Н. С. Алпысбаева

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Хабаршы №1, 2024-449-463 (1) (1)

Кілт сөздер: бастауыш сынып, білім алушы, интербелсенді құралдар, қазақ тілі, 
бағдарлама, сабақ, болашақ мұғалім. 
Бізге дұрыс сілтеме жасаңыз: 
Алпысбаева Н.С., Асылова Р.О., Абдуллина Г.Т. Бастауыш сыныптың қазақ тілі сабақтарында 
оқытудың интербелсенді құралдарын қолдану // Ясауи университетінің хабаршысы. – 2024. – 
№1 (131). – Б. 449–463. https://doi.org/10.47526/2024-1/2664-0686.36 
*Cite us correctly: 
Alpysbaeva N.S., Asylova R.O., Abdullina G.T. Bastauysh synyptyn qazaq tіlі sabaqtarynda oqytudyn 
interbelsendі quraldaryn qoldanu [The Use of Interactive Teaching Tools in the Kazakh Language Lessons 
of Primary Classes] // Iasaui universitetіnіn habarshysy. – 2024. – №1 (131). – B. 449–463. 

№1 (131), 2024
ISSN-p 2306-7365 
ISSN-e 2664-0686 
N.S. Alpysbayeva
, R.O. Assylova
, G.T. Abdullina

Lecturer of Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov
(Kazakhstan, Taldykorgan), e-mail: nurka.tk@mail.ru  
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov
(Kazakhstan, Taldykorgan), e-mail: raushan_dina@mail.ru  
PhD, Acting Associate Professor of Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University 
(Kazakhstan, Turkistan), e-mail: abdullina.gulzhan@ayu.edu.kz
The Use of Interactive Teaching Tools in the Kazakh Language Lessons of Primary Classes 
Abstract. Today, the goal of the school is not only to give new knowledge, values and 
personal meanings, but also to reveal the abilities of growing younger students. The interest in 
interactive methods and tools stems from the need to improve modern practice. Interactive teaching 
methods provide solutions to educational problems. The issue of the introduction and further use of 
electronic resources in the educational process is one of the most important in modern conditions. 
The article discusses the main aspects of the use of electronic educational resources in Kazakh 
language lessons in primary school. The analysis of the readiness of future primary school teachers 
to use active means in the educational process is carried out. The general theoretical and 
methodological basis of the research problem: the scientific works on the use of interactive tools in 
the educational process are considered, the specifics of interactive methods and the theoretical 
significance of the research are revealed-pedagogical conditions for the use of interactive learning 
tools in the development of speech skills of younger schoolchildren. 
At the same time, in order to teach the subject «Kazakh language» in primary school, based 
on the results of the pedagogical practice of future primary school teachers in secondary school, the 
identification of the main contradictions between the new requirements for the development of 
students' speech skills and the insufficiently studied possibilities of using interactive learning tools 
in Kazakh language lessons in the practical implementation of these requirements is stated. 
In a comparative analysis of the results of the study, it was found that with the help of 
interactive learning tools, the positive dynamics of the presented tasks was noted, the data on the 
results of the research stages are represented by diagrams, figures. 

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