Brief description:
Discipline is focused on the formation of a comprehensive view of the laws of the functioning of the economy, obtaining a business education aimed at acquiring applied Formed Formed competencies in various business areas, reveals the features of creating and successfully running their own business.
Learning outcomes:
It has the ability to evaluate and apply innovative approaches to understanding socially significant phenomena and processes in the legal, entrepreneurial, industrial, ecological environment
Formed Formed competencies: Have a sufficient outlook in the field of general education and is able to take them into account when making decisions in professional activities; Know, understand the basic provisions of social sciences and is able to apply them in their professional activities.
Модуль коды: 1
Модуль атауы: Жалпы білім беру пәндерінің модулі
Пән атауы: Жемқорлыққа қарсы мәдениет негіздері
Пререквизиттер: Адам,қоғам, құқық (мектеп бағдарламасы)