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Русский и литература в поликультурном мире последний

1.Богородицкий В.А. Казанская лингвистическая школа (1875-1939) / В.А.Богородицкий // 
Труды Моск. гос. ин-та истории, философии и литературы.- М., 1939.- Т.V.- С.265-290. 
2.Бодуэн де Куртенэ и современная лингвистика: К 140-летию со дня рождения И.А.Бодуэна 
де Куртенэ: Сборник статей.- Казань: Изд-во Казан. ун-та, 1989.- 191 с. 
3.Воронова Л.Я., Пашкуров А.Н. Изучение истории региональных литературоведческих 

школ: современное состояние и перспективы // Филоlogos. – 2014. – № 21 (2). - С.27-32. 
4.Кодухов В.И. Казанская лингвистическая школа / В.И.Кодухов // Вопросы теории и 
методики изучения русского языка // Учен. зап. Казан. гос. пед. ин-та.- Казань, 1971.- Вып.96.- 
биобиблиографический словарь / Сост.: Л.Я.Воронова, М.М.Сидорова, Науч.ред.: 
Л.Я.Воронова. – Казань: Казан.ун-т, 2011. – 230 с. 

D. Shakirova, L. Galiullina. 
Kazan Federal University, Russia, Kazan 
Nowadays the interaction between cultures is an extremely important and relevant topic in 
the contemporary world and Russia in particular. It goes without saying that the nature of relations 
between peoples is determined by current economic and political interests. Very often, however, 
they conceal the deeper-rooted factors such as spiritual and moral values, which must be 
considered and carefully taken into account to build good-neighbourly relations between peoples 
and to predict their future. In modern conditions, the cultural competence of people, whether 
ordinary citizens or politicians, acquires significant weight. The well-being of a nation depends on 
how well people are aware and understand the values of their culture and compare them with those 
of other cultures. 
In conditions of global intercultural communication, the assimilation of languages, the 
interaction of such «giant languages», as English and Russian, is of great interest. The 
interpenetration of these languages definitely leads to their assimilation and cultural 
transformation. Assimilation of the language means that this language is adopted and accepted in 
a different social environment and there is a favourable attitude towards its dissemination and 
social consolidation [3, p.7].
The penetration of the English language into Russian is a testimony to interlanguage 
interaction and exchange. Thus the language is increasingly assimilated in Russia starting to 
function as a means of expressing the features of not only foreign, but also Russian culture. That 
is to say, the English words assimilated in Russia commence including Russian meanings or shades 
of meaning. Youth is that very category of people which rapidly find ways and means of slang 
formation, which are very diverse, but they all come down to adapting an English word to Russian 
reality and making it suitable for permanent use. 
Consider the example of the word "shoes" which is assimilated into Russian slang as 
"shuzy," expressing not only the original meaning, but also the attitude to things. The generalized 
meaning of this slang word is fashionable and expensive sport shoes manufactured by popular 
companies. Another example is extremely popular among young people. The word "hoodie", 
which comes from English word "hood"(the upper part of the soft cotton knitwear), actually 
expresses the whole item i.e. sweatshirt. The word "to stream" means to conduct audio or video 
broadcasting in real time. Streams were originally associated with video games and cybersports, 
but the format was appealing enough to make it a true trend among content makers. Now you can 

record a stream on any topic: reviews of goods and services, broadcasts from the scene, travel, 
cooking, etc. 
Here are a few more examples: "slam" (to slam - to make a banging noise or to throw with 
a violent or noisy impact) means to have fun at concerts or festivals, to move from one bar to 
another (bar hopping), from one party to another. 
"Trash" (junk, garbage or mess) is often used in relation to events that go beyond the usual 
occurrences for the speaker, or in relation to an event that causes great surprise in a negative way. 
"Like" - (to like - to show affection and fond feelings) in the Russian social networking 
sites means emphasizing something you like: a thing, photo, video or idea, etc. 
"Ban" (to prohibit or block) means to block the account on the Internet, prohibit or restrict 
the user in any actions for violations of the established rules and requirements of the resource on 
a particular site, service, social network. In addition, this word is widely used to show the 
interlocutor that you do not want to conduct a dialogue, or see his comments, thereby blocking 
access to a personal webpage and making it impossible to contact by all means. 
"Troll" (to provoke) expresses inflammatory actions on the Internet or real life in order to 
drive a person out of balance, cause anger, tears or resentment. 
In the gradual process of rapprochement of cultures, the identification or separation of the 
values attached to them occurs, while the extent of integration of cultures is determined by their 
convergence at a cultural distance. Integrating cultures become assimilated when one culture (or 
individual elements) enters another with its simultaneous enrichment, their fusion or similarity as 
a culture-sympathy arises, or, on the contrary, they begin to oppose each other, creating cultural 
gaps (culture clash) [2, 54].
The literary text also reflects the assimilation of languages, while the translation is at the 
"junction" of the two distinctive cultures, and its textual space is to some extent susceptible to 
assimilation changes (from Lat. assimilatio - similarity, identification) i.e. similarity, merging of 
separate meanings with simultaneous loss and / or increment in the process of constructing a text 
Being fixed in the system of receiving culture, the original acquires a qualitatively new 
level. The interpreter tries to avoid the danger of bringing the reader a cultural shock, so existing 
ethical or other norms, rules and regulations operating within the receiving society has a great 
impact on translating and if it contradicts the meaning it is adjusted. 
The concept of «culture shock» is relatively new in the dictionaries and in the field of 
linguistics, the second half of the twentieth century, and was first recorded in the Webster 
Dictionary of Intellect. It is defined as "a sense of confusion and uncertainty sometimes with 
feelings of anxiety that may affect people exposed to an alien culture without adequate 
preparation" [4]. The focus on the development of cross-cultural literacy can also be seen as one 
of the approaches to overcoming the "cultural shock". 
Cross-cultural literacy allows to see the general and individual in the culture of other 
peoples (and not only English-speaking countries), to understand the value of each culture in the 
world multicultural space. 
On one hand, the formation of cross-cultural literacy should develop patriotic feelings - 
love for the Motherland and the ability to appreciate its contribution to the development of world 
history, science and culture. And this requires to have information about the features of national 
culture and history, in connection with which there is a need to strengthen and develop the links 

between such subjects as history, literature, ethnography, cultural studies, etc. On the other hand, 
it may seem contradictory that a full understanding of the culture of one nation is impossible 
without interaction and familiarity with the culture and language of other countries. Language is 
closely related to culture: it penetrates in the society and it is an integral part and prerequisite for 
the development of culture in general and, finally, is an important part of the culture of the people 
living at a certain time and in a certain place. Of all the aspects of culture, language has its 
surroundings. The people who speak it belong to a race (or several races), that is to say, a group 
of humanity which is physically different from other groups. Language does not exist outside 
culture, and more precisely, outside the socially inherited set of practical skills and ideas that 
characterize our way of life. 
The literary text reflects to some extent the system of values dominant in society. The 
reader should be able to reconstruct the entire system of cultural parallels. In this regard, the 
translator will have to solve the problem of how to transmit phenomena of foreign culture in order 
to reflect and reproduce ethno linguistic space, formed by culturally specific and socially 
significant variables. Events and phenomena presented by the text are passed through a kind of 
«filter» for the compliance or non-compliance with the norms, rules and regulations of the 
receiving society. If the «alien» culture is diametrically opposed from the point of view of the 
existing system of cultural values and norms, then it is possible to situations of so-called «cultural 
shock», as a result of which there is no acceptance and / or rejection of «alien». On the basis of 
the coordinate system recognized as a reference for the corresponding linguocultural community, 
a projection with a space-time perspective [1] is modeled in the process of working with a foreign-
language and foreign-cultural text. 
In a fast changing world, the interaction of cultures and languages is getting easier at one 
point and more complicated at another. And to convey the actual meaning of assimilated words is 
challenging for an interpreter. Unfortunately, we have to admit that it's a whole stratum for 
language learners and linguists should provide and ensure the reader familiarity with the text 
created within another culture, and the original - «entry» to another sphere of literature and culture, 
and interpreters do not always make efforts to assimilate the «alien» world of text. 

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