№3 (51), 2022 ҚӘӘИ ХАБАРШЫСЫ ISSN – 2617-6319
the transport industry. In particular, the catholic neutralizers agreed with the
project grantee to start testing in the near future.
At the end of the event, an agreement was signed on the entry of Allur
Group into the Club of Business Partners of the Science Foundation [5]. Work
continues on the development of national content through the translation of
professional literature, the opening of training groups in the Kazakh language, the
development of teaching aids, the holding of conferences and round tables.
The discussion of the results
A project has been developed to automate the mechanical process of the
functioning of the lifting mechanism on the car assembly line.
The main idea of the project is to eliminate the human factor represented by
the GPM operator. All operations that the operator previously performed for him
are performed in the project by the industrial controller PLC. For the PLC, a
program code is written from scratch in the form of a ladder diagram in a special
application on a computer, after which the finished program code is uploaded to a
preconfigured controller. The written program exactly repeats the assembly
process. Before writing the program code for the PLC, circuit and power electrical
diagrams are drawn up, reflecting all connections, electrical components and
including a description of the general process (table-1).
Description of original equipment
LM - lifting mechanism, a device for moving
the car body in the assembly process. The movement
takes place linearly using a beam crane. Functional
actions of the LM: raising and lowering the body at
the assembly posts and moving between them. The
main components of the LM: monorail, hoist, crab,
control panel.
The assembly line consists of 5 LM
maintenance posts and 2 ground ones. At each of the
5 posts, the LM raises and lowers the body, after
which assembly operations are carried out.
Lowering is carried out on special assembly
columns, but the LM remains to support the body or
completely to the ground. On this assembly line
there are 4 telphers and 4 winches attached to them
(a winch is a device for gripping a car body), in the
future the combination of a hoist and a winch will be
called a generalized winch. A wired control panel is
connected to each winch.
The control of the LM is
mechanical, i.e. a special person - the
operator of the LM carries out the
process of controlling the electric
motors responsible for the vertical
movement (1st engine), horizontal
movement (2nd engine).
The engines are located on the
monorail. The operator determines
when to raise, move and lower the
body and to what height.
Table 1. Description of original equipment