Колекція відеоресурсів ірц „Вікно в Америку” 20th Century Fox

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Part One / Parkfield ; Реж. H. Hart, Реж. K. Connor, Вик. D. Cannon, Вик. H. Hamlin, Вик. I. Charleson. - [s. l.]. - 1981. - 1 вк. (Шифр -474036)

Примірники: всього:1 - IН(1)

The harsh wastelands of Southern Africa hide a fortune in Diamonds. The men who seek them must be tough - as hard as the gems they crave. Having made his fortune despite the efforts of villaneous Boer merchant Salomon van Der Merwe, marries Margaret, a woman he doesn't love him a dautghter. Kate was the sole heir to a fortune, and set to become the richest and most powerful woman in the world!

182. Master of the Game

Part One Two / Parkfield ; Реж. H. Hart, Реж. K. Connor, Вик. D. Cannon, Вик. H. Hamlin, Вик. I. Charleson. - [s. l.]. - 1981. - 1 вк. (Шифр -671492)

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Kate Blackwell was totally immoral and totally merciless. She manipulated and destroyed everyone who daret oppose her, even her own family. Kate's grand-daughters - identical twin sisters - shared everything, even the same man! one was filled with passionate love, the other with burning hate, only one of them could inherit the family fortune and become the richest and most powerful woman in the world!


Fargo = Фарго / POLYGRAM FILMED ENTERTAINMENT ; Реж. J. Coen, Вик. F. McDormand, Вик. W.H. Macy, Вик. S. Buscemi, Вик. H. Presnell. - [s. l.], 1996. - 1 вк. (Шифр -741946)

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Муж (Мэйси) нанимает двух типов (Бусеми и Преснелл), чтобы те похитили его жену, надеясь, что ее богатый отец заплатит приличный выкуп. Это повлекло за собой целую цепь кровавых событий и вереницу трупов, ибо из-за чрезвычайной глупости, жадности и невезения исполнителей, заказчика и папаши все пошло наперекосяк. Жуткая, мрачная история, блестяще поставленная, сыгранная и снятая на фоне ослепительной белизны чистого снега. Определенно стоит посмотреть. Фильм основан на реальных событиях, имевших место в Миннесоте в 1987 году. Джоэл Коэн получил приз за режиссуру на 49 МКФ в Каннах. Оба Коэна получили "Золотые Глобусы" за лучшую картину, лучшую режиссуру, лучший сценарий. Гениальное кино.

184. US.Polygram Video.

What Dreams May Come / Polygram Video ; Реж. V. Ward, Вик. R. Williams, Вик. A. Sciorra, Вик. C. Gooding. - [s. l.], 1998. - 1 вк. (Шифр -760183)

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After Chris Nielsen (Williams) dies in an accident, he tries to remain close to his beautiful, mortal wife, Annie (Annabella Sciorra). With the friendly spirit (Gooding, Jr.) assigned to guide him, he begins to adapt to his new state of being in a setting that can only be described as heavenly. But when his distraught wife takes her own life, she is banished to an eternal damnation. Chris vows to find her so they can share eternity together, but no one has ever succeeded in rescuing a soul from such a horrific fate. With the help of his heavenly friends, Cris sets out on the most perilous and harrowing journey of his life, or afterlife: a quest for everlasting love that will take him to hell and back!

185. Redemption.

Two days in the valley / Redemption ; Реж. J. Herzfeld, Вик. D. Aiello, Вик. J. Daniels, Вик. T. Hatcher. - [s. l.], 1996. - 1 вк. (Шифр -108571)

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Take one wrong turn in life and who knows where you'll end up. For Becky, it's waking up next to her murdered ex-husband. For Teddy, it's the tail end of a failed film career. For Allan it's being kidnapped by crazy toupee - wearing Italian hit-man. For Lee and Helga it's letting that hit man get away alive. And for Wes and Alvin, two under - cover cops cruising the valley for crime, it's just another day... where everything goes wrong. 2 days in the valley. Yuo'll live longer... anywhere else.

186. Republick Pictures.

Frank Capra's It's a Wonderful Life / Republick Pictures ; Вик. J. Stewart, Вик. D. Reed, Вик. L. Barrymore, Вик. T. Mitchell, Реж. F. Capra. - [s. l.], 2001. - 1 DVD-ROM. (Шифр -254218)

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Джордж Бейли, владелец небольшой страховой компании, честный, отзывчивый, любящий муж и отец, подавлен свалившимися на него невзгодами и подумывает о самоубийстве. Очевидно, что человек, отказывающийся от самого большого дара Бога - жизни - нуждается в помощи ангела-хранителя. И Небеса отправляют ему на выручку Кларенса, единственного свободного на тот момент Ангела Второго Класса...

187. Schoene Kuenste in Deutschland - Modern und Vielfaeltig : довідникове видання. - [б. м.], [б. г.]. - 1 вк. (Шифр -615040)

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188. Spyglass Entertainment.

The Sixth Sense

Disc 1 : The Sixth Sense / Вик. B. Willis, Вик. T. Collette, Вик. O. Williams, Вик. G. Fitzgerald, Реж. M.N. Shyamalan. - [s. l.]. - 2001. - 1 DVD-ROM. (Шифр -351365)

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Детский психиатр Малькольм Кроу сталкивается со странным случаем: восьмилетнего Коула посещают страшные видения – призраки умерших. Все эти люди когда-то были убиты, и теперь они обрушивают на малыша свой гнетущий страх и отчаянный гнев. Как врач, Малькольм бессилен помочь. Но как человек, он пытается найти ключ к ужасному миру Коула, в котором веет дыхание смерти и распускаются страшные цветы боли.

189. Spyglass Entertainment.

The Sixth Sense

Disc 2 : The Sixth Sense / Вик. B. Willis, Вик. T. Collette, Вик. O. Williams, Вик. G. Fitzgerald, Реж. M.N. Shyamalan. - [s. l.]. - 2001. - 1 DVD-ROM. (Шифр -343595)

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190. The American Experience.

The Way West

943 : Westward, The Course of Empire Takes its Way, 1845-1864 / Written, Directed R. Burns. - [s. l.]. - 1995. - 1 вк. (Шифр -243277)

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Westward, The Course of Empire Takes its Way (1845-1864), chronicles the colorful and frantic opening decades of expansion, from the 1940's down through the Civil War. Fewer than twenty throusand white Americans lived west of the Mississippi River in 1845 - when the pioneer movement and then the Gold Rush sent hundreds of Americans rushing west across the continent of California and Oregon. That fateful burst of expansion transformed the distiny of the continent and turned the world of Native Americans upside down. As key technological innovations like the telegraph began to bring the sprawling nation together, the conflict between Native Americans and whites increased. The ever-quickening pace of expansion led to a series of bloody confrontations between Native Americans and whites, culminating in the Minnesota Uprising of 1862 and, two years later, the massacre at Sand Creek.

191. The American Revolution

Vol. Five : England's Last Chance / Executive Producer C. Haffner. - [s. l.] : The History Channel : A&E Home Video, 1994. - 1 вк. (Шифр -996778)

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Benedict Arnold was explosed as a traitor in 1780, but a new hero of the seas, john Paul Jones, took his place. On the British side, Sir Henry Clinton captured 5,000 men at siege of Charleston. As the conflict moved south, the Americans perfected a new style of fighting: guerilla warfare. The American commander Nathaniel Greene forced Britain's Lord Cornwallis to retreat into Virginia, while Daniel Morgan led a company of men to victory in the battle of the Cowpens, often thought of as the most brilliant tactical encounter on American soil. The American generals beat the British back from all but two ports in the South in a series of encounters examined in ENGLAND'S LAST CHANCE.

192. The American Revolution

Vol. Four : The World At War / Executive Producer C. Haffner. - [s. l.] : The History Channel : A&E Home Video, 1994. - 1 вк. (Шифр -883896)

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France's resolve not to lay down arms until American independence was achieved promted Spain to declare war on Britain. The American Revolution had become THE WORLD AT WAR. But the new international support was overshadowed by the long winter at Valley Forge, where the Colonial Army was relentlessly drilled by the Prussian general Baron Von Steuben. From Valley Forge, Washington led his newly trained army into battle against the British an Monmouth. At the same time, John Sullivan and George Bogers Clark fought against loylists and Indians on the western front. THE WORLD AT WAR focuses on these important conflicts, and looks at the worst winter of the war, with the mutiny at Morristown.

193. The American Revolution

Vol. One : The Conflict Ignites / Executive Producer C. Haffner. - [s. l.] : The History Channel : A&E Home Video, 1994. - 1 вк. (Шифр -560854)

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The American Colonsts'loyalty to the crown eroded slowly throughout the 18th Century. As the distant Parlament began to levy taxes on the burgeoning Colonies, the cause of independence gained strength, and devotion to the Crown dwindled. The spiraling tensions took off in 1773. The Townsend Act led to the Boston Tea Perty, the Tea Party led to the Intolerable Acts, and the British tried to re-assert absolute control over the Colonies. But it was too late. The first shot of the American Revolution was fared on April 19, 1775. THE CONFLICT INGNITES looks at the dramatic outbreak of the war at Lexington and Concord, and examines the forces that made this escalation unavoidable.

194. The American Revolution

Vol. Six : Birth of the Republic / Executive Producer C. Haffner. - [s. l.] : The History Channel : A&E Home Video, 1994. - 1 вк. (Шифр -462361)

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The British General Corwallis isolated himself on the York-town Peninsula in Virginia, whil French forces on land and sea tightened the noose around his ramaining troops. On October 19, 1781, he surrendered to Washington, and the Revolutionary War ended. But the struggle to form a new nation had just begun. BIRTH OF THE REPUBLIC looks at what came after the war - The Treaty of Paris, which secured American independence, and the Constitutional Convention, where madison and other struggled to put into words the framework for a new form of government. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION ends with a look at what happened to some of the heroes of the War of Independence in the years that followed.

195. The American Revolution

Vol. Three : Washington and Arnold / Executive Producer C. Haffner. - [s. l.] : The History Channel : A&E Home Video, 1994. - 1 вк. (Шифр -476854)

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Wars are by unknown soldiers, but They are won or lost by their commanders. On the British side there was Bergoyne and Howe; the Colonists had Benedict Arnold. The early battles shaped some of the lasting imades in our history, including Burgoyne's Hudson campaign and Washington's famous crossing of the Delaware. As war raged across the American wilderness, Ben Franklin struggled to gain recognition for the infant nation. His dramatic mission before the French court is highlighted along with the efforts of the great American commanders in WASHINGTON AND ARNOLD.

196. The American Revolution

Vol. Two : 1776 / Executive Producer C. Haffner. - [s. l.] : The History Channel : A&E Home Video, 1994. - 1 вк. (Шифр -973458)

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The sparks of rebellion became the flame of Revolution, and the basis for the first true democracy in the modern world was laid out with the words "We hold these truths to be self-evident..." Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence and a nation began to emerge amidst disheartening setbacks. George Washington took command of the fledgling Continental Army but was routed out of new York State by the British army of William Howe. The many events of thismost important year are examined in 1776.

197. The Barber of Siberia = Сибирский цирюльник / Реж. N. Mikhalkov, Вик. J. Ormond, Вик. O. Menshikov, Вик. R. Harris, Вик. A. Petrenko. - [s. l.], 1998. - 1 вк. (Шифр -821224)

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Jane Callahan (Julia Ormond) a once beatiful American writes to her son, a cadet at a famous military academy, but who is he? Her memories take us back 20 years to when she arrived in Russia to assist Douglas McCracken (Richard HArris), an obsessive engineer who need the Grand Duke's patronage to sponsor his invention, massive machine to harvest the forests of Siberia. On her travels, she meets two men who will change her life forever. A handsome young Andrey Tolstoy (Oleg Menshikov) with wham she shares a fondness of opera, and the powerful General Radlov (Alexey Petrenko) who is entranced by her beaty and wants to marry her. Tolstoy and Radlov vie for the love of the woman with whom they are obsessed. She confides a deep secret to Tolstoy, promises to marry him, and together they spend a passionate night of love. But later he overhears Jane denying her interest in him to the General. Distraught, Tolstoy attacks the General who arrests his young rivat on false charges and banishes him to Siberia. Jane never gives up hope of finding Tolstoy, her true love. Years later, although by now married to McCracken, she returns to Russia to discover where he lives in Siberia. She goes to his home, a barber's shop, where she finds a spirit and happiness that leave her with the knowledge that the one thing she still has is her secret, which will forever tie her and her son to the huge mysterious country.

198. The CBS/FOX Company.

American Cinema

Vol. 1 : Th Hollywood Style / The Star. - [s. l.]. - 1995. - 1 вк. (Шифр -807441)

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This volume examines the production methods and the star system that gave birth to Hollywood's Golden Age. It begins with an exploration of the coherence of "The Hollywood Style" as an art form, technological product, communication system and a cultural artifact. This stunning review is illustrated with scenes from great movies spanning more than half a century, from "Casablanca" to "Goodfellas". At the apex of this system was "The Star." From an examination of the prototypical studio star, Joan Crawford, to a probing interview with julia Roberts, scholars, actors and filmmakers examine the concept of the star, and the public's unending fascination with these immortal legends.

199. The CBS/FOX Company.

American Cinema

Vol. 2 : Romantic Comedy : Film Noir. - [s. l.]. - 1995. - 1 вк. (Шифр -995823)

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The light and dark sides of human nature inspired two of moviegoers favorite genres - and some of Hollywood's greatest movies! The "Romantic Comedy" has delighted generations - as it reflected changing views of gender and sexuality. From the screwball comedies of the 1930's and '40's, like 'It Happened One Night" to the realism of contemporary romances like "When Harry Met Sally," top filmmakers reveal the evolution of the genre. In "Film Noir," Martin Scorsese and other Luminaries examine the sinister realm of hardboiled detectives, double agents, and twisted triangles of betrayal and murder. Stretching from "Double Indemnity" to "Mean Streets," this gripping account ranges from the German Expressionists who influenced the genre to the post-war feat that fueled it.

200. The CBS/FOX Company.

American Cinema

Vol. 3 : The Western : The Combat Film. - [s. l.]. - 1995. - 1 вк. (Шифр -084051)

Примірники: всього:1 - IН(1)

This volume examines how Hollywood defined the American ideal of masculinity in westerns and combat movies, one celebrating the lone hero, the other, teamwork and duty. The epic story of "The Western" travels from the early days of shootem-ups, through John Ford's seminal "Stagecoach" to Kevin Costner's "Dances with Wolves." Featuring an interview with Clint Eastwood, it profiles the best work of John Wayne, Gary Cooper, and directors including Sam Peckinpah and Howard Hawks. "The Combat Film" traces the evolution of this genre from the World War II classic "Bataan" through "Platoon" and "Apocalypse Now." Historians and militaryleaders detail Hollywood's impact on the war effort, while filmmakers like Oliver Stone discuss the role of the combat film today.

201. The CBS/FOX Company.

American Cinema

Vol. 4 : The Studio System : Film in the Television Age. - [s. l.]. - 1995. - 1 вк. (Шифр -262884)

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No institutions have shaped the American Cinema as have the studio system, which nurtured it, and television, which almost destroyed it. "The Studio System" explores the art and commerce of moviemaking in the Golden Age at Paramount, Hollywood's top Studio of the 1930s and '40s. It includes rare archival footage, key scenes from classic films and interviews with Harrison Ford, Michael Eisner and other industry figures. "Film in the Television Age" probes the dramatic changes in movies wrought by the small screen, from gimmicks like 3-D to the style created by filmmakers raised in the TV era. Robert Altman, Sidney Lumet, Gene Siskel and other insiders illustrate these changes with key footage from groundbreaking film including "MASH," and "Network".

202. The CBS/FOX Company.

American Cinema

Vol. 5 : The Film School Generation : The Edge of Hollywood. - [s. l.]. - 1995. - 1 вк. (Шифр -482924)

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From the brash mavericks of the 1960s and '70s, to independents who spurn Hollywood, this volume examines the contemporary filmmakers who have revitalized movies. They are "The film School Generation" - Scorsese, Spielberg, Lucas, DePalma and others. Here they candidly discuss their films and careers. Detailing the tremendous impact of their work on the industry, it's a stunning review of their unique styles and breakthrough movie making. American cinema continues to evolve, now driven by filmmakers on "The Edge of Hollywood." Here is a chronicle of the most compelling visions fueling this evolution. Spike Lee, Joel and Ethan Coen, Jim jarmusch and Quentin Tarrantino provide intriguing insights into their work, and into the future of American cinema.

203. The Way West

944 : The Approach of Civilization (1865 to 1869) / Written, Directed R. Burns. - [s. l.]. - 1995. - 1 вк. (Шифр -481176)

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The Approach of Civilization (1865 to 1869) examines the extraordinary four-year period immediately following the Civil War, when the restless, war-weary nation took of conquering the West with renewed fury and speed. Year by year, reilroads penetrated ever farther out onto the Great Plains, threatening to destroy the last buffalo ranges of Native American group like the Lakota and Cheyenne. In response, tribes across the Great Plains began to mount a furious counter-offensive against the white invaders, and, as they did, a handful of key western figures - Custer, Crazy Horse, Cody, Red Cloud and Sitting Bull - began to come to the fore. In 1868, with the triumph of Red CLoud and Crazy Horse over the U.S. Army on the Bozeman Trail, and in 1869, when the two ends of the trancontinental railroad finally joined up at Promontory Point in Utah - the fate of Native Americans across the West was sealed.

204. The Way West

945 : The War for the Black Hills 1870-1876 / Written, Directed R. Burns. - [s. l.]. - 1995. - 1 вк. (Шифр -720538)

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The War for the Black Hills (1870 to 1876) follows the dramatic sequence of events that led up the battle of the Little Big Horn in June of 1876.As Buffalo by the million were exterminated from the Great Plains, and as new railroads cut ever more deeply into the Indians' dwindling domain, some Native Americans, Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull among them, remained determined to hold on at all costs to their old way of life. By 1873, overbuilding on the Northen Pacific Railroad brought on nationwide financial panic and depression - and spurred the United States to invade the Lakotas'secred Black Hills in search of gold. That treaty violation, together with the systermination of the uffalo, sparked outrage among the Lakota and Cheyenne, and by 1875 the stage was set for a cataclysmic showdown between the United States Army and the tribes of the Northern Plains.

205. The Way West

946 : Ghost Dance (1877 to 1893) / Written, Directed R. Burns. - [s. l.]. - 1995. - 1 вк. (Шифр -139531)

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Ghost Dance (1877 to 1893) chronicles the mammoth crackdown on native American tribes that ocurred in the wake of the battle of the Little Big Horn; the surrender and last days of Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull; the rise of the heartbreaking Ghost Dance religion; and the last terrible massacre at Wounded Knee. By the Turn of the century, Americans could see that what was "wild" about the West had been largely lost and won. But long before the frontier had closed, they were turning it all into fantasy and myth - clinging not to the past, but to the image of a future they thought they had once seen.

206. Touchstone Home Video.

Dead Poets Society = Общество мертвых поэтов / Touchstone Home Video ; Реж. P. Weir, Вик. R. Williams, Вик. R.S. Leonard, Вик. E. Hawke, Вик. N. Lloyd, Вик. D. Kussman. - [s. l.], 1989 , 1997. - 1 DVD-ROM. (Шифр -341077)

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Academy Award winner Robin Williams delivers a brilliant perfomance in one of Hollywood's most compelling and thought-provoking motion pictures. Williams postrays passionate English professor John Keating, who, in an age of crew cuts, sport coast and cheerless conformity, inspires his students to live life to the fullest, excalaiming... "Carpe Diem, lads! Seize the day. Make your lives extraordinary!" The charismatic teacher's emotionally charged challenge is met by his student with irrepressible enthusiasm - changing their lives forever. Magnificently directed by Peter Weir (The Truman Show) DEAD POETS SOCIETY earned unparalleled praise among audiences and critics alike. Discover for yourself what all the cheering's about!

207. Touchstone Home Video.

Good Morning, Vietnam = Доброе утро, Вьетнам / Touchstone Home Video ; Реж. B. Levinson, Вик. R. Williams. - [s. l.], 1987 . - 1 DVD-ROM. (Шифр -585335)

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Academy Award winner Robin Williams shakes up 1965 Saigon in the role the critics agree he was born to play - irreverent, nonconformist deejay Adrian Cronauer. Imported by the Army for an early a.m. radio show, Cronauer blasts the formerly staid, sanitized airwaves with a constantbarrage of rapid-fire humor and the hottest hits from back home. The G.I.s love him - but the brass is up in arms! Riddled with sidesplitting comic bombshells and studded with hot '60 hits, the film depicts Cronauer's raucous Saigon adventures amid a world gone mad. GGOD MORNING, VIETNAM is a direct hit - the classic Robin Williams comedy!

208. Touchstone Home Video.

Pearl Harbor

Disc 1 : Pearl Harbor / Вик. J. Hartnett, Вик. K. Beckinsale, Вик. C. Gooding, Вик. C. Eore, Вик. A. Baldwin, Реж. M. Bay. - [s. l.]. - 1 DVD-ROM. (Шифр -265041)

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Эта история двух друзей, отважных, отчаянных летчиков. Их судьбы переплавились в топке великой войны. Их чувства были опалены языками великой страсти. Огонь стал для них вторым домом. Мир рушился, прошлое скрылось в сумерках пожарищ, и теперь за будущее должен был бороться каждый, на земле и на небе, в дружбе и вражде.

209. Touchstone Home Video.

Pearl Harbor

Disc 2 : Pearl Harbor / Вик. J. Hartnett, Вик. K. Beckinsale, Вик. C. Gooding, Вик. C. Eore, Вик. A. Baldwin, Реж. M. Bay. - [s. l.]. - 1 DVD-ROM. (Шифр -009083)

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Эта история двух друзей, отважных, отчаянных летчиков. Их судьбы переплавились в топке великой войны. Их чувства были опалены языками великой страсти. Огонь стал для них вторым домом. Мир рушился, прошлое скрылось в сумерках пожарищ, и теперь за будущее должен был бороться каждый, на земле и на небе, в дружбе и вражде.


The Horse Whisperer / TOUCHSTONE PICTURES ; Вик. R. Redford, Вик. K. Scott-Thomas, Вик. S. Neill, Вик. D. Wiest, Вик. S. Johansson, Реж. J. Harley. - [s. l.], [s. a.]. - 1 DVD-ROM. (Шифр -743435)

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У Энни МакЛин во время верховой прогулки серьезно пострадала ее дочь. Энни бессильна помочь несчастной девочке и в отчаянии увозит ее из шумного города на Дикий Запад, прочь от суеты и печальных воспоминаний. Мать и дочь не подозревают, что здесь они встретят человека, которому под силу изменить их судьбу. Том Букер - "заклинатель", обладающий таинственной властью над животными. И его дар способен исцелить душевные раны.

211. TriStar Pictures.

Avalon / TriStar Pictures ; Вик. A. Mueller-Stahl, Вик. E. Perkins, Вик. J. Plowright, Вик. A. Quinn, Реж. B. Levinson. - [s. l.], 2000. - 1 DVD-ROM. (Шифр -461466)

Примірники: всього:1 - IН(1)

Avalon following immigrant Sam Krichinsky and his extended family as they a dream called America in a place called Avalon. From poverty through prosperity, the Krichinsky family faces a changing world with enduring humor and abiding love. Whether aquabbling over Thanksgiving turkey or commiserating over a failed immigrant experience. A superb cast led by Armin Mueller-Stahl, Aidan Quinn and Elizabeth Perkins perfectly captures the vibrant love and laughter of this quintessentially American family.

212. TriStar Pictures.


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