Пән мұғалімі : Сыныбы: 9Ә 2021-2022 оқу жылы кіріспе

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Leveled exercises № 26
Деңгейлік тапсырма № 26

I level / I деңгей
Open the brackets with either gerunds or infinitives. Use prepositions or adverbs where necessary.
1. There is no point (worry) about these things.
2. Do you want me (order) a long-distance call?
3. Before (give) evidence you must swear (speak) the truth.
4. I've seen him (leave) the office early this afternoon. He seemed (be) unhappy about something.
5. She didn't succeed (be) economical.
6. Would you mind (look up) his telephone number?.

II level/II деңгей
Choose the right variant with the following verbs.
1. Remember (to look/looking) ahead when driving.
2. When you go on that mission please remember (to point out/pointing out) to people there that our stand on this issue remains the same. — I won't fail to do that.
3. Do you remember (to meet/meeting) them last summer?
4. Remember (to phone/phoning) as soon as arrive.
5. The policeman asked me if I clearly remembered (to lock/ locking) the door before I went to bed.
6.1 remember (to pay/paying) him. I gave him two pounds.
III level/III деңгей
Open the brackets with either gerunds or infinitives.
1.1 don't remember (switch off) the TV set. I'd better (go) and (check) it.
2. The weather is very nice. Let's (go) for a swim. — I am not particularly good at (swim). What about (go) for a drive instead of (bathing)?
3. We stopped once (buy) some food, and then we stopped again (ask) the way.
4. Do you feel like (dine) out or would you rather (have) dinner at home? — I'd like (go) out. I always enjoy (have) dinner at a restaurant.
5.1 don't mind (travel) by bus but I hate (stand) if there are a lot of people. I think it's better (go) by tube.

Answers Test № 26
Жауаптар Тест № 26

1.d 2.d 3.a 4.c 5.a 6. b 7. b 8. b 9. b 10.b

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