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Русский и литература в поликультурном мире последний

References used: 
1. Andreev V.K. Linguistic analysis as a method of studying an artistic text. - Pskov, 1997 
2. Velichko L.I. Work on the text in the lessons of the Russian language. - M.: 
Enlightenment, 1983- S.128. 
3. Types of analysis in Russian language lessons/Ed. V.V. Babaytseva. - M., 1978. 
4. Gimatova E.P. Lexica and syntax in morphology lessons .//RYASH, 1978. №1. 
5. I.A. Ippolitova. The role of the text in the study of introductory words and sentences 
.//RYASH. – 1996. – №2. - S.11. 
6. Loseva L.M. How the text is built. M.: Enlightenment, 1980. 
7. Lvova S.I. Caution: artistic text! Analysis of mini-fragments of artistic texts in a Russian 
language lesson/Russian literature, 1997. – 3. - S.51-56. 
Davlyatova G.N 
Lecture of Russian philology department 
Islomova N.L.
master's student of the 1st year in linguistics
"Russian language,
Ferghana State University 
The system of domestic education today is going through a difficult period in connection 

with the transition to new standards, which is manifested, among other things, in the process of 
philological training of teachers. Moreover, difficulties are experienced not only by students 
studying under undergraduate programs in the direction of "Pedagogical Education," but also by 
teachers leading philological disciplines. Despite the increased interest of the state and the 
government in this branch of knowledge, practice shows that some issues related to the 
determination of the content of philological education and productive technologies and methods 
for its implementation require additional understanding, since the effectiveness of the educational 
process in educational institutions is directly related to the choice of optimal learning technologies 
and how to implement them. 
The organization of professional training for future philologists, in our opinion, should be 
based on the theory of activating the teachings of T. I. Shamova, the theory of optimizing the 
training of Yu. K. Babansky and the theory of meaningful generalization of V. V. Davydov. 
According to the researchers, the cognitive activity of students is based on three components: 
motivation, a meaningful operational component and will, and the dominant of the first component 
in university and school education is obvious. That is why the main task of the teacher is to activate 
the positive cognitive motivation of students using a variety of active and interactive learning 
technologies. And the interactive training that has spread recently, based on the active interaction 
of training subjects, is inherently one of the options for communication technologies, since their 
classification features coincide. 
The main task of modern education is not just to give the student fundamental knowledge, 
but to provide him with all the necessary conditions for further social adaptation, to develop a 
tendency to self-education. 
The modern educational system is characterized by: 
- tight training terms 
- large amount of information received 
- serious requirements for the level of knowledge, skills and skills of a student or student 
One of the main tasks for the current teacher is to make the learning process interesting for 
students, dynamic and modern. And in this, interactive technologies came to the aid of teachers. 
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are gradually penetrating all areas of 
education. This is facilitated by the global informatization of society, the distribution of the latest 
computer equipment and modern software in schools and universities, the creation of state and 
international programs aimed at informatization of education. 
The emergence of information technologies in the educational process entails a significant 
change in the usual functions of the teacher, who, like his students, now acts in new roles for 
himself: researcher, organizer, consultant. 
Interactivity (in the context of an information system) is the ability of the information and 
communication system to react differently to any user actions in active mode. IT is a prerequisite 
for the functioning of a highly effective learning model, the main goal of which is to actively 
involve each of the students in educational and research processes. 
The use of the latest technologies in training increases visibility, facilitates the perception 
of the material. This favorably affects the motivation of students and the overall effectiveness of 
the educational process. 
It is necessary to consider the peculiarities of monitoring the fulfillment of tasks, since 
properly organized control contributes to the formation of self-control skills, which will lead to an 

increase in the level of autonomy of students, and this is of great importance in the preparation of 
bachelors, the education of which includes a significant share of independent work. Naturally, the 
types of tasks described above do not completely exhaust all possible ways of forming philological 
competence. The systematization and specification of the material of control measures and the 
creation of their bank are required, which must be attributed to the primary tasks of the department 
leading philological disciplines. 
In addition, technologies are being developed that are focused not only on the process of 
assimilation of knowledge by students, but also aimed at the general development of the child's 
personality, the development of his intellectual and communicative skills. 
New educational technologies are a set of certain forms and methods of training that ensure 
the solution of students as a result of independent actions of the educational task. Thus, educational 
technologies are based on those goals that must be achieved (educational result), the way the 
teacher and student interrelated activities and their role in the educational process. 

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