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Vietnam Veterans Against the War Statement by John Kerry to the Senate Committee of Foreign Relations, April 23, 1971 www2.iath.virginia.edu/.../VVAW_Kerry_Senate.html

U.S. Catholic. An Early Call to Get Out. Vol. 75. No. 7. July 2010.

Armed Forces Journal, Springfield, Defense News Media Group, 7 June 1971.

The New York Times. April 7. 1973.

The Fort Scott Tribune. Fort Scott, Kansas. October 18. 1965.

Time Magazine. August 7. 1972.

Andersen, Paul Christopher. Citizen Jane: The Turbulent Life of Jane. Washington D.C. 1993, 389 p.

Billingsley, K. L. From Mainline to Sideline: The Social Witness of the National Council of Churches, Washington D.C.1991. 220 p.

Braunstein, Peter, Doyle, William Michael. Imagine Nation: The American Counterculture of the 1960's and 70's. N.Y., 2002. 408 p.

Chang, Jung and Halliday, Jon Mao: The Unknown Story. New York, N.Y.: Alfred A. Knopf, 2005. 482 p.

David, Frum. How We Got Here: The '70s. N – Y., New York: Basic Books, 2000. 418 p.

DeBenedetti, Charles. An American Ordeal: The Antiwar Movement of the Vietnam Era. Syracuse, 1990. 495 p.

Drury Jeffrey, Potter Paul The Incredible War. Mount Pleasant. 2009. 41 p.

Franklin, Bruce. Vietnam and America: The Most Comprehensive Documented History of the Vietnam War. N-Y, 1995. 560 p.

Fraser, Ronald. 1968 : A Student Generation in Revolt. New York : Pantheon Books, 1988. 408 p.

Hall, Mitchell K. Because of Their Faith: CALCAV and Religious Opposition to the Vietnam War, New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1990. 231 p.

Clayborne, Carson. In Struggle. SNCC and the Black Awakening of the 1960s. Harvard, 1995. 384 p.

Heineman, Kenneth J. Campus Wars: The Peace Movement at American State Universities in the Vietnam Era. New York: New York University Press, 1993. 366 p.

Lawson, Steven F; Charles M. Payne; James T. Patterson. Debating the Civil Rights Movement, 1945-1968. Lanham, Maryland, 2006. 227 p.

Maurice Isserman, Michael Kazin. America Divided: The Civil War of the Sixties Oxford, 2000. 384 p.

Myers David. Toward a History of the New Left. Brooklyn: Carlson Publishers, 1989. 201 p.

Powers, Thomas. The War at Home: Vietnam and the American People, 1964-1968. New York: Grossman, 1973. 348 p.

Small, Melvin. Antiwarriors: The Vietnam War and the Battle for America’s Hearts and Minds. Wilmington, DE, 2002. 183 p.

Small, Melvin and Hoover D. William. Give Peace a Chance. Syracuse University press, 1992. 302 p.

Zaroulis Nancy. Who Spoke Up: American Protest Against the War in Vietnam, 1963-1975. Garden city, N-Y, 1989. 460 p.

Рубин, Джерри. Действуй! Сценарии революции. М.: 2008. 240 стр.


Речь Ричарда Никсона «Тихое меньшинство» 3 ноября 1969-ого года (отрывок).

«Итак, сегодня вечером, у вас – великого тихого большинства моих товарищей, американцев, прошу я поддержку. Я обещал в своей президентской кампании закончить войну, но таким образом, чтобы мы могли выиграть мир. Я начал осуществлять план, благодаря которому смогу сдержать своё обещание. Чем больше поддержки я буду иметь от американцев, тем быстрее смогу выполнить его. Чем больше конфронтация между нами, тем меньше вероятность того, что враг будет вести переговоры в Париже. Давайте объединимся для мира. Давайте также объединимся и против поражения. Поскольку вы должны понять: Северный Вьетнам не может победить или как-то оскорбить Соединённые Штаты. Только сами американцы могут сделать это».100


Рисунок 1. Разгон демонстрации в Кенте, 4 мая 1971-ого года.

Рисунок 2. Расстрел студентов в Кенте. 4 мая 1971-ого года.101

Рисунок 3.Мартин Лютер Кинг, Бенджамин Спок на одном из маршей протеста в Нью-Йорке.102

Рисунок 5. Актриса Джейн Фонда в Ханое, на зенитном орудии северовьетнамской армии.103

1 Fraser, R. 1968 : A Student Generation in Revolt. New York, 1988. P. 116.

2 Farber, D. The Counterculture and the Antiwar Movement /in: Give peace a chance. Ed. by
Melvin Small and William D. Hoover, Syracuse, 1992. Р. 7.

3 Farber D. Op. cit. P. 8.

4 Imagine Nation: The American Counterculture of the 1960's and 70's.

Ed. by Braunstein P. and Doyle M.W. New York, 2002. P. 26

5 Farber D.Op. cit. P. 9

6 T. The Sixties: Years of hope, Days of rage. N-Y, 1987. P. 143.

7 Farber D. Op.cit. P. 10.

8 Farber D. Op.cit. P.11

9 Isserman M., Kazin M. America Divided: The Civil War of the Sixties. Oxford, 2000. Р. 202.

10 Рубин Дж. Действуй! Сценарии революции. М.: 2008. С. 22.

11 Рубин Дж. Указ. соч. С. 23.

12 Там же.

13 Там же. С. 24

14 Рубин Дж. Указ. соч. С. 26

15 Там же. С. 57.

16 Рубин Дж. Указ. соч. С. 80.

17 Frum, D. How We Got Here: The '70s. New York. 2000. Р. 8

18 Powers T. The War at Home: Vietnam and the American People, 1964-1968. New York, 1973. P. 82.

19 Isserman M. Op.cit. P. 170.

20 Drury J.P. Potter P. The Incredible War//Voices of democracy, August 4. 2009.

21 Toward a History of the New Left. Ed. By R. David Myers. Brooklyn, 1989. P. 161-62.

22 Isserman M. Op.cit. P. 22.

23 Hall M. Because of Their Faith: CALCAV and Religious Opposition to the Vietnam War. N-Y. 1990. P.43.

24 Civil Rights Facebook Group 1, a Community of Americans fighting for Equality in the 20th Century, http://civilrightsfacebook1.ning.com/profile/HRapBrown

25 Clayborne C. In Struggle. SNCC and the Black Awakening of the 1960s. Harvard. 1995. Р. 252-56, 274, 296.

26 Isserman M. Op. cit. P. 22.

27 Kifner, John. For Kent State Students Killed by the Troops // The New York Times. May 4. 1970.

28 Heineman K. Look Out Kid, You're Gonna Get Hit! / Give Peace a Chance: Exploring the Vietnam Antiwar Movement. Syracuse, 1992. P. 201.

29 Heineman, K.. Campus Wars: The Peace Movement at American State Universities in the Vietnam Era. New York , 1993. Р. 118.

30 Heineman K. Op. cit. P. 178.

31 Heineman K. Op. cit. 220

32 Heineman K. Op. cit. P. 223.

33 Heineman K. Op. cit. P. 231.

34 Days of Rage. In: wapedia, http://wapedia.mobi/en/Days_of_Rage

35 Gillies K. The Last Radical //Vancouver Magazine. November. 1998.

36 Heineman K. Op. cit. P. 233.

37 Dellinger D. More Power Than We Know: The People's Movement Toward Democracy. Garden city, N-Y. 1975. Р.136.

38 DeBenedetti Ch. An American Ordeal: The Antiwar Movement of the Vietnam Era. Syracuse 1990, P. 136

39 Zaroulis N., Sullivan G. Who Spoke Up: American Protest Against the War in Vietnam, 1963-1975. Garden city, N-Y, 1989. Р. 345-346.

40 Valentine P.W. 7,000 Arrested In Disruptions//Washington Post. 4 May. 1971.

41 Dellinger D. Op. cit. P. 51.

42 Hall M. CALCAV and Religious opposition to the Vietnam War. Syracuse, 1992. P 35.

43 Robbins M. Against the Vietnam War: Writings by Activists.Lanham, Maryland, 2007. Р. 102.

44 Ibid. P. 107.

45 Robbins M. Op.cit. P. 109.

46 Lawson S., Payne Ch., Patterson J. Debating the Civil Rights Movement, 1945-1968. Lanham, Maryland, 2006. Р. 148.

47 King M.L A Time To Break Silence. N-Y. 4 April 1967// www.mlkonline.net

48 Robinson D. Dr. King Calls for Antiwar Rally in Capital Feb.5-6 //The New York Times. January 13. 1968. P. 4.

49 Hall M. Op. cit. P. 37- 38.

50 Hall M. Op. cit. P. 38.

51 Small M. Antiwarriors: The Vietnam War and the Battle for America’s Hearts and Minds. Wilmington, DE, 2002. Р. 34.

52 Leaders eye motive in anti-war protest //The Fort Scott Tribune. # 247. October 18. 1965.

53 Hall M. Op.cit. P. 39.

54 Ibid.

55 Hall M. Op.cit. P. 40.

56 Jung Chang, Jon Halliday. Mao: The Unknown Story. New York, 2005. P. 482.

57 Hall M. Op. cit. P.40.

58 Hall M. Op.cit. P. 41.

59 Ibid.P. 42.

60 Ibid.

61 Hall M. Op.cit. P. 43.

62 Ibid. P. 44.

63 U.S. Catholic. An Early Call to Get Out. July 2010. Vol. 75. No. 7. P. 51.

64 Billingsley K. L. From Mainline to Sideline: The Social Witness of the National Council of Churches .Washington, D.C, 1991. Р. 94.

65 Hall M. Op.cit. P. 44.

66 Hall M. Op.cit. P. 50.

67 Ibid.

68 Ibid. P. 47.

69 DeBenedetti Ch. Op.cit. P. 14.

70 Swerdlow A. Women Strike for Peace: Traditional Motherhood and Radical Politics in the 1960s.Chicago, 1993. Р. 168.

71 Swerdlow A. Op.cit. P. 176.

72 Echols A. Daring to Be Bad: Radical Feminism in America 1967-1975.Minneapolis, 1989. Р. 55.

73 Echols A. Op. cit. P. 117.

74 Ibid. P. 139.

75 Viet Nam: The Battle of the Dikes //Time. August 7. 1972.

76 Dennison J. D. Jane Fonda a.k.a Hanoi Jane// http://www.1stcavmedic.com/jane_fonda.htm


 Fonda J.. My Life so Far. N-Y, 2005. Р. 324.

78  Andersen С. Citizen Jane: The Turbulent Life of Jane Fonda. N-Y, 1993. Р. 266.

79  Jane Fonda Grants Some P.O.W. Torture //The New York Times, April 7. 1973. P.11.

80 Dennison J.D. Jane Fonda a.k.a, Hanoi Jane. April 2, 2006//http:www.1stcavmedic.com/jane_fonda.htm

81 Daniel A.M. Letter to President Nixon, April, 1970//


82  Hersh S. My lai 4; a report on the massacre and its aftermath. N-Y, 1970. P. 15.

83 Meyrovitz E., Campbell K. Vietnam Veterans and War Crimes Hearings. In: Give Peace a Chance: Exploring the Vietnam Antiwar Movement. Syracuse, 1992. Р. 131.

84 Hatfield M. Winter Soldier Testimony, Washington, April 7 1971// http://www2.iath.virginia.edu/sixties/HTML_docs/Resources/Primary.html

85 Там же.

86 Small M. Op. cit. P. 132.

87 Crandell W. What Did America Learn from the Winter Soldier Investigation? From Viet Nam Generation //A Journal of Recent History and Contemporary Issues Online. 1996, Volume 5. Numbers 1-4.

88 Winter Soldiers Testimony, Congressional Record, Extensions and Remarks, April 7, 1971// http://www2.iath.virginia.edu/sixties/HTML_docs/Resources/Primary/Winter_Soldier/WS_entry.html

89 Vietnam Veterans Against the War Statement by John Kerry to the Senate Committee of Foreign Relations, April 23, 1971 // http://www2.iath.virginia.edu/sixties/HTML_docs/Resources/Primary/Manifestos/VVAW_Kerry_Senate.html

90 Anderson T. The GI Movement and the Response from the Brass. In: Give Peace a Chance. P. 95.

91 Rinaldi M. 1963-1974: The Olive-Drab Rebels: Military Organising During The Vietnam Era //

Radical America. Vol.8. No.3. 1974.

92 Anderson T. Op.cit. P. 96.

93 Anderson T. Op.cit. P. 97.

94 Col. Robert D. Heinl, Jr. The Collapse of the Armed Forces // Armed Forces Journal. 7 June. 1971.

Franklin B. Vietnam and America: The Most Comprehensive Documented History of the Vietnam War. N-Y, 1995. Р. 328.

95 Norris R. A Comparison of American GI Resistance to the Vietnam War and the Iraq War //

Fukuoka International University Bulletin. No. 20. 2008. P. 1-14.

96 Anderson T. Op.cit. P. 108.

97 Isserman M., Kazin M. America Divided: The Civil War of the 1960s.Oxford, 2000. Р. 271.

98 Kolb R., Campbell T., Ecker D. Vietnam War - Participants and Casualties//VFW Magazine,

June/July, 2003. P.17

99 Anderson T. Op.cit. P.142

100 Eidenmuller M. Great Speeches For Better Speaking. N-Y, 2008. P. 113.

101 Caldwell R.J. She's still 'Hanoi Jane'//The Sun Diego Tribune April 10, 2005

102 Clark C. Baby Doctor for the Millions Dies. Los Angeles Times, March 17, 1998

103 Caldwell R.J. She’s still Hanoi Jane\\The Sun Diego Union-Tribune. April 10 2005.

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