Омела белая Viscum album Mistletoe

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5. Выводы

Подводя итоги, доклинические и клинические наблюдения показывают, что anthroposophically обработаны омелы могут поддерживать целые организмы в целом (клетки, растения, животные и люди) в их обслуживания, организации и форме, когда под угрозой за счет эндогенного образования опухолей или внешней прикладной вредных влияний. Мы поднимаем гипотезу о том, что часть наблюдаемых morphostatic эффекты anthroposophically обрабатываются Viscum album экстрактов из-за специфического антропософской фармацевтической промышленности применяется.

Кроме того, мы считаем, что средства правовой защиты и процедур фармацевтических антропософской медицины и гомеопатии, а также от других ветвей CAM в целом (напр., Европейская или китайская фитотерапия), должны быть исследованы с помощью доклинических исследований, адаптированных к теоретический контекст, из которого они были разработаны. Таким образом, мы видим необходимость дальнейшего развития доклинических подходы в исследовании рака, основанный на морфогенетические парадигмы, центрирование по борьбе с раком в нечеловеческих биологических моделей, как расстройство явление общие морфологические структуры целых организмов, а в дальнейшем и тканей, клеточных взаимодействий, предпочтительно в трехмерном in vitro модели.

Evaluation of Preclinical Assays to Investigate an Anthroposophic Pharmaceutical Process Applied to Mistletoe (Viscum album L.) Extracts

Stephan Baumgartner, Heidi Flückiger, [...], and Konrad Urech


Extracts from European mistletoe (Viscum album L.) developed in anthroposophic medicine are based on specific pharmaceutical procedures to enhance remedy efficacy. One such anthroposophic pharmaceutical process was evaluated regarding effects on cancer cell toxicity in vitro and on colchicine tumor formation in Lepidium sativum. Anthroposophically processed Viscum album extract (APVAE) was produced by mixing winter and summer mistletoe extracts in the edge of a high-speed rotating disk and was compared with manually mixed Viscum album extract (VAE). The antiproliferative effect of VAE/APVAE was determined in five cell lines (NCI-H460, DU-145, HCC1143, MV3, and PA-TU-8902) by WST-1 assay in vitro; no difference was found between VAE and APVAE in any cell line tested (P > 0.14). Incidence of colchicine tumor formation was assessed by measurement of the root/shoot-ratio of seedlings of Lepidium sativum treated with colchicine as well as VAE, APVAE, or water. Colchicine tumor formation decreased after application of VAE (−5.4% compared to water, P < 0.001) and was even stronger by APVAE (−8.8% compared to water, P < 0.001). The high-speed mistletoe extract mixing process investigated thus did not influence toxicity against cancer cells but seemed to sustain morphostasis and to enhance resistance against external noxious influences leading to phenomenological malformations.

1. Introduction

Use of extracts from European mistletoe (Viscum album ssp. album L.) for cancer treatment is based on suggestions of Steiner [1], who founded anthroposophic medicine (AM) together with Wegman in the 1920s [2]. Subsequent preclinical research into mistletoe extracts revealed a multitude of highly interesting compounds (e.g., mistletoe lectins, viscotoxins, alkaloids, triterpenes, and oligo- and polysaccharides) with antitumoral (cytotoxic, antiangiogenic) as well as immunomodulating properties [35]. Clinical application increased overall survival time and improved quality of life of patients with various forms of cancer [68] and furthermore seemed to be safe [8, 9].

There is a variety of mistletoe extracts available, differing in mistletoe host trees and extraction methods as well as further pharmaceutical processing [10]. Mistletoe extracts used in anthroposophic medicine (Iscador, Helixor, abnobaVISCUM, Iscucin, and Isorel) rely on specific anthroposophic pharmaceutical procedures that were developed on the basis of suggestions of Steiner to enhance anticancer efficacy of mistletoe [11]. In general, extracts from mistletoe harvested in different seasons (summer and winter) are mixed together in a sophisticated, specifically designed apparatus.

From a pharmaceutical point of view, the question arises whether the anthroposophic pharmaceutical procedures applied indeed enhance anticancer efficacy as intended. This in turn leads to the following question: which methods are suited and applicable to study any such increase in remedy efficacy? In general, mechanism studies performed on the cellular level are considered to be the scientifically and ethically appropriate first step prior proceeding to animal or human experimentation.

Correspondingly, determination of the toxicity of differently processed mistletoe extracts in cancer cell lines can be seen as first step to study the pharmaceutical process in question. This approach is based on the basic assumption that cancer is a cell-based disease, caused by multiple mutations of normal cells resulting in malignant cells, eventually supported by nonmalignant cells in the environment [12, 13].

A complementary view of cancer is that this disease is primarily a phenomenon at the level of multicellular organization. According to this view, tumors form if the organism as a whole is too weak to control individual cell growth [14]. Lately, the tissue organization field theory (TOFT) was put forward to challenge the somatic mutation theory (SMT) of cancer [15]. Anthroposophic medicine also presumes tumors to be failures of morphostasis and that cancer is primarily a coordination problem of the different super- and subordinated organizational levels within an organism [16, 17]. Correspondingly, anthroposophic tumor therapy complements conventional antitumor therapy with special measures to reestablish superordinate control and regulation [18, 19].

Methods and tools of preclinical research in cancer depend on the basic underlying paradigm, that is, the basic concept and understanding of cancer, its causes, and its formation (e.g., SMT or TOFT). Approaches based on the somatic mutation theory firstly center on cell-based bioassays and consequently on cell-tissue interactions. Preclinical approaches in cancer research based on the morphogenetic paradigm are much less developed [14]. For principal reasons, these primarily center on cancer in nonhuman biological models as a disorder phenomenon of the general morphological structure of entire organisms and subsequently also tissue-cell interactions, preferably in three-dimensional in vitro models.

The aim of the present study was to compare two complementary preclinical approaches to investigate the effects of one particular anthroposophic pharmaceutical process designed to enhance mistletoe efficacy. In this process, extracts from European mistletoe harvested in summer and winter are mixed together in the edge of a high-speed rotating disk. First, possible alterations in cell-based toxicity were tested in a panel of five cancer cell lines. Second, we investigated the potential of a newly developed morphological bioassay in which correspondingly processed mistletoe extracts were examined regarding their potential to protect plants from the damaging, shape changing effects of colchicine (colchicine tumor formation in Lepidium sativum L.).

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