Having carried out a detailed analysis of socio-economic
and environmental
situations in single-industry cities, the forecast is determined until 2020.
Thus, the forecast for 2020 showed that GRP of the East Kazakhstan region in 5
years will increase by 2 369.8 billion tenge.
greater attention of the state, the consciousness and participation of the
private sector in the fate of the city will entail the solution of the problems not only of
Kurchatov, but also of all regions of our country.
References of literature:
1. The program for the development of single-industry towns for 2012-2020,
approved by the Decree of the Government
of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dated
May 25, 2012 No. 683
2. The official website of the Statistics Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
[Electronic resource]. Access mode:
3. Roy O.M. Problems and perspectives on innovative
development of the Republic
of Kazakhstan for 2010-modernization of Russian single-industry towns. [Electronic
resource]. Access mode: http: //www.gosbook.ru/node/51344