t to) turn music on so loud.

  3. You shouldn’t (oughtn’t to) argue with him. You are wrong.

  4. Should I (Ought I to)stay after classes?

  5. Do you think I should help him?

  6. You shouldn’t (oughtn’t to) phone him so late.

  7. You should (ought to) tell her everything you know.


  1. should

  2. shouldn’t tell

  3. ought not tell

  4. ought to

  5. ought not

  6. ought

  7. ought

  8. ought

  9. ought

  10. should not

Test 15

  1. b

  2. b

  3. c

  4. c

  5. b

  6. b

  7. b

  8. c

  9. b

  10. b

Раздел 16

Упражнение 16.1

  1. You need not be nervous about it.

  2. We need talk of this no more.

  3. Need we answer this letter?

  4. Do we need to answer this letter?

Упражнение 16.2

  1. We shall be allowed to use these books.

  2. We shall be obliged to do these exercises.

  3. We shall have to stay there.

  4. Shall we have to stay there?

  5. We shall not (shan't) have to stay there.

Упражнение 16.3

  1. You shall go into the dining room first.

  2. You shall not do that again.

  3. You need not trouble about that at all.

  4. You need not hurry

  5. Need we go there?

Тест-минимум 16


  1. Shall I return?

  2. Shall I write the letter?

  3. Shall I close the door?

  4. Shall we water the flowers?


  1. Найти ли мне сухие вещи?

  2. Набрать ли мне ванну?

  3. Он вернётся

  4. Когда ты вернёшься?

  5. Убрать ли мне твою тарелку?


  1. I will need this magazine.

  2. Whatever I know, you shall know.

  3. Shall I come to see you there?

  4. Shall I turn on the lights?

  5. You need not have done this exercise in written form.

Тест 16


1) needn't have gone;

2) didn't need to cook;

3) needn't have hurried;

4) didn't have to return;

5) didn't have to take;

6) needn't have come;

7) didn't have to go;

8) needn't have made;

9) didn't have to wake up;

10) needn't have spent


  1. You shall not run away before you answer.

  2. Need we buy so many bananas if we don’t eat them?

  3. You do not need to say a lot of nonsense.

  4. Shall I go to buy any bread?

  5. Do you need any money?

  6. Shall I close the window?

  7. I do not need any more people around here.

  8. Shall he go home?

Раздел 17

Упражнение 17.1

  1. Martha used to make her own clothes when she was in college.

  2. Jenny and Kelly used to ride their tricycles in the neighbourhood when they were little girls.

  3. Roberto used to wear glasses after he graduated from college.

  4. Mike used to be a bus driver for many years.

  5. Rosie and Rita used to work at the telephone company.

  6. Paul used to eat cereal for breakfast before he got married.

Упражнение 17.2

  1. My mother used to live in Greece.

  2. My grandfather used to have a hotel, but he sold it last year.

  3. We used to have a house next to a park.

  4. When I was very young, my grandfather used to/would take me to the zoo.

  5. We didn’t use to/would never play together with my brother when we were very young.

  6. I didn’t use to be very good at computers.

  7. Did you use to play tennis?

Teст-минимум 17

  1. used to

  2. used to

  3. used to go

  4. didn’t use to

  5. never used to

  6. used to

  7. used

  8. would

  9. used to

  10. didn’t use to

Test 17

  1. b

  2. a

  3. a

  4. a

  5. b

  6. a

  7. b

  8. b

  9. a

  10. b

Раздел 18


  1. И Аня, и Элис играют в теннис.

  2. Ни Линда, ни Элис не играют в теннис.

  3. Ему не нравится ни Линда, ни Элис.

  4. И Тим и Джон любят футбол.

  5. Либо он был занят, либо не знал о вечеринке.

  6. Ни Тим, ни Джон не любят футбол.

  7. Ни Фил, ни другие мальчики не знаю правду.

Упражнение18. 2

  1. Why didn’t either you or your friend help Kate (to) connect to the net?

  2. Either John or you could have phoned me to tell about the meeting.

  3. What are you going to do tonight? – I will either go to the cinema or to my friends.

  4. Either Dad or I will pick you up from the station.

  5. Both Nick and Josh are keen on mountain skiing.

  6. Both my brother and I are good at computers.

  7. What will we give Dina for her birthday? – I think, she will be glad to get either a smart phone or a net book.

Teст-минимум 18

  1. both

  2. either

  3. both

  4. both

  5. both

  6. neither

  7. both

  8. neither

  9. neither

  10. either

Test 18

  1. c

  2. b

  3. c

  4. a

  5. a

  6. a

  7. b

  8. c

  9. c

  10. b

Раздел 19

Упражнение 19.1

  1. So do I.

  2. Neither do I.

  3. So am I.

  4. Neither will I.

  5. So did I.

  6. Neither can I.

  7. So am I.

  8. Neither did I.

Упражнение 19.3

  1. I don’t understand the rule. – Neither do I.

  2. Jack was born in a small town. – So was Nick.

  3. My car is over 5 years old. – So is mine.

  4. I’m so worried. – So am I.

  5. I went to sleep at once yesterday. – So did I.

  6. Jeana doesn’t speak French. – Neither does Andrew.

  7. Bill didn’t come to work yesterday. – Neither did Bob.

Упражнение 19.2

  1. so am

  2. so have

  3. neither can

  4. so were

  5. so does

  6. neither did

  7. so is

  8. neither have

  9. neither can

  10. so do

  11. so did

  12. neither do

  13. so was

  14. neither will

  15. so are

  16. neither was

Teст-минимум 19

  1. So do I.

  2. So was Jack.

  3. Neither have I.

  4. So is John.

  5. So did I.

  6. So has Nick.

  7. So am I.

  8. Neither does Ricky.

  9. So should you.

  10. Neither can I.

Test 19

  1. a

  2. c

  3. a

  4. a

  5. c

  6. a

  7. b

  8. a

  9. c

  10. a

Раздел 20

Упражнение 20.1

Model A.

  1. Mike runs more quickly/quicker than Boris.

  2. You work faster than Kitty.

  3. I read texts more loudly than Peter.

  4. He plays volley-ball worse than my brother.

  5. Helen sang better than Mary.

Model B.

  1. She dances best of all the girls I know.

  2. Liz writes fastest of all the students in the group.

  3. Mother makes cakes best of our relatives.

  4. I dance worst of my friends.

  5. Mike draws best of his colleagues.

Упражнение 20.2

  1. Can you speak slower/more slowly, please?

  2. Can you walk faster, please?

  3. You have to study harder to pass the exam.

  4. Nick comes to work latest of all.

  5. He will help you if you ask him more politely.

  6. She is always getting into crashes! She drives a car worst of all.

  7. Jack plays basketball best of all.

Teст-минимум 20

  1. less

  2. best

  3. worse

  4. hardest

  5. more

  6. earliest

  7. more clearly

  8. more carefully

  9. longer

  10. furthest

Test 20

  1. c

  2. a

  3. b

  4. c

  5. b

  6. b

  7. b

  8. c

  9. a

  10. c

  11. a

  12. c

  13. b

  14. a

  15. b

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