Оқу құралы Қарағанды 2011 (02) ббк 81. 2 Англ я 7 у 57 рецензенттер

Жақшаны ашып, етістіктерді Present Perfect немесе Past Indefinite-ке қойыңыз

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Жақшаны ашып, етістіктерді Present Perfect немесе Past Indefinite-ке қойыңыз:

1. We already (to read) this book.

2. The boys know that their mother never (to be) late.

3. I (to see) my teacher today.

4. She (to meet) her last Sunday.

5. He (to meet) his friend two hours ago.

6. I just (to meet) our teacher.

7. Yesterday John and Mary (to search) for a new house.

8. We already (to have) lunch and now we (to be going) to return back to work.

9. My friend (to receive) the diploma this year.

10. He (to receive) the diploma last year.

11. The rain (to stop) an hour ago.

12. The postman (to bring) the letter in the morning today.

13. The postman (to bring) the letter in the morning yesterday.

14. He (to wed) to the good girl this month.

15. He (to wed) to the good girl last month.
Аяқталған өткен шақ

The Past Perfect Tense

The Past Perfect Tense өткен шақта белгілі бір уақытқа қарай аяқталған және болған іс-әрекетті көрсету үшін қолданылады.

Жасалу жолы: had + V +ed (PII)

Сұраулы сөйлем: Had he done his work by 4?

Болымсыз сөйлем: He had not done his work by 4.





I had worked

You had worked

He had worked

She had worked

We had worked

You had worked

They had worked

Had I worked?

Had you worked?

Had he worked?

Had she worked?

Had we worked?

Had you worked?

Had they worked?

I had not worked

You had not worked

He had not worked

She had not worked

We had not worked

You had not worked

They had not worked


1. Өткен шақтан бұрын болған іс-әрекетті көрсету үшін: When I telephoned Sue, she had gone out.

2. Өткен шақта белгілі бір уақытта аяқталған іс-әрекетті көрсету үшін: They had finished the experimed by Saturday.

3. Салалас құрмалас сөйлемдерде hardly... when, scarely... when, no sooner... than жалғаулықтарымен қолданылатын бір іс-әрекет екінші іс-әрекеттен бұрын болғанын көрсету үшін: Hardly had he entered the room when he heard some noise.

Бұл уақыт:

1). by предлогы арқылы: We had translated the text by 2 o’clock - Біз мәтінді екіге қарай аударып біттік.

2). Past Indefinite–тегі етістік арқылы өткен іс-әрекетті көрсетуі мүмкін: I had done my work begore my friend came to me - Менің досым келгенше дейін мен жұмысымды бітірдім.

Аяқталған келер шақ
The Future Perfect Tense

The Future Perfect Tense келер шақта белгілі бір уақытта аяқталған іс-әрекетті көрсету үшін қолданылады. Уақыт пысықтауышы by қолданылады. He will have come to school by 2. – Ол мектепке екіге қарай келіп қалады.

Жасалу жолы: shall/will have + V +ed (PII)

Сұраулы сөйлем: Will he have come to school by 2?

Болымсыз сөйлем: He will not have come to school by 2.





I shall have written

You will have written

He will have written

She will have written

We will have written

You will have written

They will have written

Shall I have written?

Will you have written?

Will he have written?

Will she have written?

Will we have written?

Will you have written?

Will they have written?

I shall have not written

You will have not written

He will have not written

She will have not written

We will have not written

You will have not written

They will have not written

Нақ осы шақ

The Present Continuous Tense

Нақ осы шақ қимылдың, іс-әрекеттің сөйлеп тұрған сәтте істеліп, болып жатқанын білдіреді. Қазақ тіліне аударғанда отыр, жатыр, тұр, жүр деген етістіктер арқылы аударылады.

Мысалы: I am speaking now – Мен қазір сөйлеп тұрмын.

Нақ осы шақ to be + V + ing (PI) арқылы жасалады.





I am working

You are working

He is working

She is working

It is working

We are working

You are working

They are working

Am I working?

Are you working?

Is he working?

Is she working?

Is it working?

Are we working?

Are you working?

Are they working?

I am not working

You are not working

He is not working

She is not working

It is not working

We are not working

You are not working

They are not working


  1. Сөйлеп тұрған кезде болып жатқан іс-әрекет. I am reading now. – Мен қазір кітап оқып отырмын.

  2. Нақ осы шақ іс-әрекеттің сөйлеп тұрған сәтте емес, уақытша болып жатқанын білдіреді. I’m living in Karaganda. – Мен Қарағандыда тұрып жатырмын.

  3. Жақын арада болатын тәртіпке енгізілген іс-әрекет. – Can I have an appointment with Dr. Morgan? – No, I’m sorry. Dr. Morgan is playing golf tomorrow afternoon.

Сезімді білдіретін етістіктер (to love, to like, to hear, to see, to know, to feel, to understand және т.б.) Continuous формасын қабылдамайды. Олар жай осы шақ формасында тұрады.

Сұраулы сөйлем: Сұраулы сөйлем жасау үшін to be етістігі бастауыштың алдына шығады. Am I speaking now? – Мен қазір сөлеп тұрмын ба?

Болымсыз сөйлем: to be етістігінен кейін not көмекші сөзі қосылады. I am not speaking now – Мен сөйлеп тұрған жоқпын.

Бекіту жаттығулары
Жаттығу №1

Дәл осы шақта не істеп жатқаныңызды айтыңыз.

Example: Look at the window, please! - I am looking at the window.

  1. Look at the blackboard, please! _________________________

  2. Write your exercise into your exrcise-book! _________________

  3. Take your textbook! __________________

  4. Answer my question! __________________

  5. Give me your pen, please. ______________________

  6. Show me your exercise-book, please! _________________________

Жаттығу №2

Сөйлемді Present Continuous-та толықтырыңыз

  1. We ______(to fly) to America.

  2. I ____ (to sit) next to a very nice American girl, Linda, by name.

  3. Linda and her younger sister _______ (to play) games together.

  4. Linda's brother ________ (to teach) me American English.

  5. We ______ (to fly) over the Atlantic ocean.

  6. Some people _______ (to read) newspapers or magazines.

  7. Other people ________ (to talk).

  8. A group of students ________ (to watch) TV.

  9. The little girl in front of me ______ (to sleep).

Жаттығу №3

Етістіктерді Present Continuous немесе Present Indefinite-ке қойыңыз

1. His father (not to watch) TV at the moment. He (to sleep) because he (to be) tired. 2. Pat (not to cook) dinner at the moment. She (to talk) dinner every Monday. 3. I (not to drink) coffee now. I (to write) an English exercise. 4. I (not to drink) coffee in the evening. I (to drink) coffee in the morning. 5. Your friend (to do) his homework now? 6. Your friend (to go) to school in the morning? 7. Look! The baby (to sleep). 8. The baby always (to sleep) after dinner. 9. My grandmother (not to work). She is on pension. 10. My father (not to sleep) now. He (to work) in the garden. 11. I usually (to get) up at seven o’clock in the morning. 12. What your sister (to do) now? – She (to wash) her face and hands. 13. When you usually (to come) home from school? – I (to come) at three o’clock. 14. Where your cousin (to work)? – He (to work) at a hospital. 15. Your sister (to study) at college? – No, she (to go) to school.

Созылыңқы өткен шақ

The Past Continuous Tense

The Past Continuous Tense to be көмекші етістігі өткен шақта және Participle I негізгі етістіктен жасалады:

was/were + V+ing





I was working

You were working

He was working

She was working

It was working

We were working

You were working

They were working

Was I working?

Were you working?

Was he working?

Was she working?

Was it working?

Were we working?

Were you working?

Were they working?

I was not working

You were not working

He was not working

She was not working

It was not working

We were not working

You were not working

They were not working


  1. Созылыңқы өткен шақ өткен шақта сөйлеп тұрған кезде болып жатқан іс-әрекет. I was reading a book when the telephone rang.

  2. Өткен шақтағы белгілі бір уақыттағы болып жатқан іс-әрекет. He was living abroad in 1982.

  3. Бір уақытта болып жатқан екі созылыңқы іс-әрекет. While he was cooking dinner, Ann was laying the table.

Сұраулы сөйлем: Сұраулы сөйлемжасау үшін to be етістігі бастауыштың алдына шығады. Was he living abroad in 1982?

Болымсыз сөйлем: to be етістігінен кейін not көмекші сөзі қосылады. He was not living abroad in 1982.
Бекіту жаттығулары
Жаттығу №1

Бос орындарды Past Continuous-та тұрған етсітіктермен толықтырыңыз.

  1. I ____ (to read) an interesting book at 12 o'clock yesterday.

  2. My friends _____ (to play) football from 3 till 4 o'clock yesterday.

  3. My mother ______ (to cook) supper at 6 o'clock yesterday.

  4. When I came home my brother _____ (to watch) TV.

  5. At this time yesterday my grandparents ________ (to listen) to music at the Chaikovsky Hall.

  6. Yesterday at 7 o'clock I and my friends ______ (to talk) on art.

  7. Then from 8 till 9 o'clock we ______ (to look) through magazines.

Жаттығу №2

Мәтінді оқып, шақтардың қолданылуына талдау жасаңыздар. Мәтіннің соңындағы сұрақтарға жауап беріңіздер.
An Embarrassing Incident

One day last summer I was walking through the local park. It was a hot day and I was eating an ice cream. As I was walking past the boating lake, I saw my friends, Carol and Jim. They were taking their dog for a walk. When we met, we stopped for a chat. While we were talking, the dog suddenly jumped up and tried to get my ice cream. I pulled my hand away and unfortunately the ice-cream came out of the cone. Now there was a bald man behind me. The poor man wasn't doing any harm. He was just sit¬ting on a bench and reading a newspaper. Well, when I pulled my hand away, the ice cream flew through the air and it landed on the man's head. I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. When I looked at my friends, they weren't just laughing, they were in hysterics. But I was terribly embarrassed.

  1. Where was the man walking one day ?

  2. What was he eating?

  3. Who was taking a dog for a walk?

  4. Was a bald man sitting on a bench or walking along the road?

  5. The poor man wasn't doing any harm, was he?

  6. I wonder why Carol and Jim were laughing?

Жаттығу №3

Жақшаны ашып, етістіктерді Past Continuous Tense формасына қойыңыз

  1. This morning was really beautiful. The sun (shine), the birds (sing) and everyone in the street (smile) and (say) hello to each other.

  2. Mrs Patrik looked beautiful last night. She (wear) a lovely evening dress.

  3. When we arrived, she (make) some coffee.

  4. While I (have) a bath the telephone rang.

  5. While we (walk) in the park it began to rain.

  6. At 3 o'clock yesterday a geometry lesson (go) on. The teacher (draw) diagrams on the blackboard but I (look) through the window and heard nothing.

  7. The dentist's waiting room was full of people. Some (read) magazines, others just (turn) over the pages. A woman (knit), a child (play) with a toy car.

  8. I lit the fire at 6.00 and it (burn) brightly when Jane came in.

  9. - The house next to yours was full of policemen and police dogs yesterday. - What they (do)? - I heard that they (look) for drugs.

  10. "What you (do) between 9.00 and 10.00 yesterday?" asked the detective. "I (clean) my house", said Mrs Jones. "I always clean my house at this time"

Созылыңқы келер шақ

The Future Continuous Tense

The Future Continuous Tense to be көмекші етістігі келер шақта және Participle I негізгі етістіктен жасалады:

shall/will be + V + ing





I shall be working

You will be working

He will be working

She will be working

It will be working

We shall be working

You will be working

They will be working

Shall I be working?

Will you be working?

Will he be working?

Will she be working?

Will it be working?

Shall we be working?

Will you be working?

Will they be working?

I shall not be working

You will not be working

He will not be working

She will not be working

It will not be working

We shall not be working

You will not be working

They will not be working


  1. Белгілі бір кезде басталып келер шақта әлі орындалып жататын іс-әрекет: He will be reading an English book when I return home – Мен үйге келгенде ол ағылшын кітабын оқып отырады.

  2. Белгілі бір кезде келер шақта болып жататын іс-әрекет: He will be working on a new play during this summer – Осы жазда ол жаңа пьесасымен жұмыс істейтін болады.

  3. Созылмаған, бірақ алдын-ала жоспарланған іс-әрекет: I’ll be meeting them at the station – Мен оларды аялдамада тосып тұрамын.

  4. Екі қатар болып жататын, біреуі екіншісін келер шақ екенін көрсететін іс-әрекеттер: While my mother is reading a book I shall be playing the piano – Менің анам кітап оқып отырғанда мен пианино ойнап отыратын боламын.

Сұраулы сөйлем: Сұраулы сөйлем жасау үшін shall/will етістігі бастауыштың алдына шығады. Shall I be meeting them at the station?

Болымсыз сөйлем: shall/will етістігінен кейін not көмекші сөзі қосылады. I shall not be meeting them at the station.
Аяқталған созылыңқы осы шақ

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Бұл шақ Present Perfect- те тұрған to be етістігі және Participle I-де тұрған негізгі етістік арқылы жасалады:

have/has + been + V+ing





I have been working

You have been working

He has been working

She has been working

It has been working

We have been working

You have been working

They have been working

Have I beenworking?

Have you been working?

Has he been working?

Has she been working?

Has it been working?

Have we been working?

Have you been working?

Have they been working?

I have not been working

You have not been working

He has not been working

She has not been working

It has not been working

We have not been working

You have not been working

They have not been working


1. Өткен шақта басталып, белгілі бір уақыт аралығында орындалып, сөйлеп тұрған сәтке дейін аяқталып біткен іс-әрекетті көрсету үшін:

He is out of breath. He has been running fast.

2. Өткен шақта басталып,әлі болып жатқан іс-әрекетті көрсету үшін:

I have been watching TV since 5 o’clock.

Кейбір етістіктер Present Perfect Continuous-та қолданылмайды. Ондай етістіктер іс-әрекетті емес, ойлау, жағдайды, сезімді білдіреді. Ондай етістіктер: want, like, have, know, believe, need, love belong, realize, mean, suppose, forget, understand, seem, see, hear және т.б. Ондай жағдайда Present Perfect Continuous орнына Present Perfect қолданылады.

Аяқталған созылыңқы өткен шақ

The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Бұл шақ Past Perfect- те тұрған to be етістігі және Participle I-де тұрған негізгі етістік арқылы жасалады:

had + been + V+ing





I had been working

You had been working

He had been working

She had been working

It had been working

We had been working

You had been working

They had been working

Had I beenworking?

Had you been working?

Had he been working?

Had she been working?

Had it been working?

Had we been working?

Had you been working?

Had they been working?

I had not been working

You had not been working

He had not been working

She had not been working

It had not been working

We had not been working

You had not been working

They had not been working


1. Өткен шақта басталып, өткен шақта белгілі бір уақытта аяқталатын созыллыңқы іс-әрекетті көрсету үшін:

He was out of breath. He had been running fast.

2. Белгілі бір уақытта өткен шақта басталып, өткен шақта белгілі бір уақытта болып жатқан іс-әрекетті көрсету үшін:

I had been teaching English for ten years when we met.
Аяқталған созылыңқы келер шақ

The Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Бұл шақ Future Perfect- те тұрған to be етістігі және Participle II-де тұрған негізгі етістік арқылы жасалады:

shall/will + have + been + V+ing





I shall have been working

You will have been working

He will havebeen working

She will have been working

It will have been working

We shall have been working

You will have been working

They will have been working

Shall I have been working?

Will you have been working?

Will he havebeen working?

Will she have been working?

Will it have been working?

Shall we have been working?

Will you have been working?

Will they have been working?

I shall not have been working

You will not have been working

He will not has been working

She will not have been working

It will not have been working

We shall not have been working

You will not have been working

They will not have been working

Келер шақта белгілі бір уақытта басталып, келер шақта белгілі бір уақытта болып жататын іс-әрекетті көрсету үшін қолданылады.
Бекіту жаттығулары
Жаттығу №1

Етістіктерді Present Continuous, Present Indefinite немесе Future Indefinite-ке қойыңыз

1. My sister (not to like) coffee. 2. When you (to go) to bed every day? 3. What he (to read) now? 4. What he (to read) every day? 5. What he (to read) tomorrow? 6. You (to give) me this book tomorrow? 7. Where she (to be) tomorrow? 8. Where she (to go) tomorrow? 9. She (to go) to the country with us tomorrow? 10. They (to stay) at home tomorrow. 11. What you (to do) now? I (to see) that you (not to read). 12.  When you (to finish) your homework? It (to be) very late, it (to be) time to go to bed. 13. How you usually (to spend) evenings? 14. What you (to do) in the country next summer? 15. They (not to drink) tea now. I (to think) they (to watch) TV. 16. What your father (to drink) in the evening? 17. When you (to get) up every day? - I (to get) up at seven o'clock. 18. My brother usually (not to get) up at seven o'clock. As a rule, he (to get) up at six o'clock, but tomorrow he (to get) up at seven o'clock. 19. Why she (to come) home so late tomorrow? 20. We (to go) to the country the day after tomorrow.

Жаттығу №2

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