Y.A. Syrgabek
, M. Alimzhanova
, A. Amandykova
, T.N. Akylbekova
Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, 050070,
Almaty, al-Farabi ave, 71, Kazakhstan, e-mail: serkanat96@gmail.com
Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, 050070,
Almaty, al-Farabi ave, 71, Kazakhstan, e-mail: mereke.84@mail.ru
Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, 050070,
Almaty, al-Farabi ave, 71, Kazakhstan, e-mail:asem.amandikova1999@gmail.com
Kazakh National Pedagogical University.Abai, Institute of Natural Sciences and
Geography, Faculty of Chemistry, 050070, Almaty,Dostyk Ave., 13,
Kazakhstan, e-mail: turar.83@mail.ru
Abstract. The total humus content in the distribution along the profile was studied, which
corresponds to each type and dark brown soil; the highest humus content is 3.68 %.It is estab-
lished that there is a clear correlation between the content of humus in the soil and the number of
soil invertebrates, which allows the use of data on the total composition of the mesofauna for the
characteristics and this indicator. The influence of the humus content on the soil mesofauna con-
tent is considered on a dark brown soil with a humus content in the upper layers of 3.68 %, the
number of soil mesofauna was 28 species/m
. The main representative of the group of geobionts
in dark brown soil are earthworms (Lumbricus). Their high soil content correlates with a high
humus content and good soil structure. It is established that changes in the chemical composition
of the environment, the physical properties of soils lead to changes in the number and species
composition of organisms
Key words:mesofauna, soil, microaggregate, bioindicator.
Modern viticulture of Kazakhstan is
an economically independent and socially
significant branch of agriculture with a
long tradition of growing grapes, making
high-quality wines, champagne, brandy,
juices, and supplying fresh grapes to re-
mote regions of the country.
Grapes are fruits with high biological
activity. It is used in the food industry for
several applications, including juices and
jams. These compounds lead to a large
number of by-products, which may contain
biologically active compounds with inter-
esting biological properties [1]. There are
many useful antioxidants in grapes. In fact,
more than 1,600 beneficial plant com-
pounds have been identified in this fruit.
Antioxidants in grapes remain present
even after fermentation, so red wine also
contains many of these compounds [2-4].
Numerous studies have been carried out
about its benefits, showing that resveratrol
protects against heart disease, lowers
blood sugar levels and protects against
cancer [5]. Containing a large amount of
beneficial plant compounds, this fruit can
help protect against certain types of can-
cer [3]. Compounds found in grapes can
help protect against high cholesterol levels,
reducing cholesterol absorption [6]. In one
study, 69 people with high levels cholester-
ol has been shown that eating three cups
(500 grams) of red grapes per day for eight
weeks reduces total and cholesterol [7].
The traditionally recognized useful-
ness of grapes is confirmed by modern
studies of anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory,
anti-neoplastic activities, a positive effect
on the cardiovascular system of com-
pounds present in certain ratios in all
listed viticulture products.However, the
vineyard areas in Kazakhstan, compared
with the 1980s, have decreased more than
half, and the gross harvest has decreased
more than three times [8].