Issn 305-9397. Ғылым және білім. 2022. №1-1 (66) issn 2305-9397

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Журнал Наука и образование №3-3(68) 2022

Acknowledgments. Research is implemented under the research and development program of 
the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Development of cropping system for crops 
(cereals, legumes, oilseeds, and industrial crops) using elements of cultivation technology
differentiated nutrition, plant protection measures and machinery for profitable products based on a 
comparative study of different cultivation technologies for regions of Kazakhstan» under registered 
number BR10764908.
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3 Iskakov K.A. Maslichnye kul'tury na Severe Kazahstana. – Kostanaj, 2000. – s. 126-132. 
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7 Physiological traits, yield, and yield components relationship in winter and spring canola / 
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- T. 101, N 8. - S. 3518-3528. 
8 Ashaeva O.V., Koblova I.S., Baluev YU.S. Vliyanie srokov poseva na urozhajnost' semyan 
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№ 4. - S. 13-17. 
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10 Kaskarbaev ZH.A., Pohorukov YU.A., Kidralina A.I., Sasykov A.E., Verner A.V. 

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