______ ____________________Техникалық ғылымдар
Rules for authors on the design of an article for publication
Scientific and practical journal «Ğylym jäne bіlіm» is a periodical of the West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical
University named after Zhangir Khan K. The journal is published kuarterly and articles are published in Kazakh, Russian and
English languages. The journal publishes scientific works on actual problems of fundamental and applied researches in the field of
agricultural, veterinary, biological, technical, economic and socio-humanitarian sciences.
Subscription to the collection can be arranged through the catalogues of newspapers and magazines «Kazpost» JSC
(index 76316).
Scientific, technical and industrial articles planned for publication in our journal undergo the procedure of unilateral blind
review and approval by the editorial board. With a positive conclusion, the material is placed in the «portfolio» of the editorial board
in the kueue for publication. The speed of publication depends on the relevance of the material and fullness of the «portfolio» of the
editorial office on the given topic. In addition, due to the fact that according to the order of the Chairman of KKSON MES RK dated
12.06.2013 № 949 one of the conditions for inclusion of the journal in the list of editions recommended by the Committee for
publication of the main results of scientific activity is the availability of publications in foreign languages, the right of extraordinary
publication will be enjoyed by articles in English.
Articles for publication should be submitted through the online article submission and review system.
When preparing articles for the journal we recommend to follow the following rules:
The article should be designed in strict accordance with GOST 7.5.-98 «Journals, collections, information publications.
Publication design of published materials», accepted by Interstate Council on standardization, metrology and certification (report №
1:3-98 of May 28, 1998) and article bibliographic lists of State Standard 7.1.-2003 «Bibliographic record. Bibliographic Description.
General Rekuirements and Rules for Drawing Up» adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and
Certification (Minutes № 12 of July 2, 2003)
The sekuence of elements of publishing design of materials is as follows:
UDC index (according to the indexing guidelines available in scientific libraries);
Information on the authors (surname, initials, academic degree, title, full name of the institution where the work was done
indicating the city and country); addresses of all authors of publications (including that of the main author)
The title of the publication (in capital letters, boldface type, font size 11 points, Times New Roman, Times New Roman
KC, centered indent), including in English;
Hexadecimal ORCID ID of each author
Abstract of 150-300 words (in the language of the text to be published and English)
Keywords (italics) (number of keywords: 3 to 10);
Text of the article. The text of the research article includes the main points, introduction, materials and methods, results,
discussion, conclusion, information on financing (if any), list of references. Each original article (with the exception of the socio-
humanitarian field) ensures reproducibility of the research results, describes the research methodology, indicating the origin of
ekuipment and materials, methods of statistical data processing and other ways to ensure reproducibility
The list of references in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 "Bibliographic record. Bibliographical description. General
rekuirements and rules of drawing up" (no more than 12 titles), the references are placed as they are mentioned in the text. The list of
references in Kazakh is executed according to the Kazakh alphabet based on Latin characters, in Russian - according to BGN/PCGN
The abstract (if the text is in Kazakh, the abstract is published in Russian and English, if the text is in Russian, the abstract
is published in Kazakh and English, if it is in English, the abstract is published in Kazakh and Russian) 150-300 words.
Submissions are submitted in hard copy (1 copy) and electronically in Word A4 with margins of 2.5 cm on all sides,
Times New Roman typeface, type 11, single spacing. Graphic material should be embedded in the text and made in a graphic editor.
The sub-picture captions are given with all symbols. Tables numbered in order should have titles (tables - not more than 5, figures -
not more than 5). Total length of manuscript, including abstract, summaries and figures and tables: no less 8 pages.Not more than 2
articles of one author are allowed to be published in one issue of the journal. On a separate sheet give information about the authors
(organization, position, academic degree, address, contact phone number).
The cost of publishing one article:
- for teaching staff of WKATU (individual) - 2000 (two thousand) tenge per 1 (one) page;
- for teaching staff of other organizations (individual) - 4000 (four thousand) tenge per 1 (one) page;
- for all organizations (legal entity) - 6000 (six thousand) per 1 (one) page;
- to foreign authors (all authors) - free of charge.
090009, Uralsk, 51 Zhangir khan str. Scientific and practical journal of Zhangir Khan WKAU «Ğylym jäne bіlіm»
(«Science and Education»)
Phone 8/7112/516541; e-mail: nio_red@mail.ru
Journal's electronic site - wkau.kz (section «Science» - «Scientific publications of WKATU»).
090009, Uralsk, 51, Zhangir khan Street
Scientific and practical journal of Zhangir khan WKATU «Science and Education»
Telephone 87112 50-21-15; 51-61-30; e-mail:
Website of the journal –
Bank rekuisites when transferring funds for the publication of articles:
Zhangir Khan West-Kazakhstan Agrarian-technical university
RNT 270 100 216 151
BIN 021140000425
IIC KZ516010181000027495 KZT
KZ606010181000030922 RUB
KZ686010181000145238 USD
WKB JSC «Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan» Uralsk
Beneficiary Code 16
GCEO 39844062