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Ескерту: Жоғарғы бал саны

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Жоғарғы бал саны:

Тәжірибелік сабақ = 22,5 бал (1 тәжірибелік = 0.75б, барлығы 30 сабақ, жалпы 0.75б х 30 = 22,5 бал).

ОСӨЖ = 22,5 бал (1 ОСӨЖ, = 0,75 бал, жалпы 0,75б х 30 = 22.5 бал.

СӨЖ = 9 бал (1 СӨЖ = 3 бал, студент кем дегенде әртүрлі 3 СӨЖ орындауға міндетті, барлығы 3б х 3 = 9 бал).

Аралық бақылау = 6 бал (1 аралық бақылау = 1.5 бал, барлығы 4 аралық бақылау, жалпы 1,5б х 4 = 6 бал).

Сабақ түріне қарай сағат пен балдың бөлініуі.

реттік №


Жұмыс түрі мен сағат бойынша ұзақтығы






= 3б.

Аралық бақ. =1.5б.


Жалпы білімді анықтау тесті.

Менің өмірбаяным. Менің жанұям.

”to be’’, ”to have got”

етістіктерінің жіктелуі.

Есімдік: жіктеу және тәуелді.




Менің пәтерім.

Зат есімнің көпше түрі.

«There is, there are» орамы.




Қазақстан – менің Отаным. Артикльдер. Сын есімнің салыстырмалы шырайлары.

Жай осы шақ.




Менің сүйікті қалам.

Сан есім: есептік және реттік.

Даталар. Жай өткен шақ.




Оқытылатын тілдің елі.

Сілтеу есімдіктері: this, that, these, those. Жай келер шақ.




Лондон – Ұлыбританияның астанасы. Артикльдің географиялық атауларымен қолданылуы.

Аралық бақылау.





Ұлыбританиядағы білім беру. Аяқталған осы шақ.

Аяқталған өткен шақ.




Қазақстандағы білім беру.

Аяқталған келер шақ.

Шақтардың қиысуы.





Қазақстанның атақты ғалымдары.

Going to, would like to, want to.

Мәтін бойынша грамматикаға шолу.





Ұлыбританияның атақты ғалымдары.

Сan, may, must модальді етістіктер.

Мәтін бойынша грамматикаға шолу.





Қорытынды сабақ.

Аралық бақылау.





Біздің химиялық зертхана.

Созылмалы осы шақ.





“Should” модальді етістігі.




Менделеев Д.И.

Белгісіз осы шақ (ырықсыз етіс).

Аралық бақылау.






Д.И. Менделеевтің периодтық жүйесі. Ырықсыз етістің келер және өткен шақтардағы құрылымы мен аудармасындағы өзгешеліктер.





Қорытынды сабақ.

Аралық бақылау.




Барлығы 135 сағат

Барлық сабақ:



Семестрдегі балдың жоғарғы саны = 60 бал.





Қорытындылау (емтихан) балының жоғарғы саны = 40 бал.

Пән бойынша барлық балдың саны= 100 бал.

Пәннің қысқаша мазмұны:

Фонетика: шет тілінің ритмдік - дауыс ырғағы мен дыбысталу ерекшеліктері. Лексика: сөзжасау үлгілері, 2500 бірлік көлеміндегі негізгі тілдік лексикалық минимум және де мамандыққа байланысты сәйкес терминдер. Грамматика: негізгі сөз таптары – зат есім, сың есім, етістік, үстеу, артикль, есімдік, предлог; жай және құрмалас сөйлемнің құрылымы, сөзжасаудың негізгі үлгілері. Оқу: оқушыда танысу, іздеу шолу сияқты оқу дағдыларын қалыптастыру, Сөйлеу: оқылатын тақырып бойынша диалог және монологтық сөйлеу дағдылары. Жазу: пікір және ойдың мазмундық жүйесі дағдыларын дамыту, және де шығарма, жеке және іскери (ресми) хаттарды жазу, кезіндегі ақпараттар; Тілдік нормаға сійкес мамандыққа байланысты мәтіндерді шет тілінен орыс немесе қазақ тіліне аудару; Тыңдау: іскерлік, ақпараттық, тұрмыстық хабарламаларды естіп қабылдау, түсіну.
Емтихан және консультация уақыты: график бойынша
Аралық бақылау уақыты: әр семестрдің 8 және 15 аптасында
Қорытындылау сынағының уақыты: семестр сонында ОҮБ және ЖБ сабақ кестесі бойынша.
Ұсынылатын әдебиет:
Негізгі әдебиет:

1. Маслова А.М. Учебник английского языка для медицинских вузов. М., 2001.

2. Маслова А.М. Лабораторные работы по английскому языку для медицинских вузов. М., 2001.

3. Куриленко А.Н. 400 тем по английскому языку. М., 1998.

4. Murphy R. English grammar in use. Start course, elementary course. Cambridge, 1993.

5. Longman. The Essentials of English writers. Handbook. 2004.

6. Longman. Student Grammar of Spoken and written English. 2004.
Қосымша әдебиет:

1. Джанабаева К. “Basic English”. А.2003.

2. Longman.Сutting edge (start, elementary, pre - intermediate)/ Student’s book, work book, cassettes. 2004
Оқыту әдісі : Тәжірибе сабақтарын СОӨЖ,СӨЖ - ді оқыту түрлері

Тәжірибе сабақтарын өткізу:

Пәннің басты тақырыптары бойынша сабақтар, тесттер мен ситуациялық тапсырмалар, оқулықпен жұмыс, компьютерлік модельдер мен бағдарламалар.

ОСӨЖ -ді ұйымдастыру түрі:

Тақырып бойынша кеңес беру, ауызша және жазбаша тапсырмаларды өздігімен орындау, ситуациялық тапсырмалардың шешілуі, тесттік жұмысың шешімі, шағын топтағы жұмыс, пікірталас, диалог, рольдік ойындар, шағын – конференциялар, оқулықпен жұмыс, кесте, аралық бақылау.

СӨЖ-ді ұйымдастыру түрі:

СӨЖ тақырыбы бойынша әдебиетпен жұмыс, терминдік сөздіктер құрастыру, тест жұмыстарын орындау, баяндамаға дайындық, реферат, эссе, жұмыстарды қорғауға дайындау, кесте – сызба, постерлерді дайындау.

Студенттің білімі мен дағдысын бағалау әдісі:
ОСӨЖ бен тәжірибе сабақтарының ағымдық бақылауы:

• ауызша және жазбаша жауап алу (әдістемелік нұсқаудың сұрақтары бойынша)

• жазбаша түрде тестілеу

• ауызша ситуациялық тапсырмаларды тексеру

• лексико-грамматикалық тапсырмалардың орындалуын қадағалау.

• реферат, эссе, баяндама қорғау.

• тестік жұмыстардың орындалуын қадағалау.

• терминдік сөздіктің жасалуын қадағалау.

• постер, кесте-сызбаларды көрсету.

Аралық бақылау:

• тестжәне тақырып бойынша жазбаша мазмұндама.

Қорытынды бақылау:

Аралық және ағымдық бақылаудың нәтижесін ескере отырып ауызша емтихан + тест

Бағалау шкаласы:

Әріп жүйесі бойынша бағалау




Дәстүрлік жүйе бойынша бағалау




өте жақсы


































Тәжірибе сабақтарына арналған әдістемелік ұсыныстар
Пән атауы: Ағылшын тілі IYa 1103
Мамандық: 051103 «Фармация»
Кафедра: шет тілдер

Құрастырушылар:Сағантаева С.Х. Рахманова А.М.

Бикташева Г.М. Лозенко И.В.

Унасбаева Г.А. Мезгильбаева З.М.

Маскеева З.К. Шойбекова А.Ж.

Махамбетова Ж.Т. Баянбаева А.А.

Султанова Н.Т. Кайбалдиева Б.М.

Серикбеккызы А. Кенесбекова К.К.

Бижанова А.А.






Алматы, 2007
Work out 1

Contact Hour(4)

Theme: My Biography. My Family

Lexics: word and word- combinations

Grammar: verbs “to be” and “to have got”

Personal Possessive pronouns

Aim: the students have to know the lexics and grammar of the theme in order to draw and to speak about their biography and family on the base of a text “About myself”

Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: Reading and translating a text. A student is to know new lexical minimum, rules of pronunciation of English words and keep them in mind. Concentrate their attention on the stresses and turns in the following word combinations.
Methods of teaching: cards, puzzle, working with the text, doing the exercises, making up sentences with new words
Remind grammar: look at grammar references.

Conjugation of the verbs” to be” and “to have “

1st hour

Present tense “to be”

  1. affirmative form

Sg.f Pl.f

1. I am… we are…

2. You are… you are…

3. He is… they are...

She is…

It is…
2. Interrogative form

Sg.f Pl.f

1. Am I…? Are we…?

2. Are you…? Are you…?

3. Is he…? Are they…?

Is she…?

Is it…?
3. Negative form

Sg.f Pl.f

1. I am not… We are not…

2. You are not… You are not…

3. He is not… They are not...

She is not…

It is not…

Past tense
1. Affirmative form

Sg.f pl.f

1. I was… We were…

2. You were You were…

3. He was… They were…

She was…

It was…
2. Interrogative form

Sg.f Pl.f

1. Was I….? Were we..?

2. Were you…? Were you…?

3. Was he…? Were they…?

Was she…?

Was it…?
3. Negative form

Sg.f Pl.f

1. I was not… We were not…

2. You were not… you were not…

3. He was not… They were not…

She was not…

It was not…

Future tense

1. Affirmative form

Sg.f pl.f

1. I shall be… We shall be…

2. You will be... You will be…

3. He will be… They will be…

She will be…

It will be…

2. Interrogative form

Sg.f Pl.f

1. Shall I be….? Shall we be..?

2. Will you be…? Will you be…?

3. Will he be…? Will they be…?

Will she be…?

Will it be…?
3. Negative form

Sg.f Pl.f

1. I shall not be… We shall not be…

2. You will not be… You will not be…

3. He, she it will not They will not be...

To have” present tense

1. Affirmative form

1. I have a book We have a book

2. You have a book You have a book

3. He, she has a book They have a book

It has colored picture
2. Interrogative form

1. Have I a book? Have we a book?

2. Have you a book? Have you a book?

3. Has he, she a book? Have they a book?

Has it colored picture?
3. Negative form

1. I have no book we have no book

2. You have no book You have no book

3. He, she has no book They have no book

It has no colored picture

Past tense
1. Affirmative form

1. I had a book We had a book

2. You had a book You had a book

3. He, she had a book They had a book

It had colored picture
2. Interrogative form

1. Had I a book? Had we a book?

2. Had you a book? Had you a book?

3. Had he, she a book? Had they a book?

Had it colored picture?
3. Negative form

1. I had no book We had no book

2. You had no book You had no book

3. He, she had no book They had no book

Future tense

1. Affirmative form

1. I shall have a book We shall have a book

2. You will have a book You will have a book

3. He, she will has a book They will have a book

2. Interrogative form

1. Shall I have a book? Shall we have a book?

2. Will you have a book Will you have a book?

3. Will he, she has a book? Will they have a book?
3. Negative form

1. I shall have no book we shall have no book

2. You will have no book You will have no book

3. He, she will has no book They will have no book

Personal pronouns
The personal pronouns are; I, HE, SHE, IT, WE, YOU, THEY

The personal pronouns have the grammatical categories of person, case, number and gender. The personal pronouns have two cases. The nominative case and the objective case: The nominative case: I, HE, SHE, IT, WE, YOU, THEY.

The objective case: ME, HIM, HER, IT, US, YOU, THEM.

The objective case at the pronouns I, HE, SHE, WE is expressed by completive forms. The second person pronouns you is both singular and plural. The pronouns of the third person HE, SHE, IT distinguish gender. Male beings (man, father, uncle, boy, etc.) are referred to as He: female being (woman, masher, aunt, etc.) are referred to as She: inanimate things (house, tree, cap, etc.) are referred to as it.

Possessive Pronouns:

  1. Possessive Pronouns have the same distinctions of person, number and gender as personal pronouns.

  2. Personal pronouns have two forms namely the dependent forms namely the dependent form and the independent form.

Conjunction of pronouns:
1- person 11-person 111-person

Singular: my his, her, its

Plural: ours yours theirs
Absolute forms of possessive pronouns

Singular: mine his, hers

Plural: ours yours theirs

The conjunction form is used when the possessive pronouns comes before the noun it modifies.

  1. Possessive pronouns are often used before the names of the parts of body clothing things; belonging to a person etc. in that case they are not translated into Russian.

2nd hour

  1. Read and remember the pronunciation of words:

Am- быть Wife-жена

He-я teacher-учитель

She-она Doctor-врач

We-мы Worker-рабочий

You- вы Engineer-инженер

Young-молодой Economist-экономист

Man (men) - мужчина businessmen-бизнесмен

Woman (women) - женщина Manager-управляющий

Boy friend- друг House wife-домохозяйка

Father-отец Girl-девочка

Mother- Мать Hospital-больница

Grandfather-дедушка School-школа

Grandmother- Бабушка Institute-институт

Son- сын University-Университет

Daughter-дочь father- in –law – свекор тестBrother-брат mother – in – law – свекровь

Sister-сестра sister- in – law -золовка

Niece-племянница brother – in –law -шурин

Nephew-племянник son - in – law -зять

Aunt-тетя daughter – in – law -сноха


2. Write the following words in the plural:

A surname, a name, a subject, a story, a composer, a classmate, a bedroom, a

kitchen, a writer.
3. Find the pairs of synonyms and remember them:

To finish, nice, to graduate, fine, people, modern, contemporary, man.

4. Combine the words and translate them:

Time, modern, conveniences, much, party, disco, music, reading, books, living, room, classical.

5. Give English equivalents:

Любимый предмет

Детективные истории

Холодная вода

Горячая вода

Свежий воздух

Поступать в Университет

Делать покупки

Смотреть телевизор

Любимый композитор

Любить друг друга

Беседа о занятий

6. Connect the sentences:

I live in a small boy

We have my duties about the house

I have Abai Street

He is five brothers

She has five people in our family

3rd hour

1. Fill in blanks with the forms of the verb “to be “

  1. They … adults. 2. The article … interesting. 3. She … a nurse last year.

  1. I … a doctor in six years. 5. The Black Sea… in the South. 6. There… twelve month in a year. 7. It … Sunday yesterday.

2. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

The man s name is Dulat . The woman s name is Mary. The children s names are Pete and Ann. The father s car is old. The brother s flat is large. The sister s room is small.

3. Make these sentences negative.

1. I am a medical student now. 2. He was at the theatre yesterday. 3. We were pupils last year. 4. They were in Moscow. 5. She is an engineer. 6. I am on holidays now. 7. They will be teachers next year

4. Fill in blanks with forms of the verb “to have”

1. I …much ink in my pen. 2. We… a meeting tomorrow. 3. Yesterday we… three lectures. 4. He… enough time. 5. The students… practical training next year.

5. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

I have a large family. He has three brothers. She has five sisters. We have six nieces and two nephews. They have many friends. I have two aunts and three uncles. Have you a niece? – Yes I have. Have they a nephew? - No, they have not. Have we many friends? – Yes, we have

6. Translate the following sentences into English:

У меня нет братьев. У него нет квартиры. У моего дяди нет жены. У нее нет друзей. У нас нет автомобиля. У вас нет детей. У меня много друзей в Алма-ате.

7.Write full sentences. Use is/isn’t/are/aren’t

1 (your shoes very dirty) Your shoes are very dirty

2 (my brother a teacher) My ………

3 (this house not very big) …………

4 (the shops not open today) ……….

5 (my keys in my bag) ……………

6 (Jenny 18 years old) ……………

7 (you not very tall) ………………

8. Answer the questions:

f. ex. Whose sister is she? (Mary) – She is Mary ’s sister.
Whose desk is that? (father)

Whose daughter is Mary? (Mr Brown)

Whose garden is this? (my aunt)

Whose car is that?(my brother)

Whose son is Dulat? (my sister)

Whose brother is Tom? (his wife)

4th hour

1. Read and translate the text.

Hello! My name is Talgat Kulov. I am 25. I am a young man. I am not married. I am from Karaganda. I am an engineer at a plant. My hobby is sport and rock-music. This is my family: a father, a mother, a sister and a brother. My father’s name is Murat. He isn’t a young man. He is 50. He is an economist at a factory. My mother’s name is Saule. She isn’t a young woman. She is 50 too. She is a doctor at a hospital. My sister Dinara is a young girl. She is 20. She is a student of the University. She is not married. Her hobby is cinema, theatre and music. She is a nice girl. Now she is ill and she is in hospital. This is my brother Saken. He is a young man of 30. He is a school teacher. He is fond of sport. He is very busy. He is at work now. Saken is married. He has a wife and two children: a son and a daughter. His wife’s name is Nagima. She is 29. She is a school teacher too. Their son’s name is Amir. He is a small boy. He is 8. He is at school. Amir is fond of his school. He has many friends at school. Their daughter’s name is Maira. She is a nice girl. She is 5.

Nagima is my sister – in – law. I am her brother – law -

  1. Give expressions and word combinations useful for the theme “Autobiography “, “My family”.

My name is…

I live in…

I am from …

I was born in … year.

I have a large / small family.

It consists of 3 person : father , mother , brother and I.

My father is a doctor .

My mother is a teacher.

My brother is a student .

My sister is an engineer.

I study at the Medical University by Asfendiyarov at the first course.

I am fond of music ( sport, literature, art, science, )

I like to play the piano ( football, golf, tennis, basketball,)

In the evening we like to sit in the sitting room listen to the radio, read books, and watch TV or play chess.

3. In order to check students’ understanding they are asked to make up their own topics “My Biography” “My family”

Questions to theme

1. What is your name?

2. What are you?

3. How old are you?

4. Have you a family?

5. Are you married?

6. Have you a father?

7. What is his name?

8. How old is he?

9. Have you a mother?

10. What is her name?

11. What is she?

12. How old is she?

13. Have you a sister?

14. What is her name?

15 How old is she?

1. Murphy “Grammar in use”

2. Maslova A.M. Essential English for medical students. Moscow 2002.
Work – out 2

Contact hour (3)

Theme: Lexical: “My flat”

Grammar: Plural forms of nouns

Construction “There is”, “There are”.

Aim: Widen their horizon with new words. Develop speaking, listening, writing, reading skills.

Basic thematic issues: Build up their vocabulary with new lexemes, getting acquainted with text “My flat”.
Methods of teaching: performing practical classes, including key themes of discipline, reading and translating texts, compiling topics, dialogues, doing lexico-grammatical exercises, solving situational tasks.

1st hour

1. Find the translations of the given words using dictionary

Sideboard, wardrobe, shelves, bedside, carpet, armchair, cupboard, cozy

2. Read and repeat the new words of the text paying attention to pronunciation

square – [skweә] - квадрат

wardrobe – [‘wa:drәub] - гардероб

cozy – [kәuzi] - уютный

alarm clock – [әla:m] - будильник

mirror – [mirә] - зеркало

to hung – [hng]- вешать

furniture – [fә:nit∫ә] – мебель

cushion – [‘ku∫әn] – диванная подушка

conveniences – [kәn’vi:niәns] -удобный

heating – [hi:ti]- отопление

chute – [∫u:t] – мусоропровод

3. Find the proper translation of the words on the right column from the left one

1. сoat hanger диванная подушка

standart lamp центральное отопление

to hang абажур

study удобства

conveniences вешалка

cushion вешать

central heating кабинет

2. Match the words A with B

modern stop

an alarm shade

trolleybus heating

deep conveniences

central sink

lamp clock
4. Read and translate the text using active vocabulary
5. Dialogues
In pairs choose one of the topic and make up a dialogue, perform in the class

- My flat

- My room

6. Control

Skim the text to answer the questions:

1. Where do they live?

2. What do kind of conveniences do they have at home?

3.What is the warmest place in their flat?

4.What is the largest and most comfortable room in the house?

5.What room is handily arranged?

6.Where and why does the whole family gathers?

2nd hour

  1. Give the plural form of the given words:

Onion, bench, dress, box, baby, fly, tomato, stamp, calf, knife

  1. Define what words are used only in plural which are in singular form:

Money, earings, air, spectacles, jeans, information, news, thanks, progress.

3. Translate into English: using the constructions “there is” or “there are”

Справа от стола стоит стенка, между окнами стоит маленький стол с телевизором, в левом углу комнаты стоит туалетный столик с зеркалом, в квартире есть все современные удобство, возле телевизора стоят 2 кресла.

4.Change the sentence into interrogative and negative:

    1. There are three rooms

    2. There is one window in it

    3. There is a bookcase full of books

    4. There are five chairs around the table

3rd hour
1. Find the pair of antonyms:

Cozy, large, several, little, left,low, light, different, full, thick

2. Make up an interrogative sentence using the words in brackets:

a) My father is used to have a vest sitting on the divan – bed (Does)

b) We live in a panel house (Do)

c) We have all modern conveniences (Do)

d) I like our flat very much (Do)

3. Ask each other the following questions:

1. Have you got a house or a flat?

2. How many rooms are there in your flat?

3. On what floor is your flat?

4. Has your flat all modern conveniences?

4.Give the plural forms of nouns: Mother- in-low, man- of- war, passer-by, man-servant, roof, belief

  1. Find the nouns which are used both in plural and singular for:

Mouse, deer, book, trout, pen, sheep, swine, swung, fish


Text “My flat”

Oxford Student’s dictionary

Maslova. Language Laboratory exercises

Murphy. Grammar in USE

Work-out 3

Contact Hours (3)

Theme: My motherland – Kazakhstan

Lexics: word and word- combinations

Grammar: 1. Articles

2. Degrees of Comparison

3. Present Simple Tense

Aim: to enlarge students’ awareness about their own country – Kazakhstan; to build students’ knowledge on new lexical and grammar materials to use it in their speech.

Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: The text ‘My motherland – Kazakhstan’ gives the students an opportunity to be able to read texts about their own country. It is very important to develop their general knowledge about the country and to risen their patriotic sense. Using the new lexics from the text students will then be able to make their own speech in order to tell something more about Kazakhstan.

Grammar: The English speech is impossible without its Articles, so the elementary study of it will help students to understand the wide range of its usage. For instance: if to use definite or indefinite article before the names of places and rivers, and etc. Concerning Degrees of comparison it is of great importance to know the rules of comparative and superlative adjectives, thus, proper usage of it will certainly flourish and make student’s speech richer. And finally, there is no way to learn English if you do not know the proper use of the Present Simple tense. Whether you want to express a fact that stays the same for a long time, or you want to express an action that happens every day, you use the Present Simple.
Methods of teaching: performing practical classes, including key themes of discipline, reading and translating texts, compiling topics, dialogues, doing lexico-grammatical exercises, solving situational tasks.
Contact Hour № 1

1) Look through the words given below and remember their pronunciation:

a. stretch [stretʃ] – тянуть, вытягивать, натягивать

b. quarter [`kwɔtә] – четверть

c. ethnic [`eөnik] – этнический, племенной

d. instill [in`stil] – постепенно внушать

e. feature [`fi:tʃә] – особенность, характерная черта

f. cuisine [kwi`zi:n] – кухня (кушанья и способы их приготовления)

g. currency [`kʌrәnsi] – денежное обращение в стране; валюта, деньги

2) Translate the following words and define their suffixes.

  1. Southern, Northern, Western, Eastern, West-Siberian

  2. continental, natural, official, local, governmental, national

  3. population, religion, organization, communication, tradition, generation

  4. extremely, carefully

3) Translate the following words into Russian, and the Russian word combinations into English.

a. quarter – четверть, одна четверть земли, четверть пятого (16:15)

b. sharp – резко континентальный, зоркий

c. national – национальные традиций, национальная характеристика

d. reflect – отражать свет, отражать характер (натуру человека)

e. distinctive – отчетливый, отчетливая характерность

4) Make up sentences using the words above.

Contact Hour № 2

1. Answer the questions.

    1. What do you know about Articles?

    2. Give as much examples as you can.

    3. What do you know about their usage?

4) When do we usually use definite and indefinite articles?

(if necessary go to the reference on Articles in Maslova A.M., 1983)

5) Do the following exercises.
2.Complete in the gaps with an appropriate article and explain its usage.

  1. The official language of Kazakhstan is Kazakh, ___ Turkic language.

  2. ____ Republic of Kazakhstan lies right in between Europe and Asia.

  3. When it is spring in ____ south, ____ north area is covered with snow and severe storm.

  4. Kazakhstan is ____ market-economy state.

  5. ____ Kazakhs are ____ extremely hospitable people.

  6. ____ largest ethnic groups are Kazakhs and Russians.

  7. Everybody has ____ right to use their native language and ____ right to choose their language for communication, study and work.

3. Degrees of Comparison

1) Study these example situations with adjectives:

a. Lake Baikal is the deepest in the world

b. Is Astana as noisy as Almaty? (Are they equally noisy?)

c. America is farther from Kazakhstan than Britain.

d. Summer in Almaty is much hotter than it is in London.

e. The mountains in Kazakhstan are the most exciting of all.
2) When do we usually use comparative and superlative forms of adjectives?

3) What are their rules of their usage: e.g. suffixes –er, -ier are for comparison, what about superlative form?

- Find reference from any book given in the literature section.
4. Write the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives:

Angry, big, easy, fast, healthy, heavy, pretty, warm, young, small, old, careful, comfortable, delicious, expensive, peaceful, definite, important.

5. Try to give some examples of your own using the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives given above.
6. Present Simple Tense.

1) Compare the following statements:

a. I am a student. I live in Almaty and study at the Medical University.

(and) I used to be a student. I lived in Almaty when I was 20 and used to study at the Medical University till I graduated it.

- Which statement describes Present and which one describes Past Simple Tenses?

2) Make a short report telling something about yourself: hobby, interests, occupation, what do you usually do or like doing, etc.

Contact Hour № 3

  1. Read the text called ‘Kazakhstan’ and try to translate it using new words and phrases given on the lexical introduction


The Republic of Kazakhstan lies right in between Europe and Asia. It stretches from the east of the Caspian Sea and Volga plains to the mountainous Altay and from the foothills of Tien Shan in the south and southeast to the West-Siberian lowland in the north. The size of the territory places Kazakhstan ninth in the world, after Russia, Canada, China, USA, Brasil, Australia, India and Argentina. The capital of Kazakhstan is Astana.

More than a quarter of the land consists of a portion of the gentle steppes that stretch from central Europe to Siberia. The rest of the republic reflects the beauty of forests, mountains, rivers, lakes and reservoirs.

Kazakhstan has the sharp continental climate. In separate years spring stretches from the south to the north during 1,5-2 months. When it is spring in the south, the north area is covered with snow and severe storm. July is the hottest season, and February is the coldest month.

The land of Kazakhstan is rich by different soils and natural resources.
Kazakhstan's population includes many ethnic groups with their own language and culture brought together through their history. The largest ethnic groups are Kazakhs and Russians. The main religions are Islam and Christianity.
The official language of Kazakhstan is Kazakh, a Turkic language. State organizations and local governmental bodies also use Russian. The government encourages citizens to study and speak several languages. Everybody has the right to use their native language and the right to choose their language for communication, study and work.
The Kazakhs are an extremely hospitable people. If you come to a Kazakh home unexpected you will be received as if you had been invited. Since early childhood principles of respect of guests and older people as well as peacefulness and tolerance are instilled in every Kazakh and these are the national features of Kazakh culture and tradition.
Since ancient times the Kazakhs have carefully preserved and passed down the generations their tradition of hospitality, respect for the elders, peace and tolerance.
Kazakh national cuisine reflects the nature of its people, its history, customs and traditions. Since old times hospitality has been the most distinctive feature of the Kazakh people.
Kazakhstan is a market-economy state. The national economic policy aims to create the conditions for the socio-economic development of the country. The currency is the Tenge which is equal to 100 tyins. It was introduced on 15th November 1993.

  1. Set several topics to make a plan according to the importance of the information given in each reasonable paragraph (approx. 5-6 paragraphs)

  2. Add some more information of your own. Work in groups of 3-4, and tell the whole class.

  1. Answer the questions (T/F)

  1. Kazakhstan has the largest territory in the world.

  2. Spring is warm and winner is not so cold in Kazakhstan.

  3. Kazakh and Russian are the largest ethnic groups.

  4. Peacefulness and tolerance are the national features of Kazakh culture.

  5. Kazakhstani people aim to create the conditions for the socio-economic development of the country.

5) Make a short report using the plan you already have, or try to follow these questions:

a. Which place does Kazakhstan take with its territory?

b. What does its land consist of?

c. What can you say about its climate?

d. What kind of groups does its population include?

e. What are its official language and the language of communication?

f. How can you describe Kazakh people? (their distinctive features)

g. What can you tell about its economy?

6) Mind the usage of the articles and the Present Simple tense

Control: questions to the theme

    1. What is the territory of Kazakhstan?

    2. What is its winter and summer like?

    3. What is their main religion?

    4. Do the people of the country have the right to choose their

for communication, study and work?

    1. What are the principles of people’s hospitality?

    2. What does the national economic policy aim to create?


1. Printed text: ‘Kazakhstan’

2. Maslova A.M. ‘Essential English for Medical Students’. Moscow, 1983

3. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. – Cambridge, 1988

4. Bonk N.A. ‘Учебник английского языка’. Saint-Petersburg, 1997

5. Bonk N.A. ‘English step by step’. Moscow, 1999


Contact hour (2)

Theme: ”Almaty –my favourite city”

Lexics: word and word- combinations

Grammar: Cardinal and Ordinal Numerals. Dates. Past Simple Tense.


- to introduce new lexics on the text “Almaty …”

- to practice the usage of the new lexics

- to practice students’ oral speech

- the teach students the formation and usage of Cardinal and Ordinal Numerals, dates and Past Simple Tense

- to develop lexico-grammatical skills

Basic thematic issues: lexics on the topic “Cities”, revision of Present Simple Tense, regular and irregular verbs

Methods of teaching: performing practical classes, including key themes of discipline, reading and translating texts, compiling topics, dialogues, doing lexico-grammatical exercises, solving situational tasks
1st hour

1. Listen to the new word and word combinations, repeat then and write down in your vocabularies:

Capital, southern, to be situated, at the foot, height, sea level, beautiful, snowy peak, cultural, financial, political, places of interest, a skating rink, a steel-rope way, a museum, a theatre, an original architecture, a square, a circus, to impress, a fortress, hospitable

2. Find in the text the following words and word combinations:

Южная столица, горы Алатау, город – сад, интересные места, старая и новая площади, гостиницы, театр им. М. Ауезова, туристы, был основан в 1853г., очень известный, гостеприимный народ, большое будущее.

3. Find the following sentences from the text:

а) Это один из красивейших городов мира.

б) Алматы – это город – сад.

в) Алматы имеет длинную историю.

г) Город был основан в 1853 г.

д) Крупный красный алматинский апорт знают даже в Европе.

4. Finish the sentences:

a) Almaty is the …… capital of Kazakhstan.

b) It is one of the most ….. cities of the world.

c) There are very many places of … in Almaty.

d) Almaty has a long …

e) The town was founded in …

f) Almaty is a city of nice ….people, the city with great ….
5. Read the cardinal and ordinal numerals:

11, 15, 41st, 12, 22nd, 268, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 457, 1368, 1916, 63rd, 20, 21st

2nd hour
1. Read the cardinal numerals and form the ordinal ones:

21, 144, 2, 1257, 1, 12, 24, 421, 6759

2. Read the dates:

1987, 1915, 2007, 1812, 1957, 1900, 15th June, 1975, 22nd May 2007, 30th January, 1987, 1st March, 1990.

I was born in 1989. My birthday is on the 23rd of March.
3. Past Simple Tense:

a) The Past Simple Tense is used to express a finished action in the past:

We played tennis yesterday. He graduated from the University last year. She saw Peter last Sunday.

b) It is also used to express a past habit:

When I was a child we went to Spain every summer. I wore a uniform at school.
4. Read the following words paying attention to pronunciation of endings –d, -ed

a) forced, washed, worked, stopped, developed, asked

b) entered, lived, saved, answered, effused

c) operated, prevented, studied, waited

d) suffered, called, treated, recovered
5. Home task

a) to learn new lexics

b) do exercises from a work-out

c) control reading and translation of the text “Almaty …”

d) to learn new grammar material

A text “Almaty …” (material of the department), Language laboratory exercises for medical students, Maslova A.M, Moscow, 2002

Work-out 5

Contact Hours (3)

Theme: English speaking country Great Britain

Lexics: Word and word -combinations
Grammar: 1. Demonstrative pronouns: this, these, that, those

2. Prepositions

Aim: to enlarge students’ awareness about the country Great Britain; to build students’ knowledge on the new lexics according to the theme and to study grammar materials to use them in their speech
Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: Studying languages one should always know that possessing the language you must know the importance of learning its origin. In the modern world English is almost the main language of communication. And since it is the subject of ours, we are to learn not only the language itself, but also, it is of great importance to study the historical English speaking world – Britain. All the information given in the easy-covered text ‘Great Britain’ helps the students to learn new lexics and gives them an opportunity to cover the general knowledge of it. Thus it will develop their mental outwork.
Grammar: In the English language there are several types of preposition according to their roles. They can be prepositions of places and directions or directions and motions. Accordingly each of them may have an important stylistic meaning. For example with the meanings of frequently used prepositions such as at, on, in, into, etc. one may be confused trying to find its proper translation without context. Thus it is also important to know the usage of them in the phrases and sentences. Getting to know with some of the prepositions students will have an opportunity to understand their usage from the text ‘Great Britain’ and furthermore, to use them in their speech while retelling or answering the questions.

The examples of the usage of some prepositions are shown in the table № 1.

Table № 1.


On from

into out of

at from



Methods of teaching: performing practical classes, including key themes of discipline, reading and translating texts, compiling topics, dialogues, doing lexico-grammatical exercises, solving situational tasks

Contact Hour № 1

1) Look through the words given below, remember their pronunciation and learn them:

Northern [nɔәn] – северный

Ireland [aiәlәnd] – Ирландия

Isle [ail] – островок

Monarchy [mɔnәki] – монархия

Occupy [`ɔkjupai] – занимать

Mountainous [`mauntinәs] – гористый

Mild [maild] – мягкий, слабый, нежный

Chief [tʃ`i:f] – главный, руководящий

Customs [`kʌstәm] – обычай

Chamber [`tʃeimbә] – палата, камера

2) Define the translation of the following words in Russian, and with the help of new the lexics given above try to translate the Russian word combinations into English.

  1. highly – высоко развитый, высоко образованный

  2. head – глава государства, главный офис (контора), головная боль

  3. chief – главный, ведущая индустрия (промышленность)

  4. vast – обширный, большая равнина

3) Translate the following sentences using the words given above:

1. England, Scotland, and Wales occupy the territory of Great Britain.

2. The surface of the UK varies greatly.

3. All the rest is a vast plain, which is called the Lowlands.

4. One of the chief industries is shipbuilding.

5. The UK is ruled by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head.

6. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
Contact Hour № 2

  1. What do you know about prepositions?

(You may go to the reference of Prepositions in Maslova A.M., 1983)

  1. What is the difference between on and under; in and into; to and from; into and out of ?

  2. Try to translate the following: out of the country, on the mountains, in the southern part, on the line, off the place, to the destination.

  3. Try to give some examples of your own and try to give some other examples of the prepositions.

  4. Explain the role of the highlighted prepositions in the following sentences:

  1. The UK of GB and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles.

  2. Northern Ireland is situated in the northern part of Ireland.

  3. The capital of the UK is London.

  4. There are many beautiful lakes in the mountainous part of the country.

  5. GB is a country with old cultural traditions and customs.

  1. Demonstrative pronouns

  1. Translate the following pronouns and add possible nouns to each. First is given to you.

This- этот – e.g. this book, this country, this question




  1. Which of these words/phrases are relative to the pronoun ‘those’

a) 1year b) past years c) 3days time d) period of time

Contact Hour № 3

  1. Read the text and try to translate it using new words and phrases given above

Great Britain.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. It consists of four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

England, Wales, Scotland occupy the territory of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated in the northern part of Ireland. The territory of the United Kingdom is about 244 000 (two hundred and forty four thousand) square kilometers. The population of the United Kingdom is over 56 million people. The capital of the United Kingdom is London.

The surface of the United Kingdom varies greatly. The northern and the western parts of the country are mountainous and are called the Highlands. All the rest is a vast plain, which is called the Lowlands. The mountains are not very high. The rivers are not very long. The most important of them are the Severn and the Thames. There are many beautiful lakes in the mountainous part of the country.

The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of the Gulf Stream influence the climate of Great Britain. It is mild the whole year round. Winters are not cold and summers are not hot.

Great Britain is highly a developed industrial country. It is known as one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of iron and steel products, machinery and electronics, chemicals and textile. One of the chief industries is shipbuilding.

Great Britain is a country with old cultural traditions and customs. The most famous educational centers are Oxford and Cambridge universities. They are considered to be the intellectual centers of Europe. The education is not free, it is very expensive.

The United Kingdom is a monarchy and the Queen is the head of the state. But in practice the United Kingdom is ruled by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

There are three main political parties in Great Britain: the Labour party, the Conservative party and the Liberal party.

  1. Find the sentences with prepositions from the text, translate them and compare the similar ones.

  2. Try to divide the whole text into several topics according to the importance of the information given in each reasonable paragraph (approx. 5-6 paragraphs)

  3. In groups of 3-4 write questions to each titled paragraphs (2-3 questions to each), after what ask the prepared questions one group from another.

  4. Make a short presentation using the information in the text and your own knowledge and the country

Great Britain


  1. The general description of Great Britain.

  2. The geographical position of Great Britain.

  3. Great Britain as an industrial country.

  4. Education in Great Britain.

  5. Its governmental system.

Control: questions to the theme:

  1. What is the full name for GB?

  2. How many parts does it consist of?

  3. What can you tell about its geographical position?

  4. Name the mountains which were mentioned in the text.

  5. Who is the head of the state?

  6. How many political parties do they have? What are they?


  1. Printed text: ‘Great Britain’

  2. Maslova A.M. ‘Essential English for Medical students’. Moscow, 1983

  3. Bonk N.A. ‘Учебник английского языка’. Saint-Petersburg, 1997

  4. Bonk N.A. ‘English step by step’. Moscow, 1999

5. Murphy R. ‘English Grammar in Use’. Cambridge, 1988
Work- out 6
Contact hours (2)

Theme: London is the capital of Great Britain

Lexics: words and word- combinations

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