Associati ve onomastics: names leave the
reader with an
specifying and
deepening the
of the image.
- Different categories of onyms
have a different degree of imagery. So,
classical and biblical names have
stability compared with the new names
that allows the writers in their use to
rely on the same situational association
understood by the representatives of
almost all without exception cultures.
Education" the name of the beloved
of Frederick Mme Arnoux – Marie is the obvious biblical allusion - a
symbol of the supremacy of a sacred
mother’s essence over a woman's
coquetry. A successful onomastic
association is to highlight the image
of Mme Arnoux from a series of
female characters in literature.
Thus, the choice of aesthetic onomastics in fiction contributes to the solution of some
stylistic problems which the author poses to a particular character. Due to their characterizing
potential, all kinds of aesthetic onyms may function as a symbol of nature or destiny of the
characters within fiction. Moreover, the role of toponyms and other different from anthroponyms
onomastics is often reduced to an indirect characterization of the characters that is explained by
the general concept of anthropocentrism in literature.
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