Методические указания Новосибирск

Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the verb

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9.18. Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the verb.

  1. If he (work) hard, he will achieve great progress.

  2. I (solve) the problem long ago if you had not disturbed me.

  3. If she (not be) so absent-minded, she would be a much better

  4. If I (not attend) the lecture, I would not have understood this difficult rule.

  5. If he reads fifty pages every day, his vocabulary (increase) greatly.

  6. I (not do) it if you did not ask me.

9.19. Would you like to change something at your faculty? Imagine that you are taking part in the elections of the Dean. Write a speech to convince people to elect you the Dean of your faculty. Begin it like
If I were the Dean of the Faculty, I would ….

9.20. Write Conditional sentences.
Model: I came home early and was able to finish my report on time. If __
If I hadn’t come home early, I wouldn’t have been able to finish my report on time.

  1. You know the material well enough, but you are very absent-minded, and that's why you always make many mistakes. If _____

  2. Не always gets top marks in mathematics be­cause it is his favourite subject and he works a lot at it. If _____

  3. I did not translate the article yesterday because I had no dictionary.
    If _____

  4. The girl did not study well last year and received bad marks. If _____

  5. He speaks English badly: he has no practice. If _____

  6. The students worked hard and did well in their examinations. If _____

9.21. Translate into English:

  1. Ты успешно сдашь экзамены в конце семестра, если будешь посещать лекции, готовиться к практическим занятиям и вовремя выполнять лабораторные работы.

  2. Если бы лаборатории не были оснащены современным оборудованием, студенты не смогли бы проводить исследования.

  3. Если студент будет учиться четыре года, он получит степень бакалавра.

  4. Тебе могли бы присвоить степень магистра, если бы ты учился по другой специальности.

  5. Если бы он не был ориентирован на исследовательскую деятельность, он не поступил бы в аспирантуру, а начал бы работать инженером на заводе.

  6. Тебе не пришлось бы уходить из университета, если бы ты сосредоточился на учебе и вовремя сдал экзамены.

9.22. Now you are a student of NSTU. But what if you hadn’t entered the University and the faculty you study at? Write what you would have done if you hadn’t entered the faculty you study at (about 50 words).

9.23. Make a presentation of your faculty for this year school-leavers who are going to enter NSTU, their parents, and school career advisors. Your presentation should include information about the following:

  1. When the faculty was founded.

  2. The number of students and academic staff. Some information about the Dean of the faculty.

  3. The departments and specialities.

  4. The admission requirements.

  5. The subjects studied.

  6. The degrees awarded.

  7. Research and development programs the Faculty participates in.

  8. Career opportunities for the graduates.

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