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Text 2D 
Implementing Land Use Planning in
Development Co-operation 
Land use planning is implemented in order to make decision for 
present problems (e.g. soil erosion, insufficient agricultural production 
and low income in rural households) with the planning towards long-
term conservation and sustainable use of land resources. Therefore 
such planning is based on precautions and is future-oriented based on 
the interests, viewpoints and problem solving potential of the partici-
Land use planning has an integrated character because experience 
has shown that problems in the field of land resources management 
can't be solved by sectoral measures only. It is necessary to find ap-
propriate combinations of different measures in technical, economic 
and social fields and to define them in harmony with each other. This 
can be achieved through wise land use planning. 
Land use planning is used in order to find solutions to conflicts 
among various groups of the population, among different villages, be-
tween villages and authorities or large companies, between farmers 
and pastoralists, etc. In this process rules of using the land are negoti-
ated between the parties involved in the conflict. 
The different approaches reflect the spectrum of contributions to 
solutions expected from a process in land use planning. The examples 
show, participation-oriented land use planning has already a notable 
success in projects of the technical co-operation. Integrated land use 
planning should be applied when the biophysical dimension has to be 
combined with social, political, cultural, economic and legal aspects. 
In other words, land use planning is applied when social conflicts 

whose origins often lie in the nature of the current land use or in the 
form of access to resources must be settled. 
Various obstacles are placed in the path which may hamper the 
achievements of the objectives. Creative, realistic, and professional 
handling of the tools in land use planning are required to cope with all 
obstacles. Land use planning only makes sense if the contributions to 
the solutions in the development co-operation can be anchored in a 
sustainable way, and there is a prospect of applying the approach not 
only locally but also at larger scales.

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