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What is nanotechnology? Try to guess from the meaning of the parts of the word

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���������� ���� ������� ���� Elementary (A2) � 2

7.1. What is nanotechnology? Try to guess from the meaning of the parts of the word.
centi means ‘one hundredth’, so 1 centimeter equals one hundredth of a meter. Match these prefixes and their meanings to learn what the prefix nano means.

1. giga
2. kilo
3. mega
4. micro
5. milli
6. nano

b) one thousand
c) one million
d) one billion
e) one billionth
f) one millionth
g) one thousandth

7.2. Read the words and try to guess what they mean.

diameter [daı´æmıtә]

product [´prãdškt]

atom [´ætәm]

catalytic [‚kætә´lıtık]

molecule [´mãlı‚kju:l]

cosmetics [kãz´metıks]

protein [´prә|ti:n]

radiation [‚reıdi´eı∫n]

virus [´vaırәs]

athlete [´æθli:t]

nature [´neıt∫ә]

technologist [tek´nãlәdžıst]

7.3. Read the text and complete the sentences with the fragments
(a–f) from the list.

  1. at which special properties have been observed in materials – properties that are profoundly different at the nanoscale.

  2. the basic building block of matter.

  3. the basic units of life.

  4. the smallest part of a chemical compound.

  5. they have only scratched the surface of nanotechnology’s potential.

  6. which is about 50,000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair.

Nanotechnology is the creation and use of materials or devices at extremely small scales. These materials or devices fall in the range of 1 to 100 nanometers (nm). One nm is equal to one-billionth of a meter (.000000001 m), (1) _____ Scientists refer to the dimensional range of 1 to 100 nm as the nanoscale, and materials at this scale are called nanocrystals or nanomaterials.
To grasp the size of the nanoscale, consider the diameter of an atom,
(2) _____ The hydrogen atom, one of the smallest naturally occurring atoms, is only 0.1 nm in diameter. In fact, nearly all atoms are roughly 0.1 nm in size, too small to be seen by human eyes. Atoms bond together to form molecules, (3) _____ Molecules that consist of about 30 atoms are only about 1 nm in diameter. Molecules, in turn, compose cells, (4) _____ Human cells range from 5,000 to 200,000 nm in size, which means that they are larger than the nanoscale. However, the proteins that carry out the internal operations of the cell are just 3 to 20 nm in size and so have nanoscale dimensions. Viruses that attack human cells are about 10 to 200 nm, and the molecules in drugs used to fight viruses are less than 5 nm in size.
The possibility of building new materials and devices that operate at the same scale as the basic functions of nature explains why so much attention is being devoted to the world below 100 nm. But 100 nm is not some arbitrary dividing line. This is the length (5) _____
A number of important breakthroughs have already occurred in nanotechnology. These developments are found in products used throughout the world. Some examples are catalytic converters in automobiles that help remove air pollutants, devices in computers that read from and write to the hard disk, certain sunscreens and cosmetics that transparently block harmful radiation from the Sun, and special coatings for sports clothes and gear that help improve the gear and possibly enhance the athlete’s performance. Still, many scientists, engineers, and technologists believe (6) _____

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