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Text 15A 
Environmental Protection 
Scientific and technological progress of the twenty-first century re-
sulted in widespread mechanization, automated lines computerized 
management, spaceships, atomic power stations, pipelines, new roads 
and highways. 
But it can not be denied that the price for rapid industrial develop-
ment is very high: natural resources are exhausted, the ecological bal-
ance of the planet is disturbed; some species of flora and fauna disap-
pear; city and industry waters, chemicals and fertilizers are endanger-
ing lakes, rivers and ponds. Big cities have a problem with air pollu-
tion: the "Killer Smog" caused some 3500-4000 deaths in London in 
December 1952. Progress can be blamed for all these environmental 
In recent years the pollution problems have received great public-
ity. The Environmental movement associated with no political party 
has gained widespread trust and support. Environmental activities 
stress that the problem is caused by industrial pollution and the auto-
mobile. Long-established environmental groups warn that acid rains 
threaten many forests. The media's begun to campaign against the ug-
liness of billboards, tin cans and trash. Many people started to realize 
that to keep air and water clean, strict pollution control is necessary. 
The protection of natural resources and wildlife is becoming a po-
litical program in every country. Numerous antipollution acts passed 
in different countries led to considerable improvements in environ-
ment. In many countries purifying systems for treatment of industrial 
waters have been installed, measures have been taken to protect rivers 
and seas from oil waters. Wildlife reservation models of undisturbed 
nature are being developed in some parts of the world. 
But the environmental problems have grown beyond the concern 
of a single country. Their solution requires the cooperation of all na-

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