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Geography-Kozlova (1)

8 Lesson 8 The Ocean 
8.1 Words and word combinations to the text 
to permit – позволять 
to comprise – составлять 
source – источник 
quantity – количество 
mankind – человечество 
ignorant – несведущий 
volcano – вулкан 
cone – конус 
to jut – выдаваться, выступать
solution – раствор 
sodium chloride – хлорид натрия (поваренная соль) 
oxygen – кислород 
carbon dioxide gas – углекислый газ 
to derive – получать, извлекать 
to alter – изменять(ся) 
wastes – отходы 
chemicals – химические препараты 
pollutants – загрязняющие вещества 
depository – хранилище 
silver – серебро 
gold – золото 
magnesium – магний 
bromine – бром 
seaweed – морская водоросль 
iodine – йод 
8.2 Find Russian equivalents to the following word combinations 
as far as we know 
общая площадь 
the total area 
самый распространенный
square/cubic mile 
запасы пресной воды 
fresh water supply 
потенциальный источник металлов 
until recent years
до недавних пор 
the most abundant 
квадратная/кубическая миля 
a potential source of metals 
насколько нам известно 
8.3 Pay attention to the pronunciation of the following geographical names 
the Marianas Deep [ma:ri´a:n z di:p] – Марианская Впадина 

the Hawaiian Islands [ha:´w ii n ´ail
∂ ∂

nd ] – Гавайские острова 
8.4 Read and translate the text 
The Ocean 
The earth is unusual among the planets of the Solar System in possessing a 
surface temperature that permits water to exist in all three states: liquid, solid and 
gas. The earth is also the only body in the solar system, as far as we know, to have 
oceans. Actually one should say “ocean”, because the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and 
Arctic oceans all comprise one connected body of salt water in which the Europe-
Asia-Africa mass, the American continents and smaller bodies such as Antarctica and 
Australia can be considered islands. 
The statistics of the world ocean are impressive. It has a total area of 140 million 
square miles and covers more than 70 per cent of the earth's surface. It contains 98 
per cent of all the H
O on the earth and is the source of the earth’s fresh water supply 
as well, for 80,000 cubic miles of it are evaporated each year to fall again as rain. 
The ocean is of peculiar importance to life. Almost certainly, the first forms of 
life originated there, and from the standpoint of sheer quantity, the oceans still 
contain most of our planet’s life.
And yet, until recent years mankind has been as ignorant of the oceans and 
particularly of the ocean floor as of another planet. Even today, astronomers know 
more about the surface of the moon than geologists know about the surface of the 
earth under the oceans. 
It was once assumed that the deepest levels of the seas would be found farthest
from land. But now we do know, that the deepest parts of the ocean are all near land, 
the Marianas Deep being the deepest of them (36,198 feet deep, south of Japan). 
Volcanoes have been found by the hundreds in the deep sea, rising as cones 
from many parts of the ocean floor, occasionally reaching high enough to jut up 
above the sea level, as in the Hawaiian Islands. 
Sea water is a solution of various salts, sodium chloride being the most abundant 
of the salts. In addition to salts, seawater contains small amounts of dissolved gases, 
such as oxygen and carbon dioxide. Most of this content is derived from the 
atmosphere and some is produced by the life present in the oceans. The natural 
composition of the sea has been gradually altered by the addition of man-made 
wastes, chemicals and pollutants of various kinds. 
The oceans are a giant depository for elements, including metals, which have 
been brought from land by rivers and streams. Because it has been found to contain 
almost all the metals and other elements used by man, sea water can be considered a 
potential source of the metals to be needed in the future. As much as 20 billion tons 
of uranium, 500 million tons of silver, 10 million tons of gold, magnesium and 
bromine, seaweed (an important source of iodine) are contained in the oceans. 

8.5 Say whether the following statements are true or false 
1. The earth is unusual among the planets of the Solar System because water can 
exist in all three states: liquid, solid and gas. 
2. Some planets of the Solar System have oceans. 
3. The world ocean covers more than 98 per cent of the earth’s surface. 
4. The deepest parts of the ocean are found far from the land. 
5. Sea water is a solution of various substances; the most abundant of them is 
6. Most of the oxygen and carbon dioxide content in the ocean water is derived from 
the atmosphere. 
7. Many various elements, including metals, are contained in the oceans. 
8.6 Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the text 
1. The oceans are a giant ………. for elements. 
2. All four oceans comprise one ………. of salt water. 
3. ………. of the world ocean is 140 million square miles. 
4. ………. is the deepest part of the ocean.
5. ………. have been found by the hundreds in the deep sea, rising as ………. from 
many parts of the ocean floor. 
6. 800,000 cubic miles of water are ………. each year to fall again as ………. . 
7. Sea-water can be considered ………. of the metals to be needed in the future. 
8.7 Complete the following sentences 
1. Speaking about the oceans of the earth one should say “ocean” because…….… . 
2. The ocean is the source of the earth’s fresh water supply for…….… . 
3. Even today, astronomers know more about the surface of the moon than 
geologists ………. . 
4. The world ocean has been gradually altered by the addition of ………. . 
5. The oceans contain various elements, among them …….… . 
6. Sea-water can be considered a potential source of the metals to be needed in the 
future because …….... . 
7. In addition to salts, sea-water contains …….… . 
8.8 Translate into English 
1. Вода на нашей планете существует в жидком, твердом и газообразном 
2. Ежегодно 80 000 кубических миль воды испаряется и затем выпадает в виде 
3. Первые формы жизни появились в океане. 

4. Некоторые вулканы очень высокие. Они выступают над поверхностью моря. 
5. Большинство элементов химического состава морской воды поступает из
атмосферы, а некоторые вырабатываются живыми морскими организмами. 
6. Важным источником йода являются водоросли. 
8.9 Read and translate the dialogue. Reproduce it 
A: I’ve read a very interesting book about the oceans and the ocean floor. 
B: What facts were the most interesting? 
A: The greatest geographical discovery made in modern times was that of the mid-
oceanic ridge, a great mountain range, some 40,000 miles long, winding its way 
through every ocean of the world.
B: Why is this discovery considered to be of great importance? 
A: We now know that it has a number of branches and that a fracture zone is to be 
found at the centre of the entire ridge. Most of the earthquakes that take place under 
the sea are centred along this zone. 
8.10 Answer the following questions 
Why is the earth unusual among the other planets? 
Give all the data relating to the world ocean. 
Why is the ocean of peculiar importance to life? 
Where is the deepest part of the ocean situated? 
What is the chemical composition of sea water? 
Why is the world ocean called “a giant depository for elements”? 
8.11 Write down a summarizing sentence for each paragraph of the text “The 
Ocean”. On the basis of the above task prepare an oral summary of the text 


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