Методические указания Новосибирск

Fill in the gaps with information about your faculty. For reference visit http://www.nstu.ru

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���������� ���� ������� ���� Elementary (A2) � 2

9.1. Fill in the gaps with information about your faculty. For reference visit http://www.nstu.ru.
The students of our group _____ the University last year. There are _____ faculties at NSTU. I was admitted to _____. Our faculty was set up in _____. The dean’s office is situated in teaching block _____. The dean of our faculty is _____. He took office in _____. The _____ includes _____ professors and teachers.
Minor subjects are studied in the first and second year. Students begin to study _____ in the third year. They can also choose _____ courses.
The faculty offers a _____ education scheme. It takes students four years to get a _____ degree. Research-oriented students can continue their studies, _____ in scientific research and be awarded a _____ degree. Graduates can take a _____ course.
Students have practical training in _____. After graduating from the University I am going to work in _____.

9.2. What are synonyms of the following words?

  1. to be founded

  2. to be situated

  3. academic staff

  4. general subjects

  5. bias subjects

  6. to participate

9.3. Match the items and their opposites

  1. to graduate from the University

  2. to fail the exams

  3. minor

  4. career-oriented

  5. one-level education scheme

    1. research-oriented

    2. to enter the university

    3. multi-level education scheme

    4. major

    5. to pass exams

9.4. Make up all possible word combinations. Make sentences with the combinations.

      1. academic

      2. to award

      3. dean’s

      4. to enter

      5. to have

      6. instructional

      7. major

      8. to pass

      9. to take

      10. teaching

  1. block

  2. a course

  3. a degree

  4. an exam

  5. laboratory

  6. office

  7. practical training

  8. staff

  9. subject

  10. a university

9.5. Read and translate the names of the faculties. Which of them do you study at?

Applied Mathematics and
Information Science
[ә‚plaıd mæθә´mætıks әnd
‚ınfә‚meı∫n ´saıәns]
Automation and Computer Engineering
[‚é:tә´meı∫n әnd kәm‚pju:tә
Business Administration
[´bıznәs әd‚mını´streı∫n]

Mechanics and Technology
[mı´kænıks әnd tek´nãlәdži]
Mechatronics and Automation
[‚mekә´trãnıks әnd ‚é:tә´meı∫n]
Physical Engineering
[‚fızıkl ‚endžı´nıәrıŋ]
Power Engineering
[‚pa|ә ‚endžı´nıәrıŋ]
Radio Engineering, Electronics and Physics
[‚reıdiә| ‚endžı´nıәrıŋ
‚elek´trãnıks әnd ´fızıks]

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