In the work there is given classification of foreign economic rela-
tions of the world countries, historically developing categories and no-
tions characterizing evolution of wold economics. The agents of finan-
cial-economic integration are analyzed on global, continent-regional
and subregional levels. In it the forms and types of integration unions
beginning from simple to complicated ones, are ofseged. There is made
an analysis of the progressive tendencies and processes taking place in
the structure of national economics with a regard to the influence of the
new dynamic factors existed on the whole gcopolitical territory.
The positive expenience and specific features of transition of eco-
nomies of the EU and CIS contries to the market and pecularities of
manifestation of this very transformation in Azerbaijan – are studied.
The comparative analysis of the basic macroindices of development of
economics as a whole and industry, in particular, with analogic indices
of the developed and CIS countries. Analogic is technical level of the
factors preventing introducing innovations.
With this, particular attention is paid to the coefficients expressing
the dependence of economics on foreign trade exchange and its
competitive ability, structure of GDP and its such components as gross
investments, export and pure export, i.e. there is separately given
functional opennes of its economics calculated through ratio of volume
of import-export and the volume of GDP, GPI and GPA.
The theories of world trade and their evolution beginning since
classical – A.Smith and D.Ricardo to modern theories of V.Leontiev and
M.Porter, are analysed, as well the arguments and factors influencing
on possibility of their application under conditions of the market post-
industrial economics, are offered.
There is made a study of dynamics of the basic indices of deve-
lopment of trade links of Azerbaijan with division into the countries:
developed, developing, EU and CIS and separate countries; structure by
periods, continents and regions, divisions, goods groups and nomen-
clature, foreign capital in its economics by forms of its attraction,
countries and resulting indices of investment institutions (joint (JE)
enterprises and 100%) are studied eash taken separately.
There is given a scheme and carried out an analysis of organization
system of the international and state regulating as well political-juridic
bases of their development by all thr channels of realization under the
conditions of formation of global network economics. There is made an
analysis and estimation of result of interior legislative norms in this
The basic thends of development FER of Azerbaijan are studied
with regard to the influence of geopolitical factors by the branchcs,
countries, transport infrastructure.
Эсма Эмир-Ильясова
Регулирование внешнеэкономических связей Азербайджана в
условиях интеграции в МЭ.
Баку-Элм -2006
Компьютерный дизайн: Гусейнова А.А.
Компьютерный набор: Нагиева О.Н.
Библиография: Мирзоева Л.М
Сдано в набор 16.XI.05 Подписано к печати 1.Xİİ.05
Формат 60х84 1-16 Объем 22,0 п.л. Тираж 300
Заказ № 87
Цена договорная
Отпечатано в типографии РПИЦ «Элм»
(Истиглалийат, 8)
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